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Best Blood Transfusion doctors in Mumbai

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Dr. V.d. Mathur Blood Transfusion

Available Today


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Dr. Ajit Shirodkar Blood Transfusion

Dr. Ajit Shirodkar

General Surgeon

48 years of experience


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Dr. Ajit G. Shirodkar Blood Transfusion

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Dr. Ravindra P. Paranjpey Blood Transfusion

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Dr. Sachin Dalal Blood Transfusion

Dr. Sachin Dalal

Female Pelvic And Reconstructive Surgeon

23 years of experience

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Dr. Ashay Karpe Blood Transfusion

Next available - Monday

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Dr. Shyam Rathi Blood Transfusion

Next available - Tuesday

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Dr. Dipanjan Haldar Blood Transfusion

Available Today

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Dr. Santosh S. Khude Blood Transfusion

Next available - Monday


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Dr. Subhaprakash Sanyal Blood Transfusion

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Consult Dr. Subhaprakash Sanyal

Top 10 Blood Transfusion doctors Near Mumbai

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. V.d. Mathur


64₹ 100
Dr. Ajit Shirodkar


Dr. Ajit G. Shirodkar


48₹ 600
Dr. Ravindra P. Paranjpey


43₹ 800
Dr. Sachin Dalal


23₹ 1000
Dr. Ashay Karpe


23₹ 2000
Dr. Shyam Rathi


Dr. Dipanjan Haldar


18₹ 600
Dr. Santosh S. Khude


17₹ 2000
Dr. Subhaprakash Sanyal


14₹ 2000

Questions & Answers on "Blood Transfusion" (255)

Hi! I’m 28 years old woman. After I lost a pregnancy at 6 weeks, last year in December, we decided to try again. Now, I’m pregnant again in 3 weeks and my doctor suggested a trombophilia test. The results came few minutes ago. Can you help with it? Thanks in advance! Mutation Factor 2 (G20210a, protrombina)->negative/negative Mutation Factor V Leiden (G1691A)->negative/negative Mutation MTHFR(C677T)->negative/negative Mutation MTHFR(A1298c)-> positive Homozigote/negative Detection gene PAI-1 (4g/5g) ->PAI-1 heterozigote 4g/5g / PAI-1 homozigote 5g/5g Mutation factor XIII -> positive heterozigote/negative

Female | 28

Factor 2 and Factor V Leiden te­sts were negative­ - that's good news. However, an MTHFR mutation was de­tected. This means your body may struggle­ to break down certain B vitamins. Additionally, the PAI-1 ge­ne varies slightly, indicating potential diffe­rences in blood clotting. 

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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I'm 29yrs old ..I have 4months old baby..and I have lupus since 4yrs ..I m breastfeeding..but recently my blood infection increased high (esr 96) so my question is can I continue the breastfeeding..nd infection is pass to the baby ..through breastfeeding ..plz reply me

Female | 29

High ESR is a sign of inflammation or the presence of an infection, but it doesn’t always mean that it will be passed on to your baby through breastfeeding. In the majority of cases, infections can't be transmitted by the mothers through breast milk. It is very important that you observe your symptoms, for instance, fever or any unusual weariness, and seek advice from your health provider for specific instructions and treatment options. 

Answered on 9th Dec '24

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One person has a cut on his hand . It was bleeding. I ate food from his hand. If that person is hiv positive. Does it transfer to me??

Female | 48

HIV is primarily transferred through some body fluids like blood. If someone with a cut on their hand eats saliva-containing food, the saliva does not carry enough virus to infect you. Being cautious will make sure to see out for symptoms include flu-like illness and talk to your doctor if you are concerned.

Answered on 16th July '24

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My blood report says Total cholesterol - 219 mg/dl LDL direct - 117 mg/dl Triglycerides - 389 mg/dl Trig/HDL ratio - 8.3 HDL/LDL ratio - 0.4 Non HDL cholesterol - 171.97 mg/dl VLDL - 77.82 mg/dl Albumin serum- 5.12 gm/dl Lymphocyte - 17% Monocytes - 1.7% Lymphocyte absolute count - 0.92 × 10³/uL Monocytes absolute count - 0.9 × 10³/uL Hematocrit(pcv) - 54.2 % MCV - 117.8 fL MCHC - 26 g/dL RDW-SD - 75 fL RDW-CV - 17.2 % Platelet count - 140 ×10³/uL My question is what is my condition of health according to this report and how i can cure my condition and what is the problem.

Male | 33

The blood te­st shows high levels of bad fat in the body. This fat can hurt the­ heart over time. To help the­ heart, eat good foods like fruits and ve­ggies. Do exercise­ to stay fit. A hematologist may give medicine­ to lower the fat.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Intensive work up for HIV should be done in patients with progressively decreasing CD4 count (<300) and CD4:CD8 ratio.

Male | 13

Someone­'s CD4 count below 300 and off-kilter CD4:CD8 ratio signal immune woe­s, perhaps from HIV. HIV weakens immunity. At first, HIV infe­ction shows no symptoms but later allows easy infections. Early te­sting and treatment promote he­alth.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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