Female | 25
Wie kann ich meine unregelmäßige Periode verfolgen, um schwanger zu werden?
Ich kann meinen aktuellen Monatszyklus nicht berechnen, da ich jeden Monat unregelmäßige Monatsblutungen habe und schwanger werden möchte.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Ungeordnete Perioden machen es überhaupt nicht einfach, das fruchtbare Fenster zu finden. Sie sollten Ihre sehenGynäkologeoder einen Fruchtbarkeitsspezialisten und lassen Sie ihn/sie Ihre Menstruationsgeschichte beurteilen, da dies der beste Weg ist, Ratschläge zur Verfolgung des Eisprungs zu erhalten. Es erhöht auch Ihre Chancen auf eine Schwangerschaft.
30 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3798)
My periods date was 10 I wanted to delay my periods till 16 so I drink apple cider vinegar 3 times yesterday now today I spotted blood
Female | 19
When you took apple cider vinegar to postpone your period, it may have had an impact on your body. If you notice any blood after that, it could be due to the vinegar interfering with your menstrual cycle. This isn’t very common but it can happen. It would be better not to do this with apple cider vinegar again. Your body will probably return to its normal state before long.
Answered on 11th June '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Can fibromyalgia develop after a C-section?
Female | 35
Yes, it's possible for fibromyalgia to develop after a C-section.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I’m a 15 year old female and I had sex for the first time but I used a condom, and my period is late
Female | 15
It is common to worry when your first sexual intercourse is not on time. It may be a bit late due to stress, weight gain hormonal imbalance, etc. If you think that you might be pregnant then do a pregnancy test to calm down yourself. Remember that every time one should use a condom during sex to avoid pregnancy and getting infections like HIV.
Answered on 14th June '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Now 7 week pregnancy confirm but 3 days back I got bleeding one bad I go to hospital and take progesterone injection and tablets doctor do scan and said gestination is good but fetul not find wait 2 weeks after 15days come repeat scan but now heavy crumpings and yesterday creamy white descharge came today brown ? what to do any effect baby
Female | 27
A vehement pain in the belly and brown discharge in pregnancy can be implicated in miscarriage or other complications. It is essential to see a gynecologist to ensure that both you and your unborn baby are healthy and safe.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I don't get my periods since last 2 months so i took pregnancy test but it also came positive now i don't understand what to do
Female | 21
In case you have skipped your periods for two months and your pregnancy test reads positive, then it becomes diagnosable that you are pregnant. The physician needs to go to a gynecologist for him to receive proper prenatal care and referrals.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I had sex with a condom and after 5 minutes I felt a burning pain and we stopped. It has been a week and I have a red and irritated vulva. Neither of us have STDs. What is this?
Female | 18
Maybe it is a reaction to the contraceptive or the lubricant applied. It can lead to irritation, burning and redness. It is always recommended to visit a gynecologist or dermatologist who can do the diagnosis and offer the best treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Hey , I have an achey pain on the side of both breasts just under the armpit and it feels lumpy , the pain goes away when I’m lying and starts when I’m walking or doing certain activities
Female | 19
You should get it checked by a specialist as soon as possible. It could be a sign of breast infection, cysts or even breast cancer. Just be sure to visit a specialist and get a proper diagnosis.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
Dr. Himali Patel
আমার প্রতি মাসের ৫ তারিখ পিরিয়ড হয়। এই মাসে আমি sex করেছি কিন্তু আমার protection ছিল। আমি বাচ্চা না নেয়ার জন্য Norix pill খাই।এখন আমার ৩ দিন অবার হয়ে গেছে এখন পিরিয়ড হয় নাই।এখন আমি কি করব।
Male | 26
It’s completely normal to feel anxious about this. When you don't get your period after having unprotected sex, it’s usually a cause for concern. Stress, hormonal imbalance, or pregnancy could be delaying it. Also, the fact that you took an emergency contraceptive might mess up your cycle. Just give it some time and you may see your menstrual flow soon. However, if there are other unusual symptoms or the delay persists consider taking a pregnancy test.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
My period is late for like 5 days or more and i don't know why
Female | 14
Periods being late is common, so you shouldn't panic straight away. It can also be stress, changes in weight, diet, or exercise habits. It could also be a sign of pregnancy if you've been sexually active. Just breathe deeply. If you are worried, you can take a home pregnancy test to calm you down. If you continue to have irregular periods, you should talk to a gynecologist.
Answered on 29th Aug '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I am trying to conceive since 3months but in march i missed my period but got my date on april 9 This time i am getting sudden fast heartbeats Still my period is delay
Female | 29
Fast heartbeats can have various causes, including hormonal changes, stress, or other conditions. Regarding your menstrual cycle and trying to conceive, it's normal for it to take some time to conceive. If your're concerned you can check with your gynec and confirm, they might as well advise you further.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hello. I got my period on January 11 and ended on January 17. I did unprotected sex on the January 21 and took emergency contraception the next day. Then, on January 28 I did unprotected sex and took emergency contraception on the next day. On February 6 I got my period and it lasted for 4 days but it was lighter. I missed my period on March. Then I took pregnancy test on March 22, March 26 and April 2 but every test showed negative results. Am I pregnant or not?
Female | 23
Based on your description, pregnancy might not be the case. Emergency contraception sometimes messes with your cycle - lighter periods or delays happen. Stress, weight changes, or hormones going haywire can cause missed periods too. If you're worried, it's wise to see a gynecologist.
Answered on 24th July '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I have been experiencing implantation bleeding from the vagina from Monday Is there a possibility to be pregnant?
Female | 25
Implantation bleeding occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. It signifies potential pregnancy. However, hormonal fluctuations or infections can also cause it. Symptoms include light spotting and mild cramping. If pregnancy is suspected, taking a home test is advisable. But if bleeding persists or concerns arise, consulting a gynecologist ensures personalized guidance.
Answered on 4th Sept '24
Dr. Himali Patel
I have missed my periods Last periods was on 12th March 24 I m worried For the first time I have missed this I was got physically involved From 27 March till 3rd April In between Don't know what is happening to me Please advise me
Female | 39
Not getting your period on time is concerning, but we'll find the cause. You mentioned getting intimate in late March, which could be the reason. Sometimes, this shifts your cycle. Other possible causes are stress or certain medicines. If you feel queasy or tired, doing a pregnancy test at home may help.
Answered on 20th July '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I am 28 years old female are pregnant 10 weeks march 8 was my last period started . I had all the paims back boons and period like pains but now only reast pain is ot normal
Female | 28
It's common to encounter early pregnancy-related back pain and period-like pains. This pain is normal and may occur due to the changes occurring in the breast. However, discussing the issue with the doctor may provide some comfort. Sore breasts are a symptom; they are a sign that the person will have periods soon. The mammary glands are currently in a high growth phase, provoking inflammation in the area. It's now a good idea to have a supportive bra on and stretch very gently. In case of any complications arising from pain or if any adverse symptoms appeared inquire with your gynecologist for support.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
So i explain full incident. That I'm unmarried Not breaking my hymen 2 days before my periods i met my bf and do so romance. During romance he put finger on my vagina tip very first time. And i feel pain he dont even insert the fingr into me. And he dont ejaculate that time. Only precum are leak his penis. And we worried that he touch my vagina with that hand he masturbate his self.
Female | 26
Pain in your vagina, after your boyfriend touched it with his finger, could be due to irritation or a small tear. The pre-ejaculate fluid he had on his hand doesn’t typically contain sperm but still can carry some risk of pregnancy or infection. It’s important to always practice safe behaviors and consider using protection to prevent any unwanted outcomes.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
2 days of light bleeding before my expected period starts but my period hasn’t came and i’m now 3 days late for it, strip pregnancy tests have game back negative
Female | 18
This symptom could reflect an existing problem or endocrine imbalance. I would suggest visiting a gynecologist to rule out anything serious and to help plan treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Why is my vagina long and brown I’m insecure cause I’m so young and only did it with one guy
Female | 20
Normal changes can make private parts appear different in shape and color. Sometimes, the vagina may seem longer or darker. This is often due to genetics, hormones, or pigmentation. Sexual activity could also cause changes. If it worries you, focus on health over looks. Discuss any concerns with a gynecologist.
Answered on 25th July '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I am 21 years old, im having a severl menstrual pain, what should i do.
Female | 21
Menstrual cramps, known as dysmenorrhea, affect many women. Symptoms include belly cramps, backaches, and fatigue. These occur as the womb contracts to shed its lining. To relieve discomfort, try using heat pads on your belly, taking over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen, and doing light exercises. Stay hydrated, rest well, and eat healthy, nutritious meals. Limit caffeine and sugary foods. If severe pain persists or lasts abnormally long, consult a gynecologist promptly.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
I had a unprotected sex with my husband after that day bleeding occured for 3 to 4 days and my stomach was paining and after few days1 bleeding occured and left side of my belly is paining and again excess bleeding occured I want to know I am pregnant or not
Female | 18
According to the details you’ve given, it’s crucial to think about the possibility of being pregnant. Bleeding or pain following unprotected sex may occur when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus. This is often called implantation bleeding. Experiencing too much pain and bleeding could be a sign of complications, therefore seeking medical help is significant. a gynecologist will carry out tests to confirm whether there is a pregnancy and offer the necessary support.
Answered on 7th June '24
Dr. Himali Patel
My problem is I got my monthly period but it was not normal like others day it stops in the second day and it was low flow so what it is the problem
Female | 16
This could be due to HORMONAL IMBALANCE or STRESS.. Consult a gynecologist....
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
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