Male | 22
Warum ist mein rechter Hoden etwas höher als gewöhnlich?
Ich bin 22 Jahre alt, männlich, 10 Monaten habe ich plötzlich ein Unbehagen in meinem Hodensack. Das heißt, mein rechter Hoden war etwas höher als normal Und ich habe sofort einen Urologen konsultiert Und er hat den visuellen Test durchgeführt Und vorgeschriebener Bluttest, Urintest und Ultraschall. In jedem Bericht war nur alles normal. Der Arzt sagte, dass nichts da ist, Sie brauchen sich keine Sorgen zu machen. Nach einer Woche kam ich noch einmal vorbei und der Arzt sagte, dass Sie geheilt werden würden. Ich bezweifelte und ging ein weiteres Mal zum Ultraschall, dieses Mal war auch alles normal Tatsache ist jedoch, dass mein rechter Hoden etwas höher steht als in seiner normalen Position Es ist immer noch nur oben Wenn ich rechts oder links schlafe, kann ich nicht bequem schlafen. Aber bevor es passierte Ich habe sowohl links als auch rechts sehr bequem geschlafen Aber nicht jetzt..
Answered on 2nd Sept '24
Sie haben Beschwerden im Hodensack verspürt, weil sich der rechte Hoden in einer etwas anderen Position als gewöhnlich befindet. Die Testergebnisse waren normal, aber es ist immer noch in Ordnung, sich Sorgen zu machen. Diese Positionsveränderung Ihres Hodens kann auf eine Muskelzerrung oder eine leichte Verletzung zurückzuführen sein. Es ist wichtig, alle Änderungen im Auge zu behalten und einen zu besuchenUrologewenn der Schmerz nicht verschwindet. Vermeiden Sie in der Zwischenzeit Aktivitäten, die die Beschwerden verschlimmern könnten, und erwägen Sie das Tragen unterstützender Unterwäsche für zusätzlichen Komfort.
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Questions & Answers on "Urology" (990)
I masturbated after i started feeling a pain in the lower part of my penis. On a scale of 1 to 10 its a 2.
Male | 22
All too often individuals complain about the pain that is located in the lower region of a penis as a result of masturbation. If the procedure is too hard or if there is a lack of lubrication, pain is likely to develop. But, you said discomfort is usually around a 2 out of 10. To get over it, you can have a time out for a few days without masturbating, doing gentle strokes on the skin with lube, and ensuring appropriate lubrication the next time.
Answered on 18th June '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
is test urine test with negative urobilinogen normal
Female | 51
A negative urobilinogen result from a urine test indicates an absence of bilirubin breakdown products. It's often normal if you don't experience symptoms like yellowing skin or eyes. However, discussing the result with a urologist is advisable to ensure everything is fine. Typically, a negative urobilinogen reading alone isn't concerning unless accompanied by other worrying signs.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I am actually having problem of urine not coming out but blood is coming out, I get irritation whenever blood comes out. I am also getting headache and stomachache... hope this is not hematuria ????
Male | 16
You're having difficulty urinating and seeing blood, as well as having headaches and stomach aches. These could be caused by several things. The combination of stomach pain, headache, and bloody urine is unusual. To find out what is going on and get some help, go to a urologist.
Answered on 10th July '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
2 lumps on each side of scrotum above testicles. Sore to the touch and achy. Is this normal week and a half after a vasectomy
Male | 42
Two lumps appearing over your testicles post vasectomy are normal. They may initially cause soreness and achiness—usually sperm build-up, swelling, or fluid cause these lumps. Wear supportive underwear and use ice packs to ease discomfort. Seek advice from a urologist if the pain intensifies, redness or fever develops. Rest and allow your body adequate time for healing.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I am 21 yeaRs old I think I have suffer erectile dysfunction what is the solution
Male | 21
If you think you're suffering from erectile dysfunction then seek personalized advice from a urologist for appropriate treatment. Lifestyle changes, communication, counseling, medications, and medical treatments may help improve your condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Masturbate karne se jaldi nikal jata hai
Male | 18
Masturbation is a natural and common human activity. Yet, premature ejaculation may be a problem for others. Consult with a urologist or a sexologist for more accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
What makes me feel so foam a lot . frequently urination
Female | 21
Frequent urination, fatigue, and an increased prevalence of foam formation are common symptoms associated with diabetes. It is essential to see an endocrinologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
sex problems faced after mrg
Female | 28
Sexual problems that may arise after the marriage are erectile dysfunction, a decrease in libido or sex drive, premature ejaculation as well and difficulties in reaching orgasm. These conditions may be physical or psychological and might need to involve a sex therapist, urologist, or gynecologist, depending on the nature of each condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Firstly, approximately 20 years ago, I experienced a significant shoulder impact while playing football, resulting in a sprain that extends from my neck to the back of my shoulder. Whenever I engage in physical activity, particularly on the injured right shoulder side, I feel a burning sensation accompanied by heat. Additionally, I've noticed that my right hip appears elevated since the injury. In a previous scan, I discovered a left-sided disc prolapse. Moreover, I occasionally experience sprains in the middle of my back. I have not been taking any medications for this issue as previous doctors have been unable to identify the problem. I am concerned about the long-term implications and would greatly appreciate your expertise in evaluating and providing guidance on the appropriate course of action. Are there any specific tests or examinations that you recommend to better understand the underlying causes and potential treatment options for my shoulder, hip, and back issues? Furthermore, I recently discovered that I have kidney stones in both of my kidneys. I do not have diabetes or high blood pressure, and I am not diagnosed with arthritis. Additionally, I have been informed that I have elevated uric acid levels. Considering these multiple health concerns, I am wondering if blood tests or any other diagnostic tests would be beneficial in identifying any potential connections between these issues and guiding the most appropriate treatment plan.
Male | 44
To address your musculoskeletal concerns consult an orthopedic specialist. They would recommend imaging studies, physical therapy, and medications as needed. For your kidney stones and elevated uric acid, seek guidance from a urologist nearest to you or a nephrologist who can perform diagnostic tests. I suggest to follow certain dietary changes, and monitor your kidney health. Open communication with your specialists for a tailored treatment plan for your multiple health concerns.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Ma'am mere ko cyst hai testicle mei
Male | 19
Answered on 11th Aug '24
Dr. N S S Gauri
I think I have phimosis, I have never been able to pull foreskin over the head and I am worried about hygiene
Male | 18
Firstly, topical steroids. Secondly, stretching exercises. In severe cases, circumcision. If worried, talking to a urologist would be the best way forward.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I am suffering from hydrocele
Male | 28
A hydrocele is a collection of fluid around the testicle, which causes it to swell. This may be due to an injury, an infection, or sometimes without a clear cause. Cold weather is often a symptom, but it may also come with a sense of extra weight. Alternatively, if the hydrocele doesn't bother you at all, no treatment is required. Nevertheless, if it is the case that it nauseates you or continues to swell, a small surgery may be sufficient to drain the liquid and prevent it from manifesting again. Visit a urologist who will help you decide what to do next.
Answered on 25th July '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
My testicle loss I don't have a testicle
Male | 24
Contact a urologist or an andrologist who is experienced in treating these kinds of cases. They will be capable of determining the problem and selecting the best type of therapy such as surgery or drug therapy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi there! I want to ask about my disease I got brownish blood during urination and slight pain in my tummy
Female | 21
You might be experiencing hematuria, which is when blood is present in the urine, and the tummy pain could be related. This can be due to a urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney stones, or other conditions. It's important to consult a urologist as soon as possible to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi. I’m been having bed wetting issues
Male | 24
For an adult experiencing bed-wetting, it might be an effect of a medical condition. The best would be to go to a urologist or a nephrologist to get a thorough examination and diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi, I am recovering from severe Hepatitis A. Underwent 3 sessions of plasma exchange and I am recovering well. Bilirubin has also gone down all the way to 4 and is still going down. INR is also around 1.25 from 3.5+ previously. Physically feeling much better. I got the disease before almost 3 and a half to 4 months. The only thing bothering me is that before 2 months or so I noticed a small rice-like lump in my scrotum left side. Slightly larger than rice. It seems separate from testicles. It is painless. Size hasn't increased in last 2 months. It can move slightly in all directions. Kindly consult if it is something I should worry about. Thanks
Male | 25
Let’s talk about the lump in your scrotum. It's good that it doesn’t cause you pain. It might be a benign condition called a hydrocele, which is a fluid-filled sac around the testis. Since it hasn't grown and isn't painful, there's no need to worry. However, it's still a good idea to mention it to your doctor during your next check-up.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
i am 19 year old and i am suffering from varicocele
Male | 19
Varicoceles happen when veins in the scrotum swell and enlarge. This condition often results from abnormal blood flow patterns within those veins. For some men, varicoceles cause dull aching or heaviness around the affected area. Hydration, wearing supportive undergarments, and sometimes surgery are common treatment methods. But you should consult a urologist regarding your specific situation and appropriate options.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I am 49 years old, i have problem in uminating , difficulty in passing urine and acute pain on my back. I have difficulty in waliking normally. Please help me
Male | 49
Answered on 11th Aug '24
Dr. N S S Gauri
Through RGU test found Radio opaque shadow in left pelvis ..extremely slow urine flow may take upto half an hour or more...seems like vaccum somewhere within ..even to excrete out one droplet from the tip takes effort ,,taken medicine like alphusin ..operation recommended ..anything apart from operation ??....2..Now have ED related problems also since nearly 2 years ..i beleive due to m**********n taken modula, zydalis for 1 month each ..then homoepathy 2-3 months , then ayurveda 4-5 months and and now tazzale 20 , duralast 30. can ed be reversed caused as a result of m**********n..?overall 0 energy ..0 sexual and pelvic energy currently TIA
Male | 27
You're having issues with slow urination and erectile dysfunction. The shadow in your pelvis might mean a blockage that slows your urine flow. An operation could fix the blockage problem. Your ED may relate to your mentioned habit. Addressing these things is vital for getting your energy and intimacy right again. You'll need surgery for the blockage. For ED, changing lifestyle and getting help can offer solutions.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Tip of penis really sensitive
Male | 16
The sensitivity of the tip of the penis can vary among individuals, and it's generally considered normal to have a certain level of sensitivity in that area. Consult a urologist
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is urological treatment in India high-quality and affordable?
How do I find the best urology hospital in Mumbai?
What organs do urologists treat?
How long is urology surgery recovery?
How long is urology surgery takes to recover?
What causes hematuria (blood in the urine) after TURP?
Can hematuria after TURP be treated?
How long does hematuria last after TURP?
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