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9 Week Ectopic Pregnancy Surgery: Risks and Facts to Know

By Mitali Pawar| Last Updated at: 27th Mar '24| 16 Min Read

Overview of ectopic pregnancy surgery

Ectopic pregnancies occur when a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus. In the majority of cases, the pregnancy implants within the fallopian tubes, which are the two tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus. When the egg implants in the fallopian tubes, it is known as a tubal pregnancy. This can be a dangerous medical condition as the fallopian tubes are not designed to support a growing fetus, and the egg can put pressure on the fallopian tube, leading to rupture.

If you are diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, the doctor may recommend surgery to remove the embryo and fallopian tube. This procedure is typically done within 9 weeks of the pregnancy and is generally very safe.

The availability and cost of the Beta HCG test can vary in different cities in India. Generally, you are more likely to find competitive prices in larger cities and areas with multiple diagnostic centers or laboratories. Some cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, etc. provide with a higher concentration of healthcare facilities may have more options for affordable Beta HCG tests.

In some cases, further procedures may be needed to prevent ectopic pregnancies. Keep reading to know about it. 

A nine-week ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention. The treatment depends on the gestational age of the pregnancy, the size of the ectopic pregnancy, and the health of the mother.

If the ectopic pregnancy is not too large and the mother is in good health, doctors may use medication to stop the growth of the pregnancy and allow the mother's body to absorb the tissue.

If the ectopic pregnancy is too large or the mother's health is at risk, surgery may be necessary to remove the ectopic pregnancy.

Timely diagnosis and treatment for 9 week ectopic pregnancy

Timely diagnosis and treatment of an ectopic pregnancy is extremely crucial because it can be life-threatening. It can significantly reduce the risk of serious complications and improve the chances of a successful outcome.

Early diagnosis also allows for the preservation of the affected fallopian tube, which can improve the chances of a successful pregnancy after ectopic surgery. An ectopic pregnancy cannot continue to term and must be treated to prevent complications.

According to the obstetrician & gynecologist, Dr. Kim Langdon, Ohio, there are potential complications that can occur after 9 week ectopic pregnancy surgery

If the tube was opened and the products of conception were completely removed, then the only risks are that the tube becomes scarred and dysfunctional--meaning a future fertilized egg could get stuck and another ectopic pregnancy could occur. Infections can occur although they are rare. Some residual products of conception could continue to grow and you might need a drug to dissolve the residual tissue.

- Dr. Kim Langdon, Ohio

Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy's symptoms usually appear between 4 and 10 weeks of gestation. Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. It can be a potentially life-threatening condition, as the growing pregnancy can rupture the fallopian tube and cause internal bleeding. There are also chances of bleeding after ectopic pregnancy surgery.
Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy may include:

  • Abdominal pain: This is the most common symptom of ectopic pregnancy and may feel like a sharp or dull pain on one side of the lower abdomen and even near the liver. The pain may be constant or come and go.
  • Vaginal bleeding: Ectopic pregnancy can cause vaginal bleeding, which may be light or heavy and may be accompanied by pain.
  • Shoulder pain: If the fallopian tube has ruptured, you may experience shoulder pain due to blood from the tube spilling into the abdomen.
  • Other possible symptoms: Other symptoms of ectopic pregnancy may include dizziness or fainting, nausea and vomiting, and difficulty breathing.

If you are pregnant and experiencing any of these symptoms, you must visit your gynecologist as soon as possible.

You can check here if you're looking for the best gynecologists in Mumbai or Bangalore.

Diagnosis of 9 week Ectopic Pregnancy

The diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy when a woman is 9 weeks pregnant typically involves an ultrasound scan to check for an embryo in the uterus. And later an anomaly scan is done in 18 to 22 weeks to evaluate the fetal anatomy and determine any structural abnormalities or birth defects.
Diagnosis of 9 weeks Ectopic Pregnancy.png

  • If no embryo is seen in the uterus, the doctor may order a blood test to check for hCG levels. If the hCG levels are higher than normal, it is likely that the woman is pregnant and has an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Further testing, such as a laparoscopic examination, may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment Options for 9 Weeks Ectopic Pregnancy

Treatment options for ectopic pregnancy may include medications or surgery, depending on the severity of the condition and the patient's preference. Ectopic pregnancy is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires prompt treatment.


  • Certain medications are used to stop the growth of the pregnancy and allow the body to absorb the pregnancy tissue. It is usually only used for early ectopic pregnancies smaller than 3.5 cm.
  • Medications are also used in certain cases to help the body absorb the pregnancy tissue. 



Laparoscopy Ectopic Pregnancy


  • Shorter hospital stay: Laparoscopy typically requires a shorter hospital stay than laparotomy, as it is a less invasive procedure.
  • Faster recovery: Laparoscopy typically has a faster recovery time than laparotomy, as it involves smaller incisions and less tissue disruption.
  • Less pain: Laparoscopy may result in less pain and discomfort after the procedure than laparotomy, as it involves smaller incisions and less tissue disruption.
  • Less scarring: Laparoscopy typically results in smaller, less visible scars than laparotomy, as it involves smaller incisions.
Laparotomy Ectopic Pregnancy
  • More comprehensive access: Laparotomy allows the surgeon to have more comprehensive access to the abdominal and pelvic organs, which may be necessary if the ectopic pregnancy has ruptured or if there is extensive damage to the reproductive organs.
  • Greater control: Laparotomy allows the surgeon to have greater control over the procedure and may be preferred in situations where the ectopic pregnancy is large or located in a difficult-to-reach area.
  • Ability to address other issues: Laparotomy may allow the surgeon to address other issues in the abdomen or pelvis at the same time, such as endometriosis or fibroids.

It is important to remember that laparotomy is a more invasive procedure than laparoscopy and may have a longer recovery time, with more pain and scarring. The specific treatment plan will depend on the individual patient's circumstances.


Types of AnaesthesiaRisks and complications

Recovery After 9 weeks 


Minimally invasive surgery,
Used for early ectopic pregnancies detected before the 8th week of gestation

Done under anesthesia that involves making a small incision in the abdomen 

A laparoscope (a thin, flexible tube with a camera) removes the pregnancy and can help preserve the reproductive organs.
Local anesthesia: 

Numbs are a specific area of the body, such as the abdomen. 

Patient remains awake but does not feel pain in the numbed area. 

Typically used for less invasive surgical procedures, such as laparoscopy.
Anesthetic risks: General anesthesia carries complications such as allergic reactions, breathing problems, and blood clots.

Bleeding: There is a risk of bleeding during and after the surgery.

Infection: Risk of infection at the incision site or in the abdomen.
Pain management:
Pain medication may be prescribed to help manage discomfort after the surgery.

Activity restrictions:
Recommended to avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activity for a period following a time after the surgery to allow the body to heal.

Incision care: Need to keep the incision clean and dry.

Avoid soaking in the bath or swimming until the incision has fully healed. Dressing the incision is recommended with a bandage or ointment.
Recommended for ectopic pregnancies if the pregnancy is too far along to be treated with medications or other procedures. 

If the ectopic pregnancy is detected after the first 9 weeks of gestation, in that case, laparotomy surgery may be used.

It is an invasive surgery that uses a larger incision in the abdomen to remove the pregnancy only if the ectopic pregnancy has ruptured or if the patient is experiencing severe bleeding.
General anesthesia:
Administered through an IV or inhaled gas

It causes the patient to lose consciousness and feel no pain during the surgery.

Typically used for more invasive surgical procedures, such as laparotomy.
Damage to surrounding organs: There is a risk of damage to surrounding organs during the surgery, such as the bladder or bowel.

Scarring: There is a risk of scarring after the surgery.

Infertility: Surgery for ectopic pregnancy may result in infertility, depending on the location and extent of the ectopic pregnancy and the type of surgery performed.
Follow-up care: 
It is important to attend follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider as directed to monitor the recovery and address any concerns or issues that may arise.

Emotional support: Ectopic pregnancy can be a difficult and emotional experience, and it is important to seek support from loved ones or a mental health professional if needed.

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Here's a case study by Dr. Kim Langdon, an Obstetrician & Gynecologist

I had a women present with a double uterus where one horn was atretic--or small and malformed, and did not communicate with the other horn--so there was essentially no chance the pregnancy could survive. That horn ruptured as we were preparing for surgery. She lost a lot of blood, and we had to do an open surgery--not laparoscopic. When we opened the pelvis, the blood and fetus flew out across the room due to the force of the pressure - the horn had ruptured under pressure. We clamped off the horn, tied it off, then removed the damaged horn. We transfused her multiple units of blood and she survived.

The following statistics are reported as per World Health Organization:


Laparoscopic Procedures

Two laparoscopic procedures, salpingostomy and salpingectomy, are mainly used to treat some ectopic pregnancies. The doctor creates a small incision in the abdomen during these procedures, either near or in the navel. The tubal area is then viewed by your doctor using a narrow tube called a laparoscope that is fitted with a camera lens and light.

A salpingostomy involves removing the ectopic pregnancy and allowing the tube to heal naturally. During a salpingectomy, the ectopic pregnancy and tube are removed.

Depending on the extent of the bleeding and damage and whether the tube has ruptured, you may need a different procedure. How healthy or damaged your other fallopian tube appears is another important factor.

Factors that may affect treatment choices for a 9 week ectopic pregnancy

There are several factors that may affect the treatment choice for ectopic pregnancy, including:

  1. Size and location of the pregnancy: The size and location of the pregnancy may determine whether medication or surgery is the best option. For example, medications may be more effective for early, small ectopic pregnancies, while surgery may be necessary for larger ectopic pregnancies or those that have ruptured.
  2. Patient preference: The patient's personal preferences and values may influence treatment choice. For example, some patients may prefer medications because they offer a less invasive option, while others may prefer surgery because it offers a more definitive solution.
  3. Patient's overall health: The patient's overall health may also influence treatment choice. For example, a patient with underlying health conditions may be more likely to undergo surgery because of the potential risks associated with medications.
  4. Previous ectopic pregnancies: If a patient has had previous ectopic pregnancies, this may affect treatment choice. For example, a patient with multiple ectopic pregnancies may be more likely to undergo surgery to prevent future ectopic pregnancies.

    You need to discuss the treatment options with your gynecologist to determine the best course of action for your individual situation and it is extremely important.

Just like the proverb “Every dark cloud has a silver lining” 
Recovery after a critical ectopic pregnancy is not impossible.

Recovery After 9 weeks of ectopic pregnancy surgery

Your recovery after ectopic pregnancy surgery will depend on the type of procedure you had. Some general guidelines for recovery can include: 

1. Resting: You will need to rest for several days after the procedure. Avoid any strenuous activities and take it easy. 

2. Diet: Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as they can interfere with healing. 

3. Follow-up: Make sure to follow up with your doctor for any follow-up exams or tests.

4. Medication: Take any prescribed medications as directed. 

5. Avoid Sex: Avoid sexual intercourse for four to six weeks after the procedure. 

6. Exercise: Begin light exercise such as walking as tolerated. 

7. Emotional Support: Seek emotional support from your family and friends. 

8. Follow-up Appointments: Make sure to attend all follow-up appointments with your doctor. 

9. Support Group: Consider joining a support group for people who have experienced ectopic pregnancies.

It is normal to experience some discomfort and fatigue after ectopic pregnancy surgery, but it is important to inform your surgeon at the earliest if the pain or other symptoms are severe or persist.


Future Fertility After 9 weeks of Ectopic Pregnancy Surgery

Generally, a woman who has undergone a successful ectopic pregnancy surgery, should have a normal chance of getting pregnant after ectopic pregnancy tube removed.

However, if the surgery was complicated, the woman may have a lower fertility rate due to scarring or damage to the reproductive organs.  

Additionally, if the woman had any pre-existing health conditions, such as endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome, these may also affect her future fertility. It is important to speak with your doctor to determine the best approach to fertility and conception.

Risk of future ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy surgery can affect a person's future fertility, depending on the location and extent of the ectopic pregnancy and the type of surgery performed.

  • If the ectopic pregnancy is located in the fallopian tube and the tube is not damaged, it may be possible to preserve fertility after surgery. However, if the ectopic pregnancy has ruptured or caused extensive damage to the fallopian tube, it may be necessary to remove the tube, which could result in reduced fertility or infertility.
  • In cases where the fallopian tube has been removed, it is still possible to become pregnant using assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

    Infertility is a problem that's arising among many young couples these days. And there has to be a solution to every problem in the world. So, here's a list of the best IVF clinics and the cost of treatment in the world.

If you have had an ectopic pregnancy, you may be wondering about your options for conceiving again in the future.

Options for conceiving again

Here are some potential options:

  • Assisted reproductive techniques: If the ectopic pregnancy resulted in the removal of one or both fallopian tubes, you may need to use assisted reproductive techniques, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), to become pregnant. IVF involves fertilizing the egg and sperm in a laboratory and then transferring the resulting embryo to the uterus.
  • Fertility preservation: If you are planning to undergo surgery for ectopic pregnancy and are concerned about the impact on your fertility, you may be able to consider fertility preservation options. These may include freezing your eggs or embryos before the surgery or using medications to stimulate the production of multiple eggs, which can then be frozen for future use.
  • Natural conception: If you still have one healthy fallopian tube after the ectopic pregnancy, you may be able to conceive naturally. However, the risk of another ectopic pregnancy may be higher, so it is important to discuss the options with your healthcare provider and to be aware of the signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.

    It is important to discuss the potential impact of ectopic pregnancy surgery on future fertility with your doctor. They can provide more specific information about your situation and help you understand your options for conceiving.

It is not easy and hence are some ways how you can cope up after an ectopic pregnancy

Emotional and psychological support after ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy can be a difficult and emotional experience, and it is important to seek support to help cope with the physical and emotional challenges. Here are 

  • Talk to your healthcare provider: Your healthcare provider can provide information and support and refer you to a mental health professional if needed.
  • Talk to a therapist or counselor: A mental health professional can provide a safe and supportive space to process and cope with the emotions related to ectopic pregnancy.
  • Reach out to support groups: Support groups, such as those for individuals who have experienced ectopic pregnancy or infertility, can provide a sense of community and connection with others who have gone through similar experiences.
  • Seek support from loved ones: It is important to have a supportive network of friends and family to lean on during this challenging time.
  • Take care of yourself: Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being can help you cope with the challenges of ectopic pregnancy. This may include getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

It is important to remember that everyone reacts differently to ectopic pregnancy, and it is okay to feel a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, and grief. It is important to allow yourself to feel and process these emotions and to seek support if needed.

Ectopic pregnancy can be difficult to diagnose, as the symptoms may be similar to those of a normal pregnancy or other conditions. Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy may include similar symptoms caused by other conditions, such as ovarian cysts, miscarriage, or appendicitis.

If you suspect that you may have an ectopic pregnancy, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications. It is important to pay attention to your body and seek medical attention if you experience any unusual symptoms or changes.


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