Female | 22
কেন আমি চোখের চারপাশে দুর্বলতা অনুভব করি?
আমি চোখের চারপাশে আরও দুর্বলতা অনুভব করি কি কারন হো সক্ত হ্যায়

চক্ষু বিশেষজ্ঞ / চক্ষু সার্জন
Answered on 25th Aug '24
আপনি চোখের এলাকার চারপাশে কিছু অতিরিক্ত ক্লান্তি অনুভব করছেন যা ভাল নয়। এটি বিভিন্ন কারণে হতে পারে। পর্যাপ্ত ঘুম না হওয়া, দীর্ঘক্ষণ স্ক্রিনের দিকে তাকিয়ে থাকা বা পর্যাপ্ত পানি পান না করা চোখকে দুর্বল করে দিতে পারে। স্ক্রিন থেকে বিরতি নেওয়ার চেষ্টা করুন, পর্যাপ্ত ঘুমান এবং প্রচুর পানি পান করুন। এই সংবেদন দূরে যেতে না হলে, একটি দেখুনচোখের ডাক্তারএকটি চেক আপ জন্য.
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Questions & Answers on "Eye" (154)
I am from pakistan there is blood in my left eye
Male | 38
If there is blood in your left eye, then it is a symptom of a severe eye condition. I highly recommend you to see an ophthalmologist who can make a correct diagnosis and treatment without delay. Do not postpone seeking for medical help or risk losing your vision.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My left eye suddenly got swollen. Yesterday it was swollen but in a negligible way but today it is completely swollen. I can't see properly. My right eye is completely fine.
Male | 14
The swelling of the left eye like yours might be a sign of 'periorbital cellulitis'. It is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist right away. Don’t go for self-diagnosis and self-medication as it can worse the condition
Answered on 23rd May '24
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What are the symptoms one can experience if they have Eye Cancer? Are they noticeable or do they go unnoticed?
Eye cancer does not always cause obvious symptoms and may only be picked up during a routine eye test. Some of the common symptoms of eye cancer are:
- Shadows
- Flashes of light
- Blurred vision
- Dark patch in eye that's getting bigger
- Partial or total loss of vision
- Bulging of 1 eye
- A lump on eyelid or in eye that's increasing in size
- Pain in or around eye, others.
The above mentioned symptoms can also be caused by more minor eye conditions, so they're not necessarily a sign of cancer. Consult an ophthalmologist. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Mujhe dry eye ki problem hai
Male | 26
Tears keep eyes lubricated and moist. Sometimes, eyes don't make enough tears. This condition is called dry eye. You may experience feeling gritty objects in your eyes, or your vision becomes blurry. Causes include aging, prolonged screen usage, and certain medications. Helpful remedies: use artificial tear drops; take breaks from digital devices. But if symptoms persist, consult an eye specialist for further evaluation and management.
Answered on 25th July '24
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Sir. Mere baby ke ek eyes ki najar bilkul nhi hai. Kyuki uske ek eyes me black part kafi chota hai jo born se hai. Iska koi solution hai? Maine Aims me ilaaj karwaya tha par unhone bola jab baby 4-5 years ka ho jayega to ilaaj karwana. Abhi to mai aims dobara gya nhi.
Male | 3
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have zigzag blur vision for one hour it comes sudden and goes away less than one hour. It started from my schooling.
Female | 28
Ocular migraine may affect you, causing zigzag lines or blurry vision for an hour. It appears suddenly, that then vanishes alone. Stress, poor sleep, or certain foods trigger this type of migraine. To prevent ocular migraines, manage stress, sleep enough, and keep a food diary to spot triggers. If episodes persist or worsen, discuss them with an eye doctor.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
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I am 17 year old female. I noticed that I have a lump inside my eyelids on both eyes. It is painless, not swollen, it's colour is same as my skin colour. It's been for about 1 month and it is starting to get noticeable when I close my eyes.
Female | 17
You may have a common eye issue called a chalazion. A chalazion is a small lump in the eyelid. It happens when oil glands get blocked. Don't worry, chalazions often go away by themselves. Try warm compresses to help it heal faster. If it doesn't go away or gets bigger, see an eye doctor for treatment. Chalazions are not serious but can be annoying. The key is to be patient and keep doing the warm compresses. If it persists, an eye doctor can help with easy treatments.
Answered on 16th July '24
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I wanna take murine 300 or Vitacover since it has omega 3 and lycopene which are good for heart and eyes. So can I take those capsules ? If yes then how many capsules per week ?
Male | 21
Omega-3 and lycopene are indeed good for them. Apart from that, you can get these benefits by taking Murine 300 or Vitacover. The proper dosage is to take 1 capsule of one of them per day. These capsules have a role in maintaining your heart's health & your eyes' good shape.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
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When I work out at the gym, my eye starts to swell after the workout. I consulted an eye specialist, who said it’s an allergy. However, when I jog or walk outside, nothing happens. In the gym, if I lift weights, even light ones, my eye starts to swell later. When I do floor exercises like push-ups, I feel like there's a foreign object in my eye, causing a twitching sensation. This only happens with exercises that involve pressure.looking like muscle weakness.It also happens after swimming. This issue never occurred before, and I’ve been doing these activities for the past four years without any problems. I have consulted various doctors and spent a lot of money, but I have not found a solution.
Male | 24
You might be having allergic reactions triggered by your exercise. When you do certain workouts at the gym, like lifting weights or floor exercises, your eye swells up. This could be due to allergens at the gym or materials from the equipment. It's good that outdoor activities don't cause this problem. To prevent the symptoms, try wearing protective eyewear (goggles) at the gym or using antihistamine eye drops before you work out. It's a good idea to consult with an allergist for a complete evaluation and management plan.
Answered on 10th July '24
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Sir/mam I am Naveen S/O ved prakash belongs to Delhi My eyes is very dry and my eyes see in front of multiple of floaters
Male | 33
Common eye problems such as dry eyes and floaters need treatment. It is advised to see an ophthalmologist to have a proper evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Eye pain like pinguecula white spot in eye
Male | 17
You likely have pinguecula - a tiny white spot on your eye. This could cause eye discomfort. Common signs include redness and irritation. Pinguecula happens due to sunlight, wind, or dust exposure. To ease pain, try eye drops or warm compresses. However, if pain persists or worsens, consult an eye doctor promptly.
Answered on 24th July '24
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Sir unfortunatly I droped atropine eye drops in my eyes , now 2days went but I can't see properly beacuse of eyedrop
Male | 18
Atropine eye drops are used for specific eye conditions, but if they get into your eyes accidentally, you may experience blurred vision or other issues because atropine can over-dilate your pupils. This should return to normal as your eyes recover. Just wait a little, and if your vision doesn't clear up, you should see an eye specialist.
Answered on 4th Aug '24
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What can I do if my eyes gets red
Other | 25
Red eyes are common and can happen for many reasons, like a stuffy nose, dust, tiredness, or chlorine. Sometimes, conditions like arrhythmia or long periods of staring at screens can also cause red eyes. To help, you can use artificial tears to keep your eyes moist. If your eyes still feel irritated, taking a break and resting them is a good idea.
Answered on 20th Aug '24
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My friend is effected in HCL his HCL test report are positive and his eye was very red and his eye gave him very much pain he can see clear and it is very painful to open his eye . So plz consider me what can be do .
Male | 24
Your FRIEND may have conjunctivitis from HCL. Apply cold compresses to the affected eye Consult with an ophthalmologist for a thorough eye examination. Prescription eye drops may be needed for treatment. Avoid self-medication to prevent complications...... YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY BECAUSE IT CAN be DANGEROUS FOR your FRIEND'S EYE.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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can you take mdma after having lasik eye surgery
Female | 20
Using MDMA after LASIK is risky because it can cause high eye pressure, blurred vision, and light sensitivity, which are all hazardous for your healing post-operative eyes. Therefore it is critical to shield them during this time and abstain from substances like ecstasy that might hurt them.
Answered on 31st May '24
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Hello! I am an almost 30 year old female and for the past week I have trouble looking/focusing far away or when looking upwards. I always get dizzy and have the constant feeling that me eyes and their surrounding area have become more heavy, out of the sudden, and push my eyes downwards. I dont see blury or have double vision, I just refrain from looking upwards of faw away because I feel instantly dizzy. No medical history, no drugs. Can you please give me an insight as to what is happening;
Female | 30
Vertical heterophoria might be the reason for your dizziness and the heavy feeling around your eyes. It’s a misalignment issue that doesn’t cause blurred or double vision. To fix it, visit an eye doctor who can provide you with special prism eyeglasses. These glasses realign your eyes and relieve the symptoms.
Answered on 19th July '24
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I have been staying up late for about a week and i started to notice that my vision started to be a little bit blur and that i cant focus is there anything that can be done for this to be corrected
Male | 15
Spending too much time looking at screens might result in eye strain and temporary loss of visual sharpness. In order to avoid negative impacts on vision, it is better to take breaks, change lighting and use the screens with the anti-reflective filter. For further treatment consult a eye specialist
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My eye 3 to 4 days rednees
Female | 20
Your eye seems red for a couple of days now. Many causes exist allergies, irritation, and infection. Do you feel itchy, watery eyes, or light-sensitive? Try putting something cool on your eye. Don't rub it. If red doesn't fade in a few days, see an eye specialist.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
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I had an accident a month ago in which I had a bone fracture on the left side face. The reports are mainly traumatic nerve neuropathy and now my left side eye is not visible and I do not have any symptoms like vomiting, headaches, or pain in my left side eye. is there any chance of recovering my vision back?
Male | 24
A bone fracture on the left side of the face can seriously affect the vision of the eye. The traumatic nerve neuropathy may have caused damage to the optic nerve, which could be causing the loss of vision. Talk to an ophthalmologist after evaluating the condition only it will be possible say anything about treatment options to regain your vision.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I’m a 28 years old female..I’m having right side temple pain and eye pain for about a month..not much severe..a dull ache..I get it everyday but not every time…I’m a shortsighted person also..could it be due to my sight problem??or any other serious condition??
Female | 28
If you are experiencing pain in the eyes and temples it might be related to your vision. On another note, nearsightedness can make your eyes work extra hard which causes discomforts such as these. However we should also consider more serious possibilities. Additionally, staring at screens or books too long without enough breaks; not sleeping well due to various reasons including stress could lead onto them pains too therefore among other things try adequate rest combined with good lighting for relief. Consult an eye specialist if they persist or get worse.
Answered on 14th June '24
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