Female | 17
কেন আমার মুখে কালো এবং সাদা প্যাচ?
মুখের ভিতরে কালো এবং সাদা প্যাচ বিকশিত হয় এবং একটি গর্তের মতো আকার দেয়

Answered on 4th Sept '24
আপনার মুখের সাদা এবং কালো প্যাচ যা একটি গর্তের মতো দেখায় তা ভীতিজনক। একটি সম্ভাব্য কারণ মৌখিক থ্রাশ নামে পরিচিত একটি অবস্থা হতে পারে। সাধারণত, মৌখিক থ্রাশ সাদা দাগের মতো মনে হবে যা কখনও কখনও কালো রঙে পরিবর্তিত হতে পারে। এটি আপনার মুখের মধ্যে একটি ছত্রাকের বিস্তারের কারণে হয়। আপনার দুর্বল ইমিউন সিস্টেম থাকলে বা কিছু ওষুধ সেবন করলে এটি হতে পারে। এটির চিকিত্সার জন্য, আপনার ছত্রাকরোধী ওষুধের প্রয়োজন হতে পারে যেটি কদাঁতের ডাক্তারআপনার জন্য প্রেসক্রাইব করতে পারেন।
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Questions & Answers on "Dental Treatement" (264)
Infection in teeth which is causing pain
Male | 14
It looks like you may have a tooth infection. This could be why you’re in pain. Bacteria can cause tooth infections when they enter a cavity or crack in the tooth. If the gum is swollen too, it might mean that there is an infection. The dentist will have to clean out your tooth to get rid of this problem and may also give you some antibiotics.
Answered on 27th May '24
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Sir I am 54 years old with history of 14-15 years diabetic under controlled On insulin No.BP,No.Heart daises, no others problem. But I have lost my all teeths and now i am using dentures. Is fixed implantation for me is ok or not ? Any other good suggestion for me which will be good for me.
Male | 54
Based on the details you have given, you seem to qualify for full mouth implant rehab, you should connect with periodontist, refer this page - Periodontists in India, or you can connect with me too.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir,aswk..Khamruddin sk khammam àge 73plus.1yr back 8 implants were fixed in my upper jaw at hyd.temporary acryllic teeth got broken.local dr.made temporary acryllic teeth again.he said 4 implants r loose. 1month gone but often causing swelling & pain.to remove& replace them with suitable crowns..what cost
Male | 73
would like to see the opg to comment more on this and decide the implant cost.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I a 18 year old female and I want to have braces in my tooth ... I have improper tooth I want to straight them
Female | 18
Malpositioned teeth can lead to problems such as difficulty in chewing and talking. It is the result of genetic factors or the acquisition of certain habits like sucking thumb. Braces are a well-known method for fixing such problems. They slowly shift your teeth to the desired position. Do not be afraid, as many teenagers your age wear braces, and is completely normal. But, you can visit an orthodontist to learn more about it.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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Sir mere jabade me dard h 4 day se ho raha h sir mai gutka khata tha lekin jis din se dard kar Raha hai us din se nahi kha raha hu dawa liya tha fir bhi thik nahi huaa h Pani bhi pi rahe h h to jaise lag raha h kuch chubh raha h
Male | 22
You are suffering from inflammation of your jaw. This happened because of the gutkha you were consuming a while back. The gutka may have irritated the area, resulting in pain and discomfort. However, it is great that you have stopped using it now. You can use a cold pack on the affected area and avoid hard or chewy foods. However, if the pain persists, see a dentist for further evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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My son 10 years old and his teeths are dis order up and down please give me solution what we do
Male | 10
Your son might have a condition called misaligned teeth. Such a misalignment can result in teeth being positioned incorrectly and thus do not fit together properly. This can be either of the two: inherited from parents or habits like thumb-sucking. Misaligned teeth can cause problems with both eating and speaking. Visit a dentist with your child. They can recommend treatments such as braces to deal with the issue.
Answered on 30th Sept '24
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How much do braces hurt on a scale 1 10?
Female | 38
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Can tooth decay be reversed?
Female | 39
The short answer is “no” but the long answer is “sort of.” Here’s why:
The earliest stage of tooth decay or a cavity is demineralized enamel. The outer layer of enamel becomes weak and soft, due to acids and plaque biofilm coming into contact with it on an extended basis.
Fortunately, demineralized enamel can — to an extent — be remineralized before a physical cavity (hole) ruptures through the surface.
What are some ways to help this happen?
- Improved hygiene and plaque removal on an everyday basis
- Protective dental sealants over deep grooves and fissures, which are someof the most cavity-prone surfaces
- Drinking fluoridated tap water throughout the day
- Supplementation with a prescription strength fluoride or mouthrinse, providedby your dentist
- Use of everyday oral hygiene products that contain fluoride
- Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, sharp cheddar cheese, and fewerprocessed carbohydrates
- Eliminating acidic beverages and those that contain natural or artificial-sweeteners
The types of cells that make up your teeth do not re-grow or repair themselves after the tooth is fully developed.
Once a tooth has a physical cavity (opening or hole) inside of it, there is no feasible way to help the enamel grow back on your own. Instead, the cavity will gradually worsen, due to the bacterial infection inside of the tooth structure.
Ideally, you would want to treat the cavity as soon as it’s diagnosed and while it’s as small as possible. When you do, your dentist can place a minimally invasive filling and preserve as much healthy tooth structure as possible.
But untreated cavities will expand to the point that they require larger fillings. Or worse, they will reach into the nerve chamber and create an abscess. What could have initially been treated with a modest restoration now becomes a situation requiring a root canal and a crown
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, My name is Shohan, my problem is "Bad breath". So i want to know, which doctor can cure my problem and who is experienced for this problem. Can you help me!!
Male | 19
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Mout not opening by using gutka
Male | 30
Gutka is a dangerous substance that can lead to some serious problems in your mouth. Symptoms like swelling, pain, and difficulty opening your mouth can occur. However, it is also important to stop using gutka immediately. You can also go to a dentist who can assist you in getting rid of the problem and also provide you with tips to improve your oral health.
Answered on 5th Aug '24
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What to eat after dental implant surgery
Female | 25
After dental implant you can Ice cream, smoothies, mashed potatoes, any soft and liquid diet.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My tooth hurts when I drink water and when it's exposed to air
Female | 28
Answered on 19th June '24
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What are the treatments available for chronic apical periodontitis?
Female | 46
Root canal treatment and Apicectomy if the infection persist after root canal treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have toothache..one of my tooth falls out..so that pain is horrible from morning..can i take combiflam
Female | 28
Your tooth fell out so the nerve is uncovered. It makes you feel a lot of pain. Taking combiflam may make the pain go away for a little while. But you need to see the dentist right away. The dentist can figure out why it happened. The dentist can fix the problem and stop the pain.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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Hi..doc..i have this white and sour taste toungue for few months..scrap it off the next day it cones back..is it due to smoking and alcohol user..or could it be too much consume caffeine..or is it GERD..pls help
Male | 52
I understand that you may be dealing with a condition known as oral thrush. This could be a result of smoking or heavy drinking, too much caffeine, or even GERD. Common signs and symptoms include having a white coat on your tongue that tastes sour which always returns despite brushing. To mitigate this problem one should cut down on cigarettes, alcohol intake and caffeine consumption. It's best to see a dentist or an ENT specialist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 30th May '24
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Good morning sir Naku అప్పుడప్పుడు కడుపులో మంట వస్తుంది. మంటతో పాటు నొప్పి కూడా వస్తుంది. కారణాలు ఏమిటి డాక్టర్ గారు.
Female | 30
Burning sensation in the stomach along with pain could be due to acid reflux, gastritis, or an ulcer. It’s important to avoid spicy or oily food that can worsen these symptoms. Please visit a gastroenterologist for a detailed examination and the right treatment.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
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My daughter is 13 years old. Her teeth are not evenly placed. Can you please suggest something to solve this problem?
An OPG i.e. full mouth x-ray will be needed to see the eruption pattern of teeth. If all permanent teeth have erupted and they are mal-aligned, you might need to consult orthodontist for braces.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have lots of carries and need 2 root canal urgently treatment,i am a student and get outing of 2 hours only on sunday 10-12 a.m or 3-5 p.m . My father is a defence employee and we come under csma ,how can I get the appointment.
Female | 21
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi my father has a severe problem of aphthous ulcer. It first happened in 2016. The condition was so bad that we had to admit him to the hospital. After that he was fine. But in last 6 months it repeated two times. We were aware of the condition so he got the treatment early. But my question is why it is happening again and again? We visited a doctor at Bayrampasa but were not satisfied. Can you suggest a good doctor in Istanbul who handles this type of patient earlier?
Apthous ulcer is mainly due to stress ;constipation and vitamin b complex deficiency. The following problems should be addressed and by its treatment. Vitamin n b complex Syrup 15 ml minimum for a period of one month one time daily. Mucopain gel thrice daily before having on ulcer site or as prescribed by Dentist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My problem is mouth ulcer coming every 15 days and leg and leg feet burning sensation pain
Male | 20
Frequent mouth ulcers and burning sensations in your legs and feet can be concerning. Mouth ulcers every 15 days might indicate a deficiency or an underlying health issue while burning feet could be a sign of neuropathy. Please consult a dentist for your mouth ulcers and a neurologist for the burning sensation in your legs and feet.
Answered on 31st May '24
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