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Female | 16

ডেটল পোড়ার কারণে কি একগুঁয়ে মুখের বাদামী ছোপ পড়ে?

আমি আমার মুখে [ব্রণের অঞ্চলে (গাল এবং কপালে) রক্তক্ষরণের কারণে] আনডিলিউটেড ডেটল লাগিয়েছিলাম এবং ধুয়ে ফেলতে ভুলে গিয়েছিলাম। এটি পরে আমার ত্বক পুড়ে গেছে এবং এখন দুই মাস পরে একটি বাদামী প্যাচ রয়েছে যা আমি যতই দাগ অপসারণকারী ক্রিম এবং ডিপিগমেন্টিং ক্রিম ব্যবহার করেছি তা নির্বিশেষে আমি পরিত্রাণ পেতে অক্ষম। অনুগ্রহ করে আমাকে একই জন্য একটি সমাধান দিয়ে সমস্যা চিনতে সাহায্য করুন। ধন্যবাদ

Answered on 13th Sept '24

Undiluted Dettol ত্বকে, বিশেষ করে মুখের সংবেদনশীল অংশে পোড়া এবং কালচে দাগ সৃষ্টি করে। আপনার ত্বকের বাদামী দাগটি প্রদাহ পরবর্তী হাইপারপিগমেন্টেশনের ফলাফল হতে পারে। প্যাচ বিবর্ণ করতে, সানস্ক্রিন প্রয়োগ করে সূর্যের এক্সপোজার এড়ান এবং একটি পরিদর্শন করার কথা ভাবুনচর্মরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞরাসায়নিক খোসা বা লেজার থেরাপি চিকিত্সার জন্য।

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (2000)

I am 31 year old female from lucknow ,i want to know about skin melanin treatment surgery for skin lightening and whitening ,is this is good for skin in future or in my 60’s ,,i have dry combination skin Please suggest

Female | 31

Skin melanin treatment surgery can be harmful in the long run so I suggest not to go for it. You can try other treatments like chemical peels or dermabrasion instead. These treatments can help lighten the skin and are not harmful in the long run. Also using moisturizer and sunscreen can help.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Manas N

Dr. Manas N

I want my facial hair and neck hair removed .would like to go for lazer treatment. How much does it cost ? And how long will it take ?

Female | 60

Hi Mam,
As mentioned I believe your age is 60. Mam Laser hair reduction works beautifully on thick dark coarse hair, if your hair is grey it might not be responsive to the treatment. Usually 6-8 sessions are needed, then it goes to maintenance depending on the response. See a Dermatologist.

Answered on 13th Sept '24

Dr. Chetna Ramchandani

Dr. Chetna Ramchandani

I have sweating glands under eyes. Can that be cured. If yes, how?

Sweating under the eyes is abnormal and may be an indication of such a problem as hyperhidrosis- this can signify something wrong in numerous parts of the body that appear to sweat profusely. Treatment alternatives range from topical antiperspirants, Botox injections, oral treatments to surgery if necessary. It is best to contact a dermatologist who can diagnose your specific condition and advise you on the most suitable treatment. They can give you a detailed assessment to find the root cause of your sweating and create an individual treatment plan that will help them deal with all these symptoms effectively. Remember, key to effective addressing of hyperhidrosis is the correct diagnosis as well as tailored treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My son has redish spots on the body feeling swear itching and burrowing with swelling.

Male | Roshaan

Your son might have a skin condition called hives. These are small, pinkish-red, itchy lumps that appear on the skin. Hives are generally caused by a person's allergic reaction to specific types of food, or drugs, or by bug bites. Give him an antihistamine that will alleviate the itchy skin and reduce the swelling. Moreover, you should search for the elements that cause the hives to not occur the rest of the time.

Answered on 22nd July '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I have been bit by a person in my hand a few says ago. The area is red now. What should I do about it?

Female | 24

The redness you see might be a cause of infection. It can be managed by washing the area properly with soap and water. Next, put an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment and cover it with a bandage. If the redness starts to expand, you get a fever, or if there is pus, seek medical help immediately.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

My mother had a small lump on her hand so can she take moxiforce cv 625 this medicine

Female | 58

Any lump or soft tissue can be due to many reasons like injury, inflammation, or even tumors. Moxiforce CV 625 is a medicine prescribed to treat infections, but without determining the exact cause of the lump, it is not advisable to use it. It is more preferable to have a doctor to check the lump and decide which is the best treatment.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Hair loss problem facing before 2year

Male | 23

Hair loss is common, and there are several causes exist.. Stress, Hormonal changes, genetics, PCOS and Medications can cause hair loss. Nutritional deficiencies like iron and vitamin D can also cause hair loss. Consulting a doctor early can help with diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause of hair loss. It's IMPERATIVE to SEEK medical attention if you EXPERIENCE excessive HAIR loss. there are different hair loss treatment availavle such as stem cell treatment, plasma therapy for hair lossing etc. But to know the root cause is most important for proper treatment plan

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

My Wife had severe pigmentation problem on whole face since last 2 years after second pregnancy. We have tried lot of home made, Ayurved, allopathy and even last laser also but no 100% results. Can anyone suggest excellent Dr name who can cure this problem permanently or near around 80-90%. I am from Ahmedabad.

Female | 37

For the pigmentation concern you should consult a dermatologist first. Dr. Nivedita Dadu is a renowned and an experienced dermatologist. As you are from Ahmedabad you can consult her team online for this concern. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nandini Dadu

Dr. Nandini Dadu

I applied a sunnies face lipstick accidentally ( without examining the lipstick before because i had used it yesterday and it looked fine ) today there was some yellow thin patch on the top part of the lipstick , I wiped it off with water , applied face was ( ponds ) on my lips and then brushed my teeth. Is it okay? should I be concerned? I am not feeling uncomfortable. what should i do with the lipstick? I applied it on my hand ( path was removed after i applied on my lips ) and the texture was fine , with no rash. should I wait and see if the mold regrows? Also i store my lipsticks in dry cool place and i have never mixed it with any other lipstick i just bought it a month ago and used only a few times.

Female | 17

You used a lipstick that may have had some mold on it. Makeup products mold due to age or contamination sometimes. The yellow spot you noticed could be mold. You do not feel any discomfort, so you are probably fine. Always remember to wash the lipstick before using it again. You should also check for any changes on your lips and see a doctor if you notice something unusual.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

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