Female | 46
Ist eine Entzündung in der Nähe der Hysterektomie-Inzision nach 4–5 Wochen besorgniserregend?
Hallo Ärzte im Haus. Meine Anfrage bezieht sich auf meine Frau. Wenn man nach einer Operation der teilweisen Bauchhysterektomie (horizontal) nach 4–5 Wochen eine Entzündung am äußersten rechten Ende der Naht (darunter) bemerkt, ist in diesem Szenario nicht ein Scan erforderlich, um die Ursache zu ermitteln

Soziale Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologe
Answered on 30th Aug '24
Die chirurgische Naht Ihrer Frau weist am rechten Ende eine Entzündung auf, was eine typische Erscheinung nach einer Operation ist. Bei der Entzündung kann es sich um eine Infektion oder Reizung handeln. Die Symptome können als Rötung, Wärme, Schwellung und Schmerzen an der Stelle beschrieben werden. Führen Sie einen Scan durch, um die Ursache zu ermitteln. Die Behandlung könnte aus Antibiotika oder weiterer Pflege durch sie bestehenGynäkologe.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3800)
Hello dr my name is dhruvisha Katariya. I am 20 year old. I had sex with my partner a day ago. We also used protection. Now my period date It has come. But my periods have not come.
Female | 20
It's completely normal for periods to be late sometimes even if you have used protection. Common causes could be stress, a change in routine, or hormonal imbalance. If you are concerned, wait a few more days and then take a home pregnancy test. Remember that irregular periods can happen but it is always good to get checked out just in case.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I was suggested to take krimson 25 for 21 days but i stopped after taking it for 3 days after a week i got light pinkish blood,is that period ,will i ovulate,any chances of pregnancy? I got my period on 22 sept after that i took krimson 25 and stopped after 3 days of using then on day 14 i bleed that is 6 october..... For the very first time i took any hormonal contraceptive pills as my doctor informs that i have pcos 0.4
Female | 24
Light pinkish blood which you may have experienced could have been your period's way of signalling that it is trying to come. Your Krimson 25 withdrawal could be the reason for your body reacting this way. You might also still be ovulating but it could be a bit irregular now. Since you have PCOS, your gynecologist should guide you to the best solution for your specific case.
Answered on 14th Oct '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Periods pain so much pain
Female | 16
For some women, the menstrual cycle may pose a problem in terms of pain and discomfort. This often happens, and you will likely manage it with over-the-counter pain medications and plenty of rest. However, if the pain is high or accompanied by other symptoms, such as a heavy bleeding or fever, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist to find out the conditions causing the pain.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Hi, I want to ask about my breast problem. I am 22 years old and this problem happened when I was 19 years old. My left breast is sunken and my right breast is lumpy and the skin is uneven. I don't understand doc why that happened.
Female | 22
Breast changes are normal and there's nothing to worry about it. But its better to get it checked wit a gynec. it can be due to hormonal changes, fibrocystic changes, or breast injuries. They can examine your breasts, order imaging tests if necessary, and provide appropriate guidance or treatment options based
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I think I might be pregnant, I have missed period and have other symptoms, I want to abort it it's only been a week, recommend me medications and also I have had an appendix operation 2 years ago, so if that can threaten my health and also prevention from side effects of medical abortion
Female | 21
Not having a period as well as other symptoms can mean that you are pregnant. But do not worry as it is still too early to say; It's only been one week. Having had an appendix operation two years ago would not affect doing a medical abortion. It’s important to take note of the potential side effects of the drugs such as heavy bleeding, nausea or even cramping – therefore be careful. Seek professional guidance from a gynecologist before making any decisions.
Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Hi! Recently I believe I had a UTI. It hurt towards the end of my pee, very small pieces of tissue was coming out with a decent amount of bleeding. My urine was cloudy and had a faint smell to it. I drank a lot of water and that went away but now i seem to have a different problem. I had a hormonal iud put in about a year ago now and stopped having my cycle around the 6 month mark. Right after I got over my UTI as I mentioned i have had bleeding come from my vagina. I know it wasn't from this before because I had checked with my finger. Is this normal? Is there a chance I didn't feel it come out? I'm mainly scared i'm pregnant, or worse.
Female | 18
Hormonal IUDs can cause irregular bleeding. But its better to consult a gynecologist. They will do a thorough check up and will guide you next course of treatment
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I have vaginal infection .
Female | 20
If the signs are right, you might have a vaginal infection, a common and curable issue. Itching, unusual discharge, and discomfort while urinating or having sex might also occur. Bacteria, yeast, and other germs can cause these infections. To start feeling better, it’s important to consult a gynecologist/urologist who will diagnose the problem correctly and suggest appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Recently i got a fever so i consulted a doctor while having madicines i fot a period actually my period is not that date after 4 days of periods suddenly it stopped again i having periods in my original date what moght be the reason
Female | 29
The effect of hormones on the body can sometimes lead to the irregularity of the periods because of having a fever. It is possible that the sudden stop and restart were due to this disruption. Be sure to be hydrated and also get enough rest. If this goes on or you have worries, it's always good to have a talk with your gynecologist.
Answered on 24th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
My periods are irregular on feb it came on on dec 27 no jan on 3feb and 9 march 19 april and 29 may i have tried for 3 years to get pregnent i dont know my fertile period we intercourse one in a week or twice in a week what to do to get pregnent any medicine to be taken for getting periods normal
Female | 34
It seems that you might be dealing with irregular periods which can make it difficult to determine your fertile window. Irregular periods may be caused by things such as stress, hormonal imbalances, or an underlying medical condition. To regulate your cycle and increase your chances of conceiving, consult a gynecologist who will advise on suitable treatments or drugs depending on individual circumstances.
Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Himali Patel
On September 20 I was infected by dengue.At that time I was not on my periods .I recovered within 6 to 7 days .My period was to come on 1st week of October but it came on 16 October.Usuallyy period days is of 4 days but this time it was more than 4 days .My periods ended on October 21 .But it again came back on 1st November .This is the first time I am facing this issue
Female | 19
Recovering from dengue fever, one is likely to have irregular periods. However, there should be consultation with a gynecologist to rule out other underlying conditions.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I am 26 years female and I'm having prolactation for 1 year now, I'm not pregnant nor breastfeeding a child and I experience pain during sex
Female | 26
You might have hyperprolactinemia. What happens is this condition leads to the body producing too much of a hormone called prolactin, causing lactation and pain during sex. There are several possible causes, including some medicines you could be on; thyroid problems, or even a little tumor in your brain somewhere. I would advise that you see a doctor as soon as possible.
Answered on 30th May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Im a 23years old female ,I and my partner I’ve been trying to get pregnant for more than a year now it’s not working ,I keep having pregnancy symptoms everymonth yet still no positive result what do I do
Female | 23
Sometimes, your mind may play tricks, making you believe you're experiencing pregnancy signs when there’s nothing. Many factors, like irregular periods or fertility issues, could affect your pregnancy. It's best to consult a gynecologist for guidance and support.
Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Good day. My period is 4 days, I had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago. I don’t have any pregnancy symptoms. I’ve also been stressed these past couple of days
Female | 18
Feeling anxious is understandable. Sometimes stress impacts your menstrual cycle, causing delays or irregularities. If you haven't experienced pregnancy indicators and it's only been a fortnight since unprotected intimacy, detecting pregnancy might be premature.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
im currently 5months plus pregnant, i am currently having running nose, alittle sore throat and cough. what medicine can i take?
Female | 30
- Avoid SELF-MEDICATION during pregnancy
- Consult your doctor as they are aware of your medical history
- They will recommend SAFE options based on your symptoms
- Taking any medication without advice can be harmful to you and your baby
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I am 3 weeks pregnant. This is my 3rd pregnancy and my previous pregnancies were sound and i had normal delivery both times. Last 3 days i am having vaginal bleeding with clots and tissue like discharge. The color of blood is dark red or red-brown type. And my midwife says today that my cervix is 1cm open. I have another blood test today to make sure if i am pregnant or not, but it’s positive again. Right now i am having some financial challenges. I am feeling helpless. Please help me with your advice.
Female | 31
Bleeding with clots and tissue-like discharge, plus your cervix being partly open, is worrying. This could mean a miscarriage is happening. It's important to visit a gynecologist to figure out what's going on.
Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I am pregnant but I eat miliana tablet
Female | 25
If you took Miliana and think you're pregnant, stop taking them right away. Talk to your gynecologist about it. Protecting your baby's health by avoiding harmful substances is very important.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Severe pain during menstruation and one week earlier
Female | 19
Intense pain during menstruation and one week prior to it may be a symptom of endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). It is recommended to visit a gynecologist in order to have an accurate diagnosis
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Hi docter I am 33 weeks pregnent I have 24 afi in pregenency reason not detect still now ..yesterday 2 dose dexamethasone 12 mg steroid give ot to me for docter assume incase have preterm labor in pregnancy ..my question is this one is use for developing lungs function when the baby born preterm delivery right ..if incase my bay bkrm after 37 to 40 weeks of pregency any effect to my baby in future because of to inject 12 mg steroid to my body
Female | 25
It's good that you are taking steps to recognize things early. Dexamethasone is used to help a baby's lungs develop in case they are born prematurely. Premature means the baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. You don't need to worry about the baby having problems with this medicine if they are not born until after 37 weeks.
Answered on 25th June '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I had sex without protection. But once he didn't use protection. He is saying he didn't ejaculate inside. Will i get pregnant?
Female | 19
There is still a risk of pregnancy even if ejaculation doesn't occur inside the vagina. Pre-ejaculate fluid, also known as "pre-cum," can still contain sperm and lead to pregnancy. Get a test done to confirm about pregnancy.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
How to treat vaginal burning sensation instantly
Female | 17
Vaginal burning can occur for several reasons, including infections, rashes, and hormonal imbalances. This may be described as a stinging or itching sensation in the area. To provide instant relief, try using a cool compress, wearing cotton underwear, and avoiding scented products. Furthermore, water and reserving your sense of smell for odorless things can also help. If the burning persists, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.
Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
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