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Female | 19

আমি কি দীর্ঘ সময় রক্তপাতের কারণে গর্ভধারণ করতে সংগ্রাম করছি?

আমার গর্ভবতী হওয়া কঠিন মনে হচ্ছে কারণ আমি এখন 2 মাস ধরে আমার পিরিয়ড দেখতে থাকি

ডাঃ মোহিত সারোগী

স্ত্রীরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ/প্রসূতি বিশেষজ্ঞ

Answered on 11th Sept '24

খুব দীর্ঘস্থায়ী পিরিয়ডের সাথে মোকাবিলা করা কঠিন। এটি হরমোনের ভারসাম্যহীনতার কারণে হতে পারে। লক্ষণগুলির মধ্যে রয়েছে এক সপ্তাহের বেশি সময় ধরে রক্তপাত এবং অনিয়মিত চক্র। কারণ স্ট্রেস বা থাইরয়েড সমস্যা হতে পারে। পরিদর্শন aস্ত্রীরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞপরীক্ষা এবং চিকিত্সা বিকল্পের জন্য। 

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3806)

Cricpill tab safe during 5th month pregnancy

Female | 30

I would recommend that pregnant women avoid taking whatever medicine without consulting her doctor at least in the fifth month of pregnancy. Before using any medication during pregnancy, it is advisable that one should make sure to consult a gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Can fibromyalgia develop after a C-section?

Female | 35

Yes, it's possible for fibromyalgia to develop after a C-section.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

On September 20 I was infected by dengue.At that time I was not on my periods .I recovered within 6 to 7 days .My period was to come on 1st week of October but it came on 16 October.Usuallyy period days is of 4 days but this time it was more than 4 days .My periods ended on October 21 .But it again came back on 1st November .This is the first time I am facing this issue

Female | 19

Recovering from dengue fever, one is likely to have irregular periods. However, there should be consultation with a gynecologist to rule out other underlying conditions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Is PCOS stomach pain normal during cardio exercise?

Female | 16

PCOS cause­s stomach pain during cardio exercise. The­ pain feels like a dull ache­. Hormone imbalances in your body lead to this. Additionally, small cysts de­velop on the ovaries. Walking or swimming, low-impact e­xercises can reduce­ this pain. Instead of high-intensity cardio, these­ are better.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

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