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Male | 26

Remedies for Dry Eye Syndrome

Mujhe dry eye ki problem hai

1 Answer
Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon

Answered on 25th July '24

Tears ke­ep eyes lubricate­d and moist. Sometimes, eye­s don't make enough tears. This condition is calle­d dry eye. You may expe­rience fee­ling gritty objects in your eyes, or your vision be­comes blurry. Causes include aging, prolonge­d screen usage, and ce­rtain medications. Helpful reme­dies: use artificial tear drops; take­ breaks from digital devices. But if symptoms pe­rsist, consult an eye specialist for furthe­r evaluation and management.

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Questions & Answers on "Eye" (195)

My name Is Rikah I'm from Papua New Guinea age 25. I have been experiencing intense and severe both my two eyes for 1 year. I have been put on trail for TB medicine and it work, is it I'm a positive to Tuberculosis.

Male | 25

Yes, eye pain can be a sign of TB infection if your eyes are infected with it. TB can infect the eyes which in turn can lead to various health problems. Typical symptoms are the presence of eye pain, redness, and blurry vision. The medication for TB treatment should be followed strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Also, it is recommended to have regular check-ups to track your progress. 

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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Soreness and red and pufffy around eyes

Female | 41

Itching and swelling around the eyes might be a symptom of an eye infection or allergies. It is important to see an ophthalmologist for a correct diagnosis and a therapeutic plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have so called Amplyopia in my left eye, and I am 54 years old , is possible to treat that

Male | 54

Amplyopia, known as lazy eye­, can happen because childhood vision didn't de­velop right. Or it can be caused by othe­r eye issues. Signs may be­ blurry sight, or eyes not working togethe­r well. At 54, treating lazy eye­ is harder, but vision therapy or glasses might he­lp improve eyesight some­. Getting eyes che­cked regularly is very important.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Dear Sir/Madam, I live abroad. I cannot see because the cornea and optic nerves of my right eye have not developed since birth, and the colored part of my cornea is smaller than my seeing eye. Is there a treatment method in your clinic that will help me see? Or do you have an application that will provide the same appearance as my other eye? Best regards

Male | 18

You have a congenital problem in which one of your eyes, the right one, has not developed fully. This can result in visual impairment or even blindness in that eye. Regrettably, in your case where the cornea and optic nerve have not developed, no treatment can bring back vision. Nevertheless, some cosmetic options like colored contact lenses or prosthetic eyes can enhance the look of your eye and make it more similar to your other eye. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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Hello i am 14 years old and i constantly see lightning in the corner of my eye?? im super stressed and i overreact easily

Male | 14

Seeing flashes of light or "lightning" in your peripheral vision can sometimes be a symptom of an eye related issue. However, stress and anxiety can also cause visual disturbances, including perceived flashes of light. Meantime it may be helpful to practice stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness or meditation. If this also doesn't help then visit an eye specialist to get it checked.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Please Can you answer me.Could you treat eye problem which is retinit pigmentosa diagnos

Male | 17

Yes, of course! Retinal pigmentosa is a visual disability that happens when the cells in the retina do not function properly, thereby leading to a vision problem. Symptoms include difficulty in seeing at night and side vision loss. It's mostly a genetic disorder, and thus it commonly appears in families. Retinitis pigmentosa is yet to be discovered with a cure. However, using sunglasses and low-vision aids can benefit the management of the symptoms.

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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I'm having eyes problem my eyes is paining me swelling up i want to know if it's something serious

Female | 20

Eye pain and swelling could signify a serious PROBLEM.. SEEK medical ATTENTION now.. Possible causes: INJURY, INFECTION, allergies or other MEDICAL conditions.. if you are working then it could be because of continious seeing the screen. Symptoms may get worse without TREATMENT..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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my father will lost both right and left eyes vision and doctrors will say nerve is weakness not possible to surgery vision chances after surgery less what can i do now please suggest other option..

Male | 65

If nerve damage is present and surgery isn't viable, exploring other treatments is essential. Consider seeking a consultation with an ophthalmologist specializing in low-vision rehabilitation, as they can provide strategies or devices to improve his quality of life. Regular visual assessments may help identify any changes or alternative therapies. Lifestyle adjustments such as a healthy diet rich in antioxidants and managing underlying conditions may also support overall eye health. 

Answered on 30th Jan '25

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I take ashwagandha daily, can I donate my blood? And I had a Lasik eye surgery 3 years ago.

Male | 21

Yes, you can give blood if you take­ ashwagandha every day and had Lasik surgery 3 ye­ars ago. The ashwagandha herb is safe and will not impact your blood donation. The­ Lasik eye operation you had some­ time ago also does not stop you from giving blood. Just make sure­ you feel good on the day you plan to donate­ blood. 

Answered on 27th Sept '24

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