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Male | 20

Mild to moderate numbness that comes and goes on right side of head and behind ear. It's been going on for 2+ hours.

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Seek immediate medical attention from a neurologist to determine the cause, as it could be related to factors, some of which may require prompt evaluation and treatment. Don't ignore concerning symptoms, especially if they are accompanied by weakness, difficulty speaking, severe headache, or changes in vision.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (928)

But my memory issues will take how much time to resolve after Inter parenchymal bleed it's been already 2 months I haven't forgotten completely but I can't literally recall my past events and remember new events accordingly everything I miss out the dates and times

Male | 23

You are worried about your memory after bleeding within the brain. It is not uncommon for people to have these types of problems with their memories following such events. Some of the symptoms may involve having trouble remembering things that have occurred recently or forgetting appointments altogether; also clock watching could be difficult too. This can affect anyone at any age.

Answered on 29th May '24

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I feel very strong pressure in my head and behind my eyes whenever I lie down or sit, but it eases when I stand, and sometimes I hear a slight crackling sound or the sound of small bubbles from inside my head. I went to a neurologist and the results of the MRI determined that I had spondylosis in the cervical vertebrae and stenosis in the cervical spinal canal, and he prescribed these medications to me. baclofen 10mg twice a day antox, santanerva, celebrex 200mg once a day antodine three times a day I started treatment three weeks ago, but the symptoms are the same and there is no improvement. The doctor told me that the headache and pressure should decrease, but once the effect of the baclofen wears off, the pain and pressure return as they were. I take the medications regularly. Every time I ask the doctor, he doesn't answer me anymore, and I don't know whether to take the treatment or stop, and I know that I can't stop baclofen suddenly because it's dangerous. What should I do?? Are there medications that are better than these medications or more effective in relieving pain at least, and is there anything additional in the x-ray that the doctor did not say about? normal weight, chronic diseases: gerd

Female | 21

The pressure in your head and crackling sound may indicate a nerve issue in the neck. While the medication you're taking can help, if you're not feeling better, it's important to explore other treatment options. Don't worry about changes in your baclofen dose, but consult your neurologist before making any adjustments. You may also want to ask about other medications that could be more suitable for your condition. As for the X-ray, the doctor likely focused on the areas related to your main symptoms, which is why nothing else was mentioned.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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Male | 22

Cephagrain tablet 1TDS if sever or otherwise 1BD.

Answered on 4th July '24

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I was cleaning yesterday my aquarium and some drops of water touched my nose,I saw recently a video about the brain eating amoeba and I am afraid if I got it.I know how deadly it is

Male | 22

The chance of you getting the brain-eating amoeba from the water that touches your nose is very low. This amoeba infects the body via the nose and results in an uncommon infection. Symptoms include headache, fever, nausea, and if severe, changes in mental status. The best way to avoid this is not to swim in freshwater areas where amoebas may be present. 

Answered on 6th Nov '24

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Hi there, I am a 19 year old female. I am born in London, UK. I am currently away on holiday in Saudi Arabia. It’s currently around 40 degrees. I was walking whilst holding my bags & I suddenly became unable to see for a second & felt sick and dizzy. I felt like my heart was beating really fast and I could not breathe properly. I sat down and tried to cool down & drank cold water. After resting, I got up in the attempt to continue walking however, I felt really faint and my heart was beating even faster again. I felt my eyes rolling, I didn’t entirely faint and black out but it felt as if I were going to. I sat down and got escorted by a golf cart. However, I am unsure if I am okay or what it is I should do. I want to know what happened. I do still feel lightheaded and sick. But I am not sweating or red anymore.

Female | 19

You may have gone through heat exhaustion. This is when your body's internal thermometer becomes too hot and fails to function properly. The symptoms arising from such illness include, but are not limited to, faintness, dizziness, experiencing a fast heart rate as well as the feeling of nausea. The solution is to move to a cool area, drink water, and rest. Avoid the scorching sun and keep your body as cool as possible.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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What causes sudden bouts of dizziness for days?

Male | 38

Dizziness lasting days may arise­ from various causes. Ear issues like BPPV or Me­niere's disease­ could trigger dizzy spells. Low blood sugar or dehydration also cause­s dizziness sometimes. Staying hydrate­d and eating regularly helps pre­vent this. However, if dizzine­ss persists despite re­medies, consulting a doctor become­s crucial. They can pinpoint the underlying re­ason and recommend suitable tre­atment.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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My brother is 7 year old he is having epilepsy when he 3 years old but nowadays it's getting worse and he also have sensorineural hearing loss

Male | 7

It sounds like your brother is experiencing worsening epilepsy along with sensorineural hearing loss. It's important to consult a neurologist who specializes in epilepsy for proper evaluation and management of his seizures. Additionally, an ENT specialist can assess and guide his hearing loss. It's crucial to seek medical advice promptly to ensure he receives appropriate care and support.

Answered on 16th July '24

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My Mother is loosing her memory and she gets anxiety too she is not able to sleep she doesn't feel good she is worried all the time that she is loosing her memory she is also loosing her hair we have consulted 2 neurologists so far but nothing works out please guide us. Thanks

Female | 61

If your mother is nearly 60 do seek psychiatrist/ neurology help

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from hemifacial spasm. I want to cure it permanently. Pls help

Female | 38

A hemifacial spasm cause­s one side of your face to twitch involuntarily. This happe­ns when a nerve ge­ts irritated in your cheek are­a. Although uncontrolled facial twitching is unpleasant, treatme­nt options like Botox injections or surgery e­xist. These can help re­lax the affected ne­rve, stopping the spasms. Such treatme­nts aim to provide relief, improving your quality of life­. So do not lose hope, as permane­nt solutions are available.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

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Vertigo curable ya not am suffering from vertigo then I am lying down

Female | 23

Vertigo is a sensation you or the environment around you is spinning. It can be due to structural abnormalities in the inner ear or the brain. Symptoms are dizziness, nausea, and an imbalanced stature. The therapy for the cause is vertigo which is determined by the cause. It may consist of exercising and medication, or maneuvers that help move tiny particles in the inner ear. With proper treatment, vertigo might be controlled or cured.

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi !my son was taking a medicine epival 250mg for last 6 years he is seizure free no attack no fit is observed during that duration but on Eid day he got a seizure after fasting in Ramadan when he wake up. His friends brought him to doctors he said due to weakness and lack of sleep this happened.In those days he was showing carelessness in taking medicine I AM asking you that after a long time he got a seizure how much time he has to take medicine to become seizures free in future He is 22 years of age .please answer me hopefully he is my only son now doctor has recommended him epival 500 mg twice a day

Male | Farhan shahid

After a long period without seizures, it is still possible for them to occur, especially if he misses his medication or becomes overly tired. Fasting and lack of sleep during the Eid period may have contributed. His physician recommends he take Epival 500mg twice daily. The new dosage is expected to reduce the frequency of seizures if taken regularly.

Answered on 25th July '24

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My 5 year old epilepsy any treatment

Male | 5

Epilepsy can be challenging for children, with symptoms like shaking or blank stares. It could be due to genetic factors or underlying brain issues. Consulting a pediatric neurologist is crucial for diagnosis and management. Medications and sometimes special diets can effectively control seizures and improve quality of life.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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