Female | 23
9 সপ্তাহের গর্ভাবস্থায় কি গোলাপী স্রাব এবং পেটে ব্যথা স্বাভাবিক?
হ্যালো আমি আমার প্রথম গর্ভাবস্থার 9 সপ্তাহের গর্ভবতী এবং গত তিন দিনে আমার একটি গোলাপী স্রাব এবং হালকা পেটে ব্যথা হয়েছে। এটা কি স্বাভাবিক ঘটনা বা এর কারণ কি হতে পারে
স্ত্রীরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ
Answered on 23rd May '24
গর্ভাবস্থায় কোনো স্রাব বা পেটে ব্যথা উপেক্ষা করা উচিত নয়। এটি শরীরের একটি স্বাভাবিক পরিবর্তন বা অন্তর্নিহিত চিকিৎসা অবস্থার একটি চিহ্ন হতে পারে। আপনার পরিদর্শন করুনস্ত্রীরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞএকটি পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খ পরীক্ষার জন্য। তারা আপনার লক্ষণগুলির কারণ নির্ণয় করতে এবং পরবর্তী পদক্ষেপের পরামর্শ দিতে সক্ষম হবে
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3828)
2 days of light bleeding before my expected period starts but my period hasn’t came and i’m now 3 days late for it, strip pregnancy tests have game back negative
Female | 18
This symptom could reflect an existing problem or endocrine imbalance. I would suggest visiting a gynecologist to rule out anything serious and to help plan treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I slept with my boyfriend and he released inside of me few hours ago, and I didn't take any contraptive pills, but if I take postinor 2 tomorrow, would it work?
Female | 22
Taking Postinor 2 several hours after unprotected sex may lower the probability of getting pregnant. But, it is not a safe method of birth control and may lead to side effects. It is recommended that you go to a gynecologist for proper guidance and advice on your situation as soon as possible.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Monthly Menstrual cycle of my wife is complete once and bleeding starts again after 3 days... I am worried about her condition now... Suggest me what to do
Female | 36
Women can sometimes have irregular cycles, however, if your wife finishes the cycle after just three days of having her period, it could be a sign of underlying medical conditions such as hormonal imbalances, uterine fibroid, and infection. I recommend you visit a gynecologist first to undergo a thorough investigation and the provision of the relevant treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
I feel i pregnant right but my period was coming normal but i feeling heartbeat in my stomach
Female | 20
It's necessary to remember that experiencing a heartbeat in your stomach can be caused by many reasons as well, and, therefore, it may not necessarily mean being pregnant. Sensations like fluttering or pulsations in the abdomen can be due to other stomach problems, muscle cramps etc.If you suspect that you may be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test and see a gynecologist for follow-up and care.
Answered on 15th Aug '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Hi, Im brooke and I just recently came off birth control pills. I had unprotected sex 7 days ago, and just started medium heavy of bleeding but it only lasted 2 days.
Female | 18
After discontinuing birth control pills, experiencing a short episode of bleeding could be a result of your body adjusting to the change in hormones. But due to unprotected sex recently there's a risk of pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test after 10-14 days and consult a gynecologist for guidance on birth control options.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
Vagina se halki si bleeding kyu hoti hai, doctor ko dikhaya tha par kuch hua nehi, altrasound bhi kiya tha par kuch nehi he
Female | 35
The cause may be hormonal changes, an infection, or even irritation. Even though the ultrasound didn't show anything, If the bleeding continues or worsens, it's better to consult a gynecologist for further evaluation and possible treatment.
Answered on 4th Oct '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
I have dizziness, anxiety and weakness and I have missed my periods also apart from that I am breast feeding my son I don't know what is wrong with me
Female | 25
You seem overwhelmed, dealing with dizziness, anxiety, weakness, and irregular periods. While breastfeeding, hormone shifts could contribute. Proper nourishment and hydration are vital. However, consulting gynecologist becomes crucial to pinpoint the underlying reasons and receive tailored treatment.
Answered on 30th July '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
So, I have been to a urogynecologist and she thinks I have an overactive bladder. I have had this sensation like I'm leaking. I feel like I leak while I'm standing, sitting, or bending really much at any time. Well, today I had to go to the bathroom and when I pulled down my pants white stuff went on the floor. But, When I urinated in the toilet it was yellow. I am wondering if the leaking feeling I have is just a discharge. I did go to the er for back pain and they said I have sciatica.
Female | 23
What you saw on the floor as a white substance may be discharge, but it is vital to eliminate other possible sources. I would recommend that you visit your urogynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
Period late for 35 days since my last period on may 18 till 21.im 37 years old not married single
Female | 37
Your period may have delayed this month, which happens at times. Various factors like stress, weight changes, or hormonal imbalances could cause the delay. Since your previous cycle ended in May, missing it now seems reasonable. Don't worry excessively, however, if it prolongs, consulting a gynecologist may help identify any underlying issues.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
My periods are delayed this month. I had sex 3 months ago but after that I got normals periods but this month it's delayed.
Female | 21
DelaYed periodS can be normal.. StreSS, weight, and hormoneS affect menstruation.. pregnanCy, pCOs, and thyroid disorder can also cause delay.. waiT for a week before worrying.. keeP a healthy lifeStYle.. ConSult a doctor if delaY persistS..
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
I have ovarian cyst of size 6x4 cm plz suggest me medicine
Female | Ragini
An ovarian cyst, like a 6x4 cm one, having been diagnosed can easily lead to lower belly pain, bloating, and menstrual irregularities. Ovarian cysts occur when an egg is not released from an ovary. Medicines can be used for pain management, but a hysterectomy may become necessary to remove the cyst. It is the best to discuss possible solutions with your gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
I am 35 years old l. I recently took emergency contraceptive I got my period but it wouldn't stopf. I am having period for more than a week now
Female | 35
You are bleeding for more than a week after taking the emergency contraceptive pill. Sometimes, this may be due to the effects of hormonal level changes. Additionally, you may have symptoms such as heavy bleeding and pain. Don't panic, this is usually a temporary condition, as your body gets used to the medication. Ensure you are drinking enough water and are getting enough sleep. If the bleeding goes on for two weeks or more or you feel faint, it is better to consult a gynecologist.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
There is confusion that , intercourse has been done using safety but there is no regular periods is that indication of pregnancy, then how to prevent that pregnancy since it has been done 20 days.
Female | 22
If there is a delay in periods despite using protection during intercourse, it might be due to various reasons including stress, hormonal imbalances, or pregnancy. To prevent pregnancy after 20 days, it is too late for emergency contraception, but consulting a gynecologist is crucial. They can provide appropriate guidance and check for pregnancy or other underlying issues.
Answered on 17th July '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
My friend take unwanted 72on 28 thmarch and after taking these medicine she's period has started on 3 April So she want to knows when will start she' s next period cycle
Female | 25
Irregular periods are expected after taking Unwanted 72. The pill causes hormonal changes that impact your friend's cycle timing and flow. Her next period might arrive earlier or later than usual, or she may notice irregularities. While variations occur, consult a gynecologist if concerns arise.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I want to abort my second pregnancy... If it have any other after effects have it couse?
Female | 23
Abortion can have physical and emotional after effects including infection and guilt It's important to discuss all options with a healthcare provider..
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I am 22 years old I am suffering from late periods ( last period date was 2/07/2024) past 2 day I have breast pain…..
Female | 22
Late periods and breast pain can be concerning but it's common and can have various reasons. Breast pain mostly occurs due to hormonal changes such as before periods. Stress, diet changes, or medications can also affect periods. Make sure to chill, eat well, and exercise. If the problem persists or gets worse you may want to see a gynecologist.
Answered on 12th Sept '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
I'm a 23 years old female . Today I had my first sexual intercourse . At that time I had severe bleeding and pain . The bleeding is still going on . And I got out a piece of flesh out. I'm worried . Is this normal?
Female | 23
During some women’s first sexual experience, they may have bleeding and pain. The bleeding usually stops after a few hours. However, passing a piece of flesh is abnormal. It could result from the hymen tearing, though such a big piece is uncommon. It’s essential to see a gynecologist for proper treatment and a check-up to confirm everything is okay.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
How do I know am pregnant
Female | 23
You can do a home pregnancy test and also go to a gynecologist. They may recommend blood test and ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
My left breast swollen and feel sensitive to touch and heaviness is too before my period but my heaviness and sensitiveness gone when I am on my period but the swollen is still there i have no lump in my breast so I did exercise my right breast had some vein visible i don't understand what gone wrong please help me please
Female | 17
Swollen /sensitive breasts before your period are common due to hormonal changes. These symptoms usually subside during your period. Visible veins in the breast can be normal. However, if the swelling persists after your period, it's best to consult a gynecologist personall;y.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
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