Male | 30
আমি কি পাইলসের সাথে মলের সাথে রক্তপাত অনুভব করছি?
হাই আমার বয়স 30 এবং আমার স্টলের সাথে পাইলসের রক্তপাতের সমস্যা আছে

অস্ত্রোপচার গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজিস্ট
Answered on 19th Sept '24
আপনার পাইলস হতে পারে যাকে হেমোরয়েডও বলা হয়। নিম্নলিখিত ইঙ্গিতগুলি পাইলসের লক্ষণ হতে পারে যদি আপনি আপনার মলে রক্ত দেখতে পান, আপনার নীচের চারপাশে ব্যথা বা অস্বস্তি অনুভব করেন বা ফোলা গলদ লক্ষ্য করেন। পাইলস হয় যখন এই এলাকার রক্তনালীগুলি ফুলে যায় এবং স্ফীত হয়। ফাইবার-সমৃদ্ধ খাবার খাওয়া, পানি পান করা এবং স্ট্রেনিং এড়ানো এমন কিছু পদ্ধতি যা উপসর্গ উপশম করতে সাহায্য করতে পারে।
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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1117)
I have had acid reflux for 3 years after a haitus hernia surgery can it go away coz am now on medication for 3 years
Male | 46
ACID REFLUX after hernia SURGERY can go away... MEDICATION helps..
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Stomach pain bahut deta hai dhikaye hai har jagah alag alag btaya jata
Female | 17
Stomach pain can be caused by many factors indigestion, gas, acidity, or even serious issues like ulcers or infections. It is best to consult a gastroenterologist to find out the root cause and accordingly they will provide treatment plan. Avoid self-medication and seek medical help immediately if the pain is severe or persistent.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
47 yasinda erkegim, uzun zamandir ve son zamanlarda siddetlenen karin agrisi (bele vuran) ve agri basladiginda terlemeyle devam eden ataklarin en az 5 saat süren ve morjine bile cevap vermeten nedeni bulunamayan karin agrisi.
Erkek | 47
You are going through intense abdominal pain that moves to the back and is combined with sweating. These symptoms last for at least 5 hours and not responding to painkillers could indicate a serious issue. Possible causes include a condition known as pancreatitis, which is the inflammation of the pancreas. This may result in severe abdominal discomfort, particularly after eating, and thus, a gastroenterologist should be consulted.
Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Stomach problems and pain in lower stomach
Female | 25
Experiencing lower abdominal pain and stomach issues can stem from various factors, like infections, gastrointestinal conditions, diet, or stress. Maintain a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and manage stress. If the pain persists or worsens, consult a good hospital for diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
My husband has Bleeding since four days without any pain Had piles and fissure and also got operated for the same in 2010 at thane bhanushali hospital Till now there were no issues but suddenly started bleeding since 4 days without any pain Please advice
Male | 46
As prior operated please do a colonoscopy before doing anything to understand the present issue.Consult the Gasternologist with your report.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
If someone swallowed a small rubber band by mistake will it cause any issues
Female | 24
Swallowed a tiny rubber band? No need to worry! It usually passes through your body without any issues, and you might not even notice it. However, if you experience stomach pain, nausea, or difficulty passing stool, seek medical attention immediately, as it could indicate a blockage.
Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
sir mujhe 4-5 din se chkr aa rhe hai lgatar or kuch kha lu to vomiting ho jati hai bp low ho jata hai
Female | 30
You have been having a sense of imbalance for the last 4 to 5 days and vomiting at the slightest of food intake. These can be attributed to low blood pressure. When blood pressure reduces it is possible for you to feel dizzy and the sensation of sickness to be experienced. To help, consider drinking more water and eating small meals throughout the day.
Answered on 13th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 21 years old. When I press my abdomin lightly it hurts, Even when I poop I feel pressure build up in the lump near umbilicus. I feel constant discomfort in my abdomin,,no pain though.
Female | 21
From your description, it seems what you have is an umbilical hernia. Therein, a little piece of your intestine may pop up through a weak part of your belly button, and as a result, a lump is formed. This may be the reason why you experience discomfort when pushing on your belly or while pooping. See a gastroenterologist for a thorough diagnosis and treatment, which can involve surgery to repair the hernia.
Answered on 6th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Stool Bahut pain karta hai waste products out karte time one year ho gaye hai
Female | 18
You shared that pooping hurts for a year. Ouch! It might be constipation, hemorrhoids, or infection. Drink lots, eat fiber, move gently. See a gastroenterologist if the pain sticks around.
Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have been feeling neausea leading to vomiting heartburn weight loss I can't keep any food down I have lots of wind but it's not as bad as it use to be it's slowly getting better I can't take certain smells lately eg food perfume etc it makes me nausea i would brake out in sweat and fever like I can't breath I am hungry but I'm scared to eat everytime I get I vomit it out again I sleep alot and have a slight constipation but I do atleast poo twice a day what can be the cause of me feeling this way it's been more than a month now please help
Female | 34
You may have symptoms of gastritis, which is the inflammation of the stomach lining. Stress, some drugs, and H. pylori infection are common causes of this. For relief, eat smaller portions but more frequently., avoid foods that are spicy or high in acid, and try to manage your stress. There’s also ginger tea that can help with nausea. When these signs won’t go away, seek a gastroenterologist's help.
Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Iam 23 year old.The jackfruit comes out undigested in the stool in the same form
Female | 23
If it seems that your system is not processing jackfruit properly which shows up whole when you use the bathroom, this could mean you’re not digesting it well. If you can’t break down the fruit like you should, it may pass through your body undigested. To fix this try chewing thoroughly before swallowing or only eating small amounts at a time until you know how much is safe for you. If these steps don’t help or if there’s any pain consult with a gastroenterologist for further assistance.
Answered on 30th May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have a lot of pain in my stomach
Male | 29
Stomach discomfort often results from consuming excessive amounts or improper foods, and stress may contribute. Relieving this involves rest, clear liquids, and bland meals. However, if pain persists or intensifies, consult a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hi am 30 and I have issue of piles bleeding with stoll
Male | 30
You could have piles which are also referred to as hemorrhoids. The following indications could be the symptoms of piles if you see blood in your stool, feel pain or discomfort around your bottom, or notice swollen lumps. Piles occur when blood vessels in the area become swollen and inflamed. Eating fiber-rich foods, drinking water, and avoiding straining are some methods that can help alleviate the symptoms.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Dear Sir/ Madam I had a abdominal ultrasound it shows 3.0 duct dialetion, is it normal with age. I am 63,any cause for concern to worry. Is it slow growing cancer. Kindly advise highly anticipated. Best regards
Male | 63
interpreting a 3.0 cm duct in the abdominal ultrasound is normal to progression with age. Do not forget to see the gastroenterologist who will take into consideration your symptoms and situation and may recommend some follow up or treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have been suffering from digestive issues and stomach disorders for about a month. I feel like it takes long for my stomach to digest food. I feel hungry but I can't eat because of this issue. If I do, I'll get acid reflux and other symptoms.
Male | 20
Gastritis makes the stomach lining inflamed. Slow digestion, lack of appetite, and acid reflux occur. Stress, spicy foods, and medications cause it. Eat small meals frequently. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Stay hydrated. Manage stress through breathing or meditation. See a gastroenterologist if symptoms don't improve.
Answered on 14th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Gas formation,bloating heaviness after meal ie. Post meal fullness.please suggest remedy.
Male | 65
It looks like you're experiencing gas, bloating, and a feeling of fullness after eating. This could be due to eating too quickly, swallowing air, or consuming foods that are hard to digest. To reduce these symptoms, try eating more slowly, avoid fizzy drinks, and include probiotic foods like yogurt in your diet. Drinking peppermint tea might also help soothe your stomach.
Answered on 20th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have rectum and intestine noises for 3-4 months now, I have been prescribed acid reflux medication but it didn't do anything it was for 15 days right now it's the 8 or 9 day but I didn't help me, and when I pray my namaz gas gets discharge on its own, and on other times when I'm not praying I discharge gas alot by myself but on namaz it discharges on its own, I have to pray namaz again and again one time I did it 5 times please help me!
Female | 20
According to the information you have given, it appears that you might have symptoms such as too much gas and bowel sounds. These could result from different things including what you eat and drink habitually, problems with digestion or even tension. Make sure you take your time when eating; stay away from food items that make one gassy plus drink enough water. In case this doesn’t help then it would be wise to see a gastroenterologist for further assessment.
Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
What could be causing my abdominal pain and burning sensation, with a mild enlargement in size of my liver and spleen? I'm concerned about the possibility of a serious condition like colon cancer. Can you provide any guidance or information?
Male | 19
Mild enlargement of the liver and spleen, without any focal lesions, can have various causes and may not necessarily indicate a serious disease like colon cancer. Conditions like fatty liver disease, viral infections, inflammation, etc. can be associated with the swelling of these organs.
A proper diagnosis can only be made by a healthcare professional like a gastroenterologist after considering your complete medical history.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
toilet ke raste ke throw kuch mans bahar ki or aa rha hai vo pta krna hai
Female | 28
It appears that you may have a medical problem called rectal prolapse. This occurs when the rectal tissue which is lining the rectum comes out through the anus. Symptoms include a feeling of something coming out of the bottom, bleeding, and discomfort. It can occur because of straining during bowel movements or weak pelvic floor muscles. To prevent this, it is essential to stay away from constipation by consuming a fiber-rich diet and drinking sufficient water. You need to consult with a gastroenterologist to receive the right care.
Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I was wondering what to do about my medical situation: I’ve been experiencing few weeks: -Anal discomfort from constipation -bowel leakage - anal itchiness for a due to Background: I had a loop colostomy put in the descending colon but what it seems To me is that some stool bypassed the colostomy and got to the area in the rectum that is damaged, and so its just staying inside the rectum, I can’t seem to have a bowel movement because of the damage in that area and I can’t seem to get it out. because of having the colostomy, I know there isn’t a serious problem like a blockage. but I’m feeling really uncomfortable due to the the leakages and itchiness at the anal area. From past experience Enemas and laxatives and suppositories haven’t been helpful with my constipation. What can I do?
Female | 27
It seems that you have encountered some abnormal complications related to your colostomy or you are constipated. Your anal discomfort and the smell and itchiness are occurring due to the feces that have collected in the damaged area in your rectum. That can occur when the stool makes an unplanned detour. In view of the fact that classical treatments such as enemas and laxatives are of no help; it is time to speak to your care provider for other possible options, like diet modification, stool softeners, or special procedures.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
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- Hi am 30 and I have issue of piles bleeding with stoll