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Male | 75

Warum ist mir nach einer Bypass-Operation im Jahr 2014 schwindelig?

Mein Vater hat sich 2014 einer offenen Bypass-Operation unterzogen, litt aber seit einem Jahr unter Schwindelgefühlen. Ich werde von PGI behandelt, aber ich lasse es überprüfen. Aber einige Zeit nach der Schwindeluntersuchung bei der HNO-Neurologie. Der Herztest ist normal. Aber wir können nicht herausfinden, warum dieser Schwindel auftritt? Mein Vater ist 75 Jahre alt

1 Answer

Answered on 13th Sept '24

Ihrem Vater ist schwindelig, obwohl seine Herz-, HNO- und neurologischen Tests normal waren. Bei älteren Erwachsenen kann Schwindel durch viele Ursachen verursacht werden, beispielsweise durch Innenohrprobleme oder Nebenwirkungen von Medikamenten. Besprechen Sie weitere Untersuchungen mit seinen Ärzten, um die genaue Ursache herauszufinden, damit die richtige Behandlung eingeleitet werden kann.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (709)

For the past 3 weeks now maybe longer I’ve been experiencing severe headaches. I ended up going to hospital for a head CT but they never did one and just put it down to stress which I know it’s not the case there’s definitely something wrong. I returned to work yesterday and was completely fine until I woke up this morning with a severe headache again and in pain all over. My throat has swelled up and I’ve been vomiting all day. I’ve taken codeine that has eased the pain a bit. I just don’t know what to do or what could be causing this. My GP has been no help either and I can’t continue risking taking anymore time off work

Female | 18

Having severe headaches, throwing up, swelling of the throat, and general body weakness is odd. It could be an indication of a serious problem that needs immediate attention. You should see a doctor who will carry out proper examinations and tests to establish the root cause. If possible, think about getting a second opinion without any delay.

Answered on 3rd June '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Perhai ma Dil ma na lagna, lack of concentration, perhtay waqt aisay lagna ka sir phat Jai ga , Kuch yad na Hona, cheezain bhol Jana, yad kiy hua bhol Jana

Female | 22

Memory trouble­s, concentration issues - those symptoms can re­sult from stress, poor sleep, die­t. Try getting enough rest; e­at nutritious foods; do deep breathing e­xercises to relax. Also, organize­ your schedule and prioritize tasks. Staying focuse­d becomes easie­r that way.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am 48 years old and suffering from carpal tunnel from past 6 years. Earlier problem was not so much but now I am feeling numbness in my right hand while writing or doing any particular work. Should I go for surgery? Is there any physiotherapy after surgery and after how long I can do writing work as I am a teacher

Female | 48

You should go for surgery if your symptoms are very severe and make it difficult for you to do your everyday activities. Yes, after surgery, physiotherapy is done for better flexibility and strength. When can you resume writing and other work depends on the type of surgery you had and other things. It is important to listen to your doctor and start writing only after consulting him. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am 50 years old female. Doctor has prescribed me 1.bonther xl ( contains methylcobalamin 1500 mcg) twice daily and 2.penogab sr (contains methylcobalamin 1500 mcg ) once daily Is it safe to take 4500 mcg of methylcobalamin daily?

Female | 50

For some people, taking 4500 mg of methylcobalamin every day can be dangerous. If you take too much methylcobalamin, you might get an upset stomach, diarrhea, or a rash. Talk to your doctor if you feel unwell. They might change the amount you take or give you another kind of treatment. 

Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Im an epileptic and I was wondering about taking plan b for awhile now but I don’t know if I should without consulting a healthcare professional, and Im also on medication

Female | 21

Epilepsy plus medication me­ans being cautious about Plan B. It contains hormones affecting bodie­s differently. Before­ taking it, talk with your healthcare provider first. The­y'll give tailored advice fitting your unique­ situation. 

Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Can you please suggest some nontropics medicines which can remove Amyloid Plaques from the brain ?

Male | 53

Amyloid plaques in the brain are associated with memory issues and confusion which are typical of Alzheimer's disease. Nontropic drugs which are the drugs being studied for their possible use in removing the plaques are still in the research phase. Currently, there isn't a particular medicine that can do this. Consuming a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and stimulating your mind are all great ways to support brain health.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I have pain in my head in one side only and pain side face swelling also and some times pain side eye vision is getting dull

Female | 38

It feels like you might have sinusitis. Sinusitis can make one side of your head hurt, swell up your face, or affect your sight. This occurs when the sinuses in your face become infected or inflamed. Try putting warm wet towels on your face, drinking lots of water, and using saline nasal sprays. If it still hurts, contact a healthcare provider for further treatment.

Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My daughter age7months and7day and issue is brain jhutke doctor advice for MRI test in report HIE so please suggest

Female | 7

Your daughter's MRI re­vealed HIE, meaning he­r brain lacked oxygen during birth. This condition, hypoxic-ischemic e­ncephalopathy, can lead to seizure­s, feeding difficulties, and de­velopmental delays. The­rapies and medications may help he­r brain recover. Regular che­ckups will monitor her progress closely. Though conce­rning, staying positive and following medical advice is crucial for he­r development.

Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My grandfather age is 69he has second brain stroke for 2 month he unable to speak and eat and unable to walk. toady his bp is high what is the reason for high bp please tell me doctor

Male | 69

It is normal to have high blood pressure after a stroke. These blood pressure rises could be because of the brain damage that regulates the level of pressure. Furthermore, hypertension is often asymptomatic however it can cause additional strokes. Ensure that he takes his medication, eats well, and goes for check-ups regularly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Mild to moderate numbness that comes and goes on right side of head and behind ear. It's been going on for 2+ hours.

Male | 20

Seek immediate medical attention from a neurologist to determine the cause, as it could be related to factors, some of which may require prompt evaluation and treatment. Don't ignore concerning symptoms, especially if they are accompanied by weakness, difficulty speaking, severe headache, or changes in vision.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I have been having muscle twitches in my shoulders arms and legs Also tingling in my hands and feet. Muscle weakness in my right arm and leg also ankle pain and trouble with speech and I have had and EMG and NCS test which have come back abnormal

Female | 26

Having symptoms like muscle twitches, tingling in your hands and feet, leg weakness, ankle pain, and difficulty speaking could indicate a nerve disorder. Abnormal EMG and NCS test results suggest nerve problems, possibly due to conditions like peripheral neuropathy or nerve injury. It's important to follow up with your doctor for further tests and treatment, which may include specialized tests, medications, or physical therapy, depending on the cause.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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