Male | 35
ব্যথা এবং মাথা ঘোরা ছোট spurts একটি মস্তিষ্ক সমস্যা সংকেত পারে?
আমার মস্তিস্কের ডান দিকে কিছু একটা পপ করে, এবং এটা উড্ডয়ন অনুভব করে এবং ছোট ছোট ব্যথার স্পর্স আছে। যখন এটি প্রথম ঘটে তখন আমার মাথার চারপাশে হালকা মাথাব্যথা ছিল। গুরুতর বেদনাদায়ক কিছুই নেই, এবং আমার মাথা ঘোরা হচ্ছে। অনিয়ন্ত্রিত কিছুই কিন্তু এটা অদ্ভুত.

নিউরো সার্জন
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
বর্ণনাটি দেখে মনে হচ্ছে আপনার মাইগ্রেন নামক একটি নির্দিষ্ট সমস্যা থাকতে পারে। মস্তিষ্কে জ্যাপিং সংবেদনগুলি হল "পপিং" যা মাথাব্যথা এবং মাথা ঘোরা দ্বারা অনুষঙ্গী হতে পারে। ব্যথা অস্থায়ী কিন্তু, এই মাথাব্যথাগুলি ব্যথার একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত মুহুর্তের কারণ হতে পারে। অনেক সময় মাইগ্রেনের কারণ হল মানসিক চাপ, ঘুমের বঞ্চনা এবং নির্দিষ্ট কিছু খাবার বেশি খাওয়া। উপসর্গগুলির পাশাপাশি, আপনি একটি শান্ত, অন্ধকার ঘরে বিশ্রাম নিতে এবং হাইড্রেট করার জন্য তরল পান করতে চাইতে পারেন। যদি উপসর্গগুলি চলতে থাকে বা খারাপ হয়, তাহলে কনিউরোলজিস্টঅতিরিক্ত চিকিত্সা এবং পরীক্ষা করার জন্য।
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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (708)
Drowsiness sleepy weakness
Female | 60
Feeling drowsy, sleepy, and weak can be caused by both physical and psychological factors. Please consult an expert to get yourself evaluated and treated..
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir mera hath me jhanjhanahat hot ha 10day se
Male | 17
Consult a neurologist if you are experiencing hand tremors persistently for more than a week. They can diagnose you and offer the best treatment once the cause is established. Seek medical help, some tremors can be a symptom of more serious condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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i am 33 year old female 4 days back i started suffering from a terrible head ache and feeling weak now i am noticing my lymp nodes behind my ears are swollen and my eyes i painful today they where swollen what might be the cause
Female | 33
Severe headaches, weakness, swollen lymph nodes behind the ears, and painful, swollen eyes could indicate an infection, possibly sinusitis, which is the inflammation of the sinuses. Get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, and apply warm compresses to the eyes to reduce swelling. If the symptoms persist, seek medical evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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Is there any treatment for optical nerve injury vision loss
Male | 32
The optic nerve is crucial for the eyes to send signals to the brain for clear vision. Blurred sight, color vision loss, and even blindness can occur. Causes include head trauma, inflammation, glaucoma, and other diseases. Sadly, damaged optic nerves can't fully heal. But treating root causes and eye care may stop further harm. Seeing an eye doctor regularly helps manage vision changes, and keeps eyes healthy.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
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When I lie down I feel pressure at back of my head and getting headaches. I have pinched nerve issues. Is this headaches related to pinched nerve.
Female | 38
The headaches and the agitated feeling in the back of your head could be due to a pinched nerve. When a nerve is pinched, it can cause pain that radiates to other areas, like your head, leading to headaches. It's important to treat the pinched nerve to relieve the pain, rather than just focusing on the headaches. Light stretching, good posture, and sometimes physical therapy can help. If the headaches persist or worsen, it's best to consult a neurologist.
Answered on 19th Sept '24
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My mom having a bad headache and because of that she throw up. While throw up she noticed some blood in it. I was worried about it
Female | 45
Vomiting blood could signify stomach or esophagus irritation, maybe injury. This symptom needs medical evaluation promptly. Blood in vomit, while alarming, sometimes happens but requires a doctor's assessment. Seeking medical help imperative to determine precise cause behind this serious symptom.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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My daughter mahika is having some abnormal behaviour . She also has speech problem . She can’t understand , what we tell her to do .. she forget the things quickly .. she is loud
Female | 5
Your girl might have some trouble with some issues related to her brain and memory. Such problems may arise from various conditions including autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Consult with a neurologist, who can assist in a better understanding of her condition. Their recommendations might include therapies or treatments to improve her behavior and speech.
Answered on 20th Sept '24
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What does white matter ischemia foci in mri means and T2 and flair hyperintensities in subcortical white matter. I got this in my MRI of brain reports. Today
Female | 30
T2 and FLAIR hyperintensities in subcortical white matter are findings that suggest changes or abnormalities in the brain's white matter which can be caused byage-related changes, or hypertension, small vessel disease, or vascular risk factors. Consult a neurologist or radiologist to get proper treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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When I press my head backside (the place where it was hit when I fell)... It's bleeding from nose... And we took a CT scan they told there's nothing on it... But now it's strted to bleeding on ears and then the eyes on the side where it was hit
Male | 16
It sounds like you are experiencing some serious symptoms, even though your CT scan showed no abnormalities. Bleeding from the nose, ears, and eyes after a head injury can be concerning and should be taken seriously. I strongly recommend that you visit a neurologist or an ENT specialist as soon as possible for a thorough examination and proper treatment. They will be able to assess your condition more accurately and provide the necessary care.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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I end up being very tired during the day and trouble focusing from staying up for hours at night. Is this insomnia at all?
Female | 18
You may have trouble sleeping. Not sleeping well means finding it hard to doze off or stay rested through the night. Daytime tiredness and lack of focus could signify this problem. Common culprits – anxiety, stress, and poor sleep patterns. To rest better, wind down before bed with calming activities. Avoid screens late at night. Most importantly, keep your sleep schedule consistent.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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My Dad is a Parkinson Disease patient. He was medicated with Tridopa+Hexinor+Perkirol+Perkinil for last 2 months after his old problems become worse. But now he has Restless legg, Slurring speech, confusion Facial expression, constipation etc.
Male | 63
Restless legs, slurred speech, confusion, different facial expressions, and constipation are sometimes the adverse effects of these medications. Moreover, these drugs can aggravate these symptoms in Parkinson's disease patients. It is crucial to have a discussion with his doctor about the necessary changes in the treatment plan that will make him feel better.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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There is pain that I feel on the right side of my forehead and I feel the pain when I touch it,I think my skull has a Crack...What must I do and I have headaches
Male | 17
The headache you have on the right side of your forehead may be a result of many things, examples being tension headaches, migraines, or sinus infections. It is recommended to consult a neurologist who will perform the physical exam and differentiate diagnoses of similar signs such as cognitive decline.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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What causes muscle and nerve pains in my legs thighs and arms that comes and goes with no fever
Female | 25
Fibromyalgia causes achy pains. These pains go away and come back without fever. Fibromyalgia hurts muscles and nerves in legs, thighs, and arms. It makes you feel tired too. Stress worsens fibromyalgia pains. Lack of sleep and weather changes worsen it also. Gentle exercises and relaxation methods might help too. Getting enough sleep is important. Eating healthy foods can help fibromyalgia. Managing stress levels might help as well.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
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I am 48 years old and suffering from carpal tunnel from past 6 years. Earlier problem was not so much but now I am feeling numbness in my right hand while writing or doing any particular work. Should I go for surgery? Is there any physiotherapy after surgery and after how long I can do writing work as I am a teacher
Female | 48
You should go for surgery if your symptoms are very severe and make it difficult for you to do your everyday activities. Yes, after surgery, physiotherapy is done for better flexibility and strength. When can you resume writing and other work depends on the type of surgery you had and other things. It is important to listen to your doctor and start writing only after consulting him.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am a 23 year old female who has been having headaches since I've given birth but still no changes of it going away even If I use painkillers. I'm alsohaving chest pain and throat pain for two weeks now, what should I do?
Female | 23
It is quite normal to experience headaches due to hormonal changes and lack of sleep after childbirth. However, headache shooting coupled with chest and throat pain should not be ignored. It is essential to eliminate the fear of serious conditions, such as postpartum preeclampsia or infections. You should go for a medical evaluation as soon as possible to find out the cause and the right treatment.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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I am suffering from migraine headache from 2 years. I have practised all treatments like yoga on daily basis and avoided inappropriate food items etc. Then also I am suffering from migraine headache.. Can I get any instant treatment Please ?
Female | 39
Migraine headaches causes due to stress or other medical reasons. Get proper diagnosis and treatment from an experienced neurologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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But my memory issues will take how much time to resolve after Inter parenchymal bleed it's been already 2 months I haven't forgotten completely but I can't literally recall my past events and remember new events accordingly everything I miss out the dates and times
Male | 23
You are worried about your memory after bleeding within the brain. It is not uncommon for people to have these types of problems with their memories following such events. Some of the symptoms may involve having trouble remembering things that have occurred recently or forgetting appointments altogether; also clock watching could be difficult too. This can affect anyone at any age.
Answered on 29th May '24
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I have congenital neurological hypoplasia of both lower limbs to deformity of axle foot with locomotor disability of 65 PERCENT by CONGENITAL.NEED COMPLETELY RECOVERY TREATMENT PLEASE HELP ME DCTR THINK ME AS YOUR DAUGHTER
Female | 23
You have a condition where your lower limbs are not developing properly causing difficulty with movement. That could be the case since birth. May exhibit may exhibit a hard time walking and a peculiar foot shape. To help with this, treatments like in the template, physical therapy, braces, or sometimes surgery can be considered. It's key to visit a neurologist for tailored recommendations.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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What causes suddenly dizziness and visions blur
Male | 19
This might happen because your blood pressure suddenly falls, you are dehydrated, or your blood sugar has dropped. Apart from this, this may also come from inner ear problems or a change in the prescription of your eyes. Continuously, ensure to drink plenty of water, have meals regularly, and if it continues, see a physician.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Tingling feet and hand, back pain
Male | 30
The tingling sensation on toes and hands and spine pain could be symptoms of nerve damage or pressure. It is best to see a neurologist who may perform tests to determine the cause and provide suitable treatment. Ignoring these symptoms only means that there will be more complications.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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