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Transgender Body Contouring: Enhancing Your Transition

By Shubhanshi Jain| Last Updated at: 5th Dec '24| 16 Min Read



What is Transgender Body Contouring? Transgender body contouring means a range of surgical procedures. These procedures are designed to alter the shape and appearance of a person's body to better align with their gender identity. These procedures include breast augmentation or reduction, body sculpting, facial feminization, and more. They are performed by experienced plastic surgeons who specialise in transgender surgery

  • A 2021 report by the National Centre for Transgender Equality found that 42% of transgender adults had undergone gender-affirming surgery. And 31% of respondents reporting that they wanted such surgery in the future.
  • According to a study published in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 98% of transgender individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery reported improved quality of life.

Ready to take your transition to the next level?

Transform your body with the help of the latest transgender body contouring techniques.

 Is Transgender body contouring safe?safe

Transgender body contouring can be a safe and effective way to help individuals feel more comfortable and confident. While all surgeries come with some level of risk. But, when performed by an experienced and qualified surgeon, transgender body contouring is generally considered safe. With proper care and follow-up, can help individuals to achieve their desired results without having any major complications.

It's important to remember that the safety and success of transgender body contouring depend on many individual factors. These include overall health and medical history, as well as the type and extent of the procedure. That's why it is difficult  to choose a surgeon who specializes in transgender surgery.

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Transgender body contouring can be a life-changing option for individuals looking to align their physical appearance with their gender identity.

How does Transgender body contouring work?

Want to feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin? Let transgender body contouring help you achieve the look you've always wanted.

Transgender body contouring is a collection of surgical procedures that work differently for transmen and transwomen. Body contouring for trans men is known as ftm body contouring and for trans women it is called mtf body contouring. Mtf and ftm body contouring before and after gives a significant difference and high satisfaction.

The procedures involved in transgender body contouring are depending on the individual's needs. 

Here is an overview of some of the most common procedures used for transmen and transwomen:



Chest masculinization surgery


  • This procedure involves removing breast tissue and reshaping the chest to create a more masculine appearance.


  • This procedure involves creating a neophallus from the clitoris and attaching it to the pubic bone to create a more natural-looking penis.
  • This is a more extensive procedure that involves creating a penis using a graft from another part of the body, such as the forearm or thigh.


Breast augmentation

breast augmentation

  • This procedure involves placing breast implants to create a more feminine chest.
  • The surgery typically takes around 1-2 hours to perform and is usually an outpatient procedure, meaning the patient can go home the same day.


Facial feminization surgery

facial feminization surgery

  • This is a collection of procedures aimed at altering the facial features to create a more feminine appearance. This can include procedures such as forehead contouring, rhinoplasty, and jaw reduction.
  • The duration of facial feminization surgery can vary depending on the specific procedures performed. Typically, it takes between 4-8 hours to complete, and patients may need to stay in the hospital for a day or two after the surgery.


Genital reconstruction surgery


  • This procedure involves creating a neovagina using a graft from another part of the body.


In both cases, the surgeries are performed under general anaesthesia, and the specific techniques used will depend on the individual's unique anatomy. Individuals will need to take some time off work or other activities to allow for proper healing.

Overall, transgender body contouring can be an important tool for individuals seeking to align their physical appearance with their gender identity. With the guidance of an experienced surgeon, transmen and transwomen can work together to create a treatment plan that meets their unique needs and goals.

Types of Transgender body contouring proceduretransgender

Tired of struggling to achieve the body shape you desire? Here are different surgeries, have a look!


body contouring transgender types


  • Mastectomy- The goal of a transgender mastectomy (FTM top surgery). It is a process to give a trans man's chest a more masculine appearance. This is done  by removing extra breast tissue, skin, and/or fat.
  • Arm lift- Trans men who want toned, masculine-looking arms might have arm lift surgery to remove extra skin from the upper arms.


  • Abdominoplasty- By eliminating extra skin, undesirable fat, and tightening the abdominal muscles, a tummy tuck procedure can make a trans man's midsection look thinner and more manly.
  • Liposuction- Liposuction eliminates extra fat from the back, abdomen, and other places to get well-defined abdominal muscles and shape a trans man's figure.


Trans males who want to achieve a toned and slender shape can have their lower body lifted to target regions like the thighs and groyne.  It can also change the shape of the buttocks.


mtf body contouring

  • Facial Feminization Surgery: This is a collection of procedures aimed at altering the facial features to create a more feminine appearance. This can include procedures such as forehead contouring, rhinoplasty, jaw reduction, and brow lift.
  • Breast Augmentation: This procedure involves placing breast implants to create a more feminine chest.
  • Orchiectomy: This involves removing the testicles to reduce testosterone production and help feminize the body.
  • Vaginoplasty: This is a procedure to create a neovagina using a graft from another part of the body, such as the colon or the penile skin.

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Benefits and risks of body contouring transgenderbenefits/risks

Just like every rose comes with thorns, every benefit comes with risks! 

Here are the benefits and risks of transgender body contouring:






Improved self-esteem and body imageBleeding and infection
Alleviation of gender dysphoria

Swelling and bruising


Enhanced ability to pass as desired gender

Numbness or loss of sensation


Improved ability to fit into desired clothingScarring
Improved sexual function and satisfaction

Anaesthesia risks


Improved quality of life

Dissatisfaction with results


Eligibility Criteria


Here are some things which you must know before going to have any body contouring process

  • Must be at least 18 years of age (may vary depending on the surgeon's preference)
  • Must have a stable physical and mental health status
  • Must have received a diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a qualified mental health professional
  • Must have undergone hormone replacement therapy for a minimum period of 6 months (may vary depending on the surgeon's preference)
  • Must have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure
  • Must have a stable weight for at least six months before the surgery
  • Must not have any active infections or medical conditions that may affect the surgery or healing process
  • Must have stopped smoking for at least 6 weeks before the surgery and must not resume smoking until fully healed
  • Must have the ability to follow post-operative instructions and attend all follow-up appointments.

Decided to go for transgender body contouring but wondering how to begin the treatment journey? 

Scroll down to find out! 

How to prepare for Transgender body contouring?

Preparing for transgender body contouring involves several steps, these are:

Consultation with a qualified surgeonconsultation
  • The first step in preparing for body contouring surgery is to schedule a consultation with a qualified surgeon. 
  • During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your health, discuss your goals, and recommend the best approach to achieve the desired results.


Medical evaluationmedical evaluation
  • Before undergoing surgery, you will need to undergo a medical evaluation to ensure that you are healthy enough for surgery. 
  • This may involve blood tests, electrocardiogram (EKG), and other medical tests as needed.


Quit smokingno smoking
  • Smoking can increase the risk of complications during surgery and slow down the healing process. 
  • Therefore, it is important to quit smoking at least a few weeks before surgery and refrain from smoking during the recovery period.


Adjust medicationmedication
  • If you are taking any medications, your surgeon may recommend that you adjust or stop taking them before surgery. 
  • This is because some medications can increase the risk of bleeding or other complications during surgery.


Follow pre-operative instructionspre op instructions
  • Your surgeon will provide you with a set of pre-operative instructions, which may include dietary restrictions, fasting instructions, and other guidelines to follow before surgery.
Arrange for post-operative carepost op
  • After surgery, you may need to stay in the hospital for a few days, or you may require at-home care. 
  • It is important to arrange for post-operative care before the surgery to ensure a smooth recovery process.
Prepare for recoveryrecovery
  • Recovery from body contouring surgery can take several weeks or months, depending on the extent of the surgery. 
  • During this time, you will need to rest, avoid strenuous activity, and follow the post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon.


Done with the procedure and curious to know what to expect next?

Let's find out!

What to expect after Transgender body contouring? 

After undergoing transgender body contouring, both transmen and transwomen can expect to experience some side effects and a period of recovery. 

Here is a general overview of what to expect:

Side Effects:


  • Pain, swelling, and bruising at the surgical site.
  • Numbness or tingling in the treated area.
  • Temporary loss of sensation or function in the area.
  • Scarring.
  • Infection.
  • Hematoma or seroma (collection of blood or fluid under the skin).
  • Adverse reactions to anaesthesia or medication.


no heavy lifting

  • The recovery period will vary depending on the specific procedures performed, but in general, it can take a few weeks to recover.
  • During this time, it's important to follow your surgeon's post-operative guidelines closely, including instructions for wound care, medication management, and activity restrictions.
  • You may need to take time off work or other activities to rest and recover.
  • You may need to wear compression garments or dressings to help with swelling and support healing.
  • It's important to avoid strenuous physical activity and heavy lifting until cleared by your surgeon.

Post-Op Guidelines:

post op

  • Attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your healing and ensure a successful outcome.
  • Take any prescribed medications as directed and report any adverse reactions to your surgeon.
  • Follow a healthy diet and stay hydrated to support healing.
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications.
  • If you experience any unusual symptoms or complications, contact your surgeon immediately.

It's important to note that recovery and post-operative guidelines will vary depending on the specific procedure(s) performed, and it's crucial to follow your surgeon's instructions closely to ensure a safe and successful recovery and results!

As we have mentioned results, let’s talk some more about it!

Results after Transgender body contouring

Transgender body shaping can provide significant improvements in body appearance for both transmen and transwomen. The ftm body contouring results and their duration vary depending on different processes.

Here is an overview of what to expect:

Transmen(ftm body contouring results)


  • The results of chest masculinization surgery are immediately visible. Although swelling and bruising may be there for some time. 
  • The chest may continue to take on a more masculine appearance over time, with final results visible after several months.
  • Results are long-lasting and mostly permanent, although weight gain or hormonal changes can affect the appearance of the chest over time.

Transwomen( mtf body contouring results)


  • The results of breast augmentation surgery are immediately visible. Although, swelling and bruising may be there for some time. 
  • The breasts may continue to take on a more feminine appearance over time, with final results visible after several months.
  • The results of body contouring procedures such as liposuction and fat grafting can also take several months to fully develop as swelling subsides and the body adjusts.
  • Results are typically long-lasting, but weight gain or hormonal changes can affect the appearance of the body over time.

It's important to note that the results of transgender body contouring procedures are not always permanent. They can be affected by factors such as ageing, weight fluctuations, and hormonal changes. It's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow your surgeon's post-operative guidelines. Overall, transgender body contouring can provide significant improvements in body shape and appearance, and the results can last for many years with proper care.

Wondering are there any non-surgical alternatives or complementary procedures that can enhance the results of transgender body contouring?

According to Dr. Leonard Grossman, an experienced plastic & reconstructive surgeon at NYC Plastic Surgery PC,

“The easiest and most common procedures that are of non-surgical nature include fillers, which can be used in feminization surgery of the face or masculinization of the face. Fillers can also be used to augment the buttocks or the hip area in a patient. The most common filler for this process is called Sculptra which is a biostimulatory type filler.”

If you are still unsure about undergoing transgender body contouring procedure, then the success rates will surely convince you!

Success Rate of Transgender body contouring

The success rate of transgender body contouring procedures for both transmen and transwomen is generally high. It can vary depending on individual factors such as the specific procedure(s) performed, the patient's health status, and the skill and experience of the surgeon. Here is an overview of what to expect:

success rate of transgender body contouring


  • The success rate of ftm body contouring or chest masculinization surgery is generally high. Most patients achieve a more masculine chest appearance.
  • Complications are rare, but can include infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, and asymmetry.
  • To maximise the success rate, it's important to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon and to follow all preoperative and post-operative instructions.


  • The success rate of mtf body contouring breast augmentation surgery is generally high. Most patients achieve a more feminine breast appearance.
  • Complications are rare, but can include infection, bleeding, implant rupture, and asymmetry.
  • The success rate of body contouring procedures such as liposuction and orchiectomy can vary depending on individual factors. It is generally high when performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon.
  • To maximise the success rate, follow all preoperative and post-operative instructions.

It's important to remember that no surgical procedure is without risk, and that individual results may vary. It's important to have realistic expectations and to communicate openly with your surgeon about your desired outcomes and any concerns you may have. Overall, transgender body contouring procedures can be highly successful in helping patients achieve their desired body shape and appearance.

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Let’s now answer the question that is lingering in the minds of those planning for transgender body contouring!

Yes, it is, “What is the cost of transgender body contouring?” 

Cost of Transgender body contouring Does insurance cover Transgender Body Shaping?cost

The cost of transgender body contouring procedures can vary depending on the specific procedure(s) performed. 

Here is an overview of what to expect:

Transmen( ftm body contouring cost)

The cost of different processes is different. On an average ftm surgeries cost ranges from $5,000 to $10,000, although it can be higher in some cases.

Insurance coverage for chest masculinization surgery can vary depending on the specific plan and the patient's individual circumstances. Some insurance plans may cover the cost of surgery if it is deemed medically necessary to treat gender dysphoria, while others may not.

Transwomenmtf body contouring surgery cost)

The cost of different processes is different. On an average mtf surgeries cost ranges from $5,000 to $15,000, because it includes more processes.

The cost of body contouring procedures such as liposuction and fat grafting can vary widely depending on the specific procedure(s) performed.

Insurance coverage for breast augmentation and body contouring procedures can vary depending on the specific plan and the patient's individual circumstances. Some insurance plans may cover the cost of surgery if it is deemed medically necessary to treat gender dysphoria, while others may not.

It's important to check with your insurance provider to determine whether transgender body contouring procedures are covered under your plan. In some cases, insurance providers may require documentation from a mental health professional indicating that the surgery is medically necessary to treat gender dysphoria. It's also important to note that some surgeons and clinics offer financing options to help make the cost of surgery more manageable.

Have some more questions related to transgender body contouring? 

Then do not miss reading the below FAQs.

You might get an answer to your question!


Q: Is transgender body contouring reversible?

A: Some of transgender body contouring procedures may be reversible, while others may not be. Chest masculinization surgery is generally not reversible, while breast augmentation surgery is generally reversible. Body contouring procedures such as liposuction and fat grafting may be partially reversible. It's important to discuss the potential for reversibility with your surgeon prior to undergoing any procedures.

Q: What is MTF body contouring?

A:Mtf body contouring refers to set of procedures or surgeries which aimed to enhance femininity.It modifies the body of trans woman.

Q:Can guys do body contouring?

A: Yes, body contouring procedures can be done on men as well.These procedures can help to remove excess skin and fat, tighten muscles, and enhance overall body contour.

Q:Is there surgery to look more manly or masculine?

A: Yes, there are several surgeries available to help individuals achieve a more masculine appearance. These procedures may include procedures to create a more defined jawline or chin, increase the size of the pectoral muscles, or create a more sculpted abdominal area. Hormone replacement therapy may also be used in combination. 

Q. What is the relapse rate of transgender body contouring? 

relapse rate

The relapse rate of transgender body contouring, also known as gender affirming body contouring, can vary depending on the specific procedure performed, the individual patient, and their adherence to post-operative care instructions. However, in general, the relapse rate of these procedures is relatively low.

Q.What are the other procedures used along with transgender body contouring?


While the specific procedures performed can vary based on individual needs and goals, there are some additional procedures that may be used in conjunction with transgender body contouring to achieve optimal results.

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
  • Voice Therapy
  • Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS)
  • Top Surgery
  • Counselling




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Transformation goes through various stages that cover the emotional, physical, and social parts of it. Initially, try communicating with a gender counselor to help you out. The gender counselor will be able to provide you with support and guidance that is specific to your journey. Hormone therapy is also needed as part of transitioning to bring the body and the gender one identifies with in accordance. Also, surgery talk with a qualified surgeon may very well be one of the resting centers that you would find of great interest. The point of this is that the transition process is both personal and different to each of us. To begin with, help groups in the community are also a good resource. It is important to first and foremost seek the advice of health professionals before making a decision so that we can assure ourselves of our safety and that we are well-informed.

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There are non-surgical options to consider. Methods involving hormones that cause breast development, such as the administration of estrogen or the use of progesterone, could be effective. The use of the hormonal valve of these aids is advised only medically and not as a means for self-reliance since it can have side effects on health.  I advise you to get in touch with a healthcare professional for a consultation so they can give you the right advice and direction considering your health condition and also investigate the effectiveness of the treatment. 

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