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Male | 16

لماذا أرى ألوان قوس قزح حول المصباح الكهربائي؟

لقد استيقظت عيني وحاولت النظر إلى مصابيح الإضاءة الخاصة بي ورأيت شيئًا مثل ألوان قوس قزح حولها وأيضًا كرة عيني أصبحت حمراء منذ الصباح

1 Answer
الدكتور سوميت أغراوال

طبيب عيون / جراح عيون

Answered on 7th Sept '24

أنت تعاني من مرض يسمى إجهاد العين. في الوقت الحاضر، أصبح من الشائع أن يعاني الناس من مشاكل في بصرهم. عندما تكون عيناك مجهدتين، فقد تظهر عليهما ألوان المشكال أو اللون الأحمر. وهذا ممكن عندما تحدق العيون في المصابيح الكهربائية لفترة طويلة. للمساعدة، أرح عينيك بالنظر بعيدًا عن الشاشات والأضواء. قد تكون قطرات العين أو النظارات مفيدة أيضًا. 

4 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Eye" (154)

Dry eyes Arthartist, cornea and terziam Please suggest best doctor

Female | 54

Hi, for dry eyes and cornea related issues, the treatment options will probably vary based on the underlying cause and severity of the condition.
You can check out the best eye doctors for your treatment here - Best Ophthalmologists in India 
Hope this is helpful.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, I am 42 years old, I have got eye dryness and excess tearing problem, though I got this treatment but couldn't improve.

Male | 42

Your condition could be caused by allergies or medications.. Consult an ophthalmologist to determine the root cause. Apply warm compresses and avoid certain environments. Artificial tears or gels can also alleviate dryness . But don't go for self treatment, contact a specialized earliest

Answered on 11th Oct '24

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I wanna take murine 300 or Vitacover since it has omega 3 and lycopene which are good for heart and eyes. So can I take those capsules ? If yes then how many capsules per week ?

Male | 21

Omega-3 and lycopene are indeed good for them. Apart from that, you can get these benefits by taking Murine 300 or Vitacover. The proper dosage is to take 1 capsule of one of them per day. These capsules have a role in maintaining your heart's health & your eyes' good shape. 

Answered on 17th Oct '24

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The Doctor has prescribed me glasses with a degree of +0.75 ... I don't feel comfortable for this , I think this degree of glasses is too much. what do you think sir. I will wear glasses for the first time. I am very busy at the computer these days. If I wear glasses, depending on the degree of glasses I thought it was too much, will my eye problems progress over time...

Male | 44

Wearing wrong glasses causes only discomfort and eyestrains.If you have any doubt it is better to go for a second opinion. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi ..I am forty-eight years old... Can I have LASIK to correct my vision... ??

Male | 48

Lasik eligibility depends on having a stable vision, eye health, and corneal thickness. At age 48, it's essential to consult an eye care specialist to determine if lasik is suitable for you. Other vision correction options like implantable lenses can be considered if Lasik isn't recommended.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello i am 14 years old and i constantly see lightning in the corner of my eye?? im super stressed and i overreact easily

Male | 14

Seeing flashes of light or "lightning" in your peripheral vision can sometimes be a symptom of an eye related issue. However, stress and anxiety can also cause visual disturbances, including perceived flashes of light. Meantime it may be helpful to practice stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness or meditation. If this also doesn't help then visit an eye specialist to get it checked.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 46 year old female..from few months I had observed puffiness around my eyes.. especially around lower eye lid..but now from few months it's seen on the upper eyes lid of my right eyes. Could it be just age related or some other reason.

Female | 46

It is likely that the puffiness around your eyes can be age related.  But certain medial conditions can also cause puffiness such as thyroid problem, allergies etc. Please consult a doctor if the puffiness worsens or does not go away. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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