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Male | 33

Need advice on high cholesterol and blood test results?

My blood report says Total cholesterol - 219 mg/dl LDL direct - 117 mg/dl Triglycerides - 389 mg/dl Trig/HDL ratio - 8.3 HDL/LDL ratio - 0.4 Non HDL cholesterol - 171.97 mg/dl VLDL - 77.82 mg/dl Albumin serum- 5.12 gm/dl Lymphocyte - 17% Monocytes - 1.7% Lymphocyte absolute count - 0.92 × 10³/uL Monocytes absolute count - 0.9 × 10³/uL Hematocrit(pcv) - 54.2 % MCV - 117.8 fL MCHC - 26 g/dL RDW-SD - 75 fL RDW-CV - 17.2 % Platelet count - 140 ×10³/uL My question is what is my condition of health according to this report and how i can cure my condition and what is the problem.

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

The blood te­st shows high levels of bad fat in the body. This fat can hurt the­ heart over time. To help the­ heart, eat good foods like fruits and ve­ggies. Do exercise­ to stay fit. A hematologist may give medicine­ to lower the fat.

38 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Hematology" (240)

My nephew is 4 months old. 2 months ago he went I'll . we had to take him blood transfusion immediately because the HB was dropped to 4 only . now the things happen again at the age of 4 months . we had to take him again blood transfusion. we did his Electrophoresis Report. here are the results HbA 55% HbA2 2.0% HbF 43% we want to know if there's any thelesmia or not or if HbA can be increase with age

Male | 4 months

An elevated level of HbF was what was observed and this is a common thing found in babies. Such results would indicate that a defect might be present in the body like beta-thalassemia at the beginning. However, these could also be seen in healthy infants. Increasing HbA levels naturally may follow his growing up. The main symptoms of anemia can cause fatigue or weakness, but it’s very important to take your child to a doctor and test for other reasons. 

Answered on 10th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I want to know , a chemotherapy patient takes 3 chemo then after 3 days later she has too much fever and pain in stomach. What should I do.

Female | 47

Fever and stomach pain are two of the most common causes of chemo. The fever may be due to the body's immune system being weaker after treatment. Stomach pain can be the result of medication cavitation in the digestive system. It is crucial to reach out to the medical team immediately for help with these symptoms. They may prescribe medicines to decrease the fever or stomach pain. Drinking plenty of water and sleeping will also help.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My alkaline phosphate level is 248. Please tell me if this is normal or not. If not then give me some suggestion.

Male | 19

Having an alkaline phosphate level of 248 is a little high. It may be that your liver or bones are not ok. If you have symptoms such as tiredness, stomach ache, and yellowness of the skin, make sure you seek medical help immediately. A healthcare professional will be able to help establish what is causing this and also advise on the right treatment for you. 

Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am suffering from enlarged spleen, splenic nodules, splenic focal lesion, ileal wall thickening, enlarged lymph nodes, pleural effusion. What is the disease

Female | 43

You may have a condition that is called lymphoma. Lymphoma is a cancer type that harms the lymphatic system, such as the spleen, lymph nodes, and other organs. Symptoms could involve enlarged spleen and lumps in the spleen, thickening of the ileal wall, and pleural effusion. Interestingly, the typical approach for lymphoma addresses therapy with radiation, chemotherapy, and sometimes surgery. It is essential to work with your doctor in order to fully investigate and then create a healthcare plan that is specifically developed for you in connection with the discovered condition.

Answered on 4th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

compression the small blood vessels in appendix can increase the RBC

Female | 20

Doing this can cause more red blood cells to form. You may get pain in your lower right belly, have a fever, and not want to eat. It can be due to something blocking it or an infection. A doctor may suggest taking it out with an operation called appendectomy.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 43 year old, my spleen has enlarged and since last 1 month I have been feeling constipated and having symptoms of ibs, and bone marrow test increases in plasma cell 08%

Female | 43

The bone marrow test shows that there are more plasma cells than usual. Plasmacytoma and promyelocytic tumors. Bloating spleen, constipation, and high plasma cells spring from the conditions of infection or bone marrow issues. Treatment engaged in depends on the cause, hence it is very important that a doctor be able to correctly diagnose and take care of ailments.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have terrible hair fall and nose bleed followed by weight loss and weakness

Female | 16

There might be­ a few reasons for these­ issues. You could have a nutritional deficie­ncy. Or it could be stress. Or maybe anothe­r health problem. To fee­l better, eat he­althy foods. Reduce stress by re­sting more. But if this keeps happe­ning, see a doctor soon.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi good day I'm a male 36 years from Philippines I have a question regarding of my HIV symptoms My first encounter is last February 17 and I check a rapid test kit It was negative. But suddenly after 2 hours it show faded And after that I cannot sleep properly and there is a time on April 15 2024 I make a blood test in hospital 56 days after exposure Antigen and anti body test And thanks God it's negative And I buy again test kit 3 PCs For June July and Sept each month all test negative But this October I have rashes Red dot And hot sensation in my body in chest and back top and lower and my I feel my breath short And looking in Google That's why I feel uneasy again Please help me to elaborate my feeling Im afraid But I'm still believe everything will be alright and it must be negative

Male | 36

The symptoms you mention - rashes, red dots, hot sensation, and shortness of breath - may be caused by various reasons other than HIV. For instance, stress and anxiety are also potential causes of these symptoms. To be sure, you can ask a doctor.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am coughing up blood Do I have Cancer?

Female | 21

Coughing up blood can be alarming, but it’s not always due to something serious like cancer. Common causes include lung infections, bronchitis, or excessive coughing. If you notice blood in your spit, it’s best to inform your doctor to help identify the cause. They may run some tests to find the underlying issue. See a doctor to make sure everything is okay.

Answered on 11th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'm 18 years old girl I'm experiencing panic attacks daily with severe breathing issues doctor diagnosed mild aniemia, iron defficiency in me like hb level is 11.8 or serum ferritin level is 10.6 I got these tests 2 months ago I also have IBS I take medicines for iron defficiency but I can't tolerate them I am feeling very weakness in my body now ho should I do now?

Female | 18

These conditions make one feel weak and tired. Apart from that, it is recommended that you protect your physical health as well it can help you to reduce the severity of your panic attacks and also improve your entire well-being. Be hydrated and eat iron-rich foods like spinach, beans, and red meat.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'male 38 I'm always tried I also always feel sick and I'm having night sweats I have headache everyday

Male | 38

Being tired all the time, getting sick a lot, night sweats, and daily headaches can be hard to deal with. These signs might be caused by different things such as infections, hormonal imbalances, or other medical problems. You need to see a doctor who will be able to find out what is wrong and give you the right treatment so that you can start feeling better. 

Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am having swollen lymph nodes in my neck since two years I have done fnac and biopsy both comes with result reactive it Cancer????

Female | 23

Reactive lymphadenopathy means the lymph nodes are responding to something which is not necessarily cancer. This can be caused by infections such as colds. Skin conditions can also cause them. Your doctor might want to keep an eye on them for a while or do more tests to be sure. Changes are always best recorded and communicated with a healthcare provider. 

Answered on 25th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Fever above 102 creatine 3.1 low platates

Male | 55

It is worrying when someone has a fever of more than 102, a creatinine level of 3.1 and low platelets. This might be due to the body fighting an ailment or possibly signifies a kidney problem. The signs may be having the feeling of nausea, fatigue together with bruises appearing on the skin. To confirm this, one needs to undergo tests done by a specialist who will recommend the appropriate treatment depending on what has brought about these complications. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 25 years old male, I am taking PEP medication for 25 days and had another exposure today, do I have to extend my PEP?

Male | 25

If you're already on PEP medication and had another exposure, it's important to let your healthcare provider know. They will, however, determine whether you require additional PEP treatment. Sometimes symptoms of HIV can take a while to develop, therefore it is better to be safe than sorry. PEP treatment assists in reducing the chances of acquiring HIV, nevertheless, it is still preferable to consult with your doctor to ensure that you are following the correct plan.

Answered on 16th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have sickle cell anemia. I have been having pain crisis every 2-3 months frequently. I have been taking hydroxyurea and drinking plenty of water but still pain comes every 2-3 months?

Male | 23

While taking hydroxyurea and staying hydrated are important steps, pain crises can still occur. Following up regularly with an oncologist specialising in blood disorders is crucial to managing your condition and exploring other treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

Why having blood discharge almost one month now

Female | 34

This symptom may arise from various factors, such as hormonal changes, infections, or other underlying conditions. It's crucial to monitor any associated signs, like pain or unusual odor, as these can provide helpful insights. I strongly encourage you to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough examination. They can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options tailored to your needs. Remember, seeking advice is a positive step toward ensuring your well-being and addressing any potential issues effectively. 

Answered on 24th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 53 years old. I have lipoma and have tested my blood and got to know that I also have TB and have a blood test report can you please watch it and tell me what it actually tells.

Male | 53

It is mentioned as TB, a dangerous infection of the lungs caused by bacteria. They can be coughing, chest pain, and fever. TB treatment is about three to six months of antibiotic therapy. Make sure to comply with the whole therapy as your physician recommends to you for getting better. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Wbc-77280 per microlitre Eosinophils-63.8 per microlitre Haemoglobin-10.4 G/dL RBC-3.98 millions/cumm

Female | 51

Your blood test could indicate an issue. High WBC and Eosinophils levels, as well as low Haemoglobin and RBC counts, could mean there is an infection or inflammation present. Signs might consist of tiredness, feebleness, and generally feeling unwell. If necessary, it would be best to contact a doctor for more tests and treatment.

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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