Male | 20
Kann mein Fieber und mein Husten vom Schielen im Regen herrühren?
Mein Name ist Nikhil, ich bin 20 Jahre alt Ich habe Fieber und Husten. Seit den letzten 3 Tagen habe ich Tag und Nacht Fieber. Ich habe schon oft im Regen geblinzelt

Answered on 26th Aug '24
Fieber und Husten gehören typischerweise zur natürlichen Abwehr des Körpers gegen Infektionen. Wenn man im Regen nass wird, kühlt der Körper aus, wodurch man sich viel leichter erkälten kann. Halten Sie es warm, trinken Sie viel Flüssigkeit, ruhen Sie sich aus und nehmen Sie bei Bedarf auch ein rezeptfreies Fiebermedikament ein. Wenn Ihre Symptome schwerwiegender werden oder sich verschlimmern, suchen Sie einen Arzt auf.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Pulmonologyy" (311)
I am 18 years old and my question is can I share room TB patien like my uncle
Male | 18
Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious infection that mainly affects the lungs. Symptoms include coughing, chest pain, weight loss, and fatigue. TB is a contagious disease that spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Your uncle should stay in his room until he finishes his treatment, as TB can spread to others. To prevent this, certain measures should be followed. It's important to follow your doctor’s advice to protect both yourself and your uncle.
Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
My husbands oxygen won't go above 87% it goes to 85 but no further than the 87. He's on 8 steroids a day and antibiotics
Male | 60
The saturation level of oxygen in your husband could signify a grave illness that is the root cause. He must visit a pulmonologist or an internist as soon as possible to diagnose the reason for his low oxygen levels and to provide effective treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
My father suffers from a dry cough and shortness of breath, which has developed into swelling in the extremities, and lying down causes a cessation of breathing
Male | 60
Your father's symptoms could indicate a serious medical issue Dry cough and shortness of breath are common symptoms of pneumonia, COVID-19, or heart failure Swelling in the extremities may be a sign of fluid buildup, which can lead to heart failure Lying down and having difficulty breathing can indicate sleep apnea or heart failure It is essential to seek urgent medical attention to determine the underlying cause of these symptoms..
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
আমার ছেলের কাশী কিছুতেই সারছে না, কখনও বেশি হয়, কখনও আবার একদম বন্ধ হয়ে যায়, প্রায় 1 বছর ধরে হচ্ছে, চেস্ট x Ray করা হয়েছে, কোনো প্রবলেম নেই। আবহাওয়া খারাপ হলে কাশী বাড়ে আবার কমে যায়। অন্য কোনো প্রবলেম নেই। খেলাধুলা করলে বা সাইকেল চালালে কাশী একদম হয় না। বসে থাকলে কখনও কখনও হয়।
পুরুষ | 5
It sounds like your son's cough is persistent and fluctuates in intensity, regardless of a chest x-ray showing no issues. Weather changes seem to affect it, with worsening during bad weather. Surprisingly, no coughing during physical activities like sports or cycling, but sometimes occurs when sitting. It might be worth exploring further with a pulmonologist to understand the underlying cause.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Hi, my name is aiden i am 14 years old and I've been wondering if there something wrong with me when i lay down on my chest i find it a lil hard to breathe sometimes i wonder if its axizety or i might be overthinking but other then that ive been having axizety making it hard for me to sleep and i just feels like my eyes are close but im not getting any sleep what should i do
Male | 14
When you lay on your chest and it feels hard to get air in, that could be from anxiety. Anxiety also makes it difficult for people to sleep well at night. You can learn how to control your breathing when talking about it with them and other ways of calming down too if they know about it. Try doing things before going to bed like making a routine so that every time before sleep you will make sure that you get into bed more easily also practice good habits around sleep like not watching any screens an hour before bedtime because they keep awake longer which means fewer hours spent resting. If these symptoms stay or get worse then maybe it's time to see the doctor and tell them what’s been happening.
Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I think I breathed in food, there's a bit of pain and difficulty breathing, can I wait until morning to go to doctor or do I go now?
Female | 26
Based on your symptoms, it is crucial to visit a health provider as soon as possible. This might be an indication of strangulation or aspiration that poses grave consequences. It is recommended that you see an ENT specialist or pulmonologist immediately to get proper treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Hello, i have aasthma since my childhood, im in my 20's now and thinking to add l arigine in my daily routine, 2.5gm daily. Will it be harmful or alright to counsume it?
Male | 23
L-arginine can assist certain individuals in their breathing, but for those with asthma, it might not be the optimal choice. L-arginine can set off asthma attacks in some people, rendering one to gasp more. It is crucial to consult your physician before commencing any novel supplement, particularly if you have asthma.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I'm 27 , am a male , I have lungs back side pain and cough , for 2 weeks but I have taken antibiotics and I took injection and finish today, but I feel little pain when I take a deep breath and I still cough
Male | 27
These symptoms could be respiratory infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, or other conditions. It's possible that the initial treatment may not have fully resolved the underlying issue, or there may be another cause for your symptoms that requires further investigation. Check with your pulmonologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Since couple of days, I ’m suffering with cold cough and fever .. to treat I referred previous prescription of my family doctor and took following medicines - Zyrocold - 1-0-1 Zyzal - 1-0-1 Solvin - 1-0-1 Calpol - as & when required Mucinac - 1-1-1 but still I’m not recovering My sugar and thyroid is in limits with regular medicines
Female | 56
Taking medicines didn't help you feel better, that's concerning. Colds, coughs and fevers are often viral, requiring tailored treatment. Stay hydrated, well-rested and nourished. However, revisit your doctor for re-evaluation. Tests may reveal the issue, allowing adjusted treatment. Struggling through illness alone risks complications.
Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I want to pass an exerm of my chest scan currently i am feeling with flu or colds i am using flucloxacillin and Ampicillin together so how can i know with i am fit for the scanning
Male | 25
It's important to inform your healthcare provider about any medications you're taking, especially antibiotics like flucloxacillin and ampicillin, as they may affect the results of your chest scan. Your doctor will advise you on whether it's safe to proceed with the scan while on these medications, considering your current health condition. Always follow your doctor's guidance regarding medical procedures.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
And how much a traitment of a lung with adonikarzenom with non smalltalk cell in 4 Stadion.
Female | 53
Stage four adenocarcinoma lung cancer spreads widely. Fatigue, breathing issues, weight loss often occur. Smoking commonly causes it. Chemotherapy or surgery may assist. Targeted therapy, immunotherapy sometimes utilized. These treatments manage symptoms, better quality of life.
Answered on 29th Aug '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Hi, I have put aquaphor in my nose for 2 years every night. I have recently stopped but wanted to know if I have it in my lungs i am really worried about it.
Female | 17
Aquaphor should not be your only treatment for nose dryness as it is not intended for long-term use. If you had it in your lungs, you could have a cough, shortness of breath, or pain in your chest. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is wise to visit a pulmonologist. They will be able to check your lungs and give you the correct treatment.
Answered on 26th Aug '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Pill stuck in my breathing trunk
Female | 19
If you cough up a pill in your respiratory system, you need to get a proper medical checkup. Those could be an irreversible circumstance. Please contact an ENT specialist or pulmonologist as soon as possible to handle this currently prevailing problem.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I am 25 years old female and I have suffiring from khasi for last 5 months i have used many tablets & sirup for khasi but have not got any relief. What should I do now please suggest me
Female | 25
you should see a respiratory specialist. A chronic cough or khasi for more than four weeks can signify an underlying respiratory disease like asthma, bronchitis and even tuberculosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Hi Doctor, My Mother is suffering from Severe Bronchities, she is not even able to perform the min PFT test she is on regular medication Ventidox- m - every day morning and night Medrol 8m for a week every 2 months Ferocort nebuliser 0.63mg daily
Female | 60
If your mother is experiencing severe bronchities and she's having difficulty performing the minimum PFT test then its advisable to take her to a pulmonologist who can make some changes in her treatment plan..
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I am 41 year old. I recently had cough and cold then I took some drugs. Though the cough is gone, but for some days now anytime I cough my breath ceases
Male | 41
According to the research you've put forward, it is likely that you might have a disease known as asthma. Wheezing can occur during a cough when asthmatic patients have trouble breathing. This is a result of opened, inflamed, and tightened air tubes. In addition to coughing, other symptoms may include wheezing and chest tightness. One of the ways to cope is by staying away from irritants such as smoke or dust.
Answered on 10th Aug '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I have fever from last 3 days and headache and cough
Female | 30
A viral infection could explain your fever, headache, and cough. Fevers help fight infections. Headaches and coughs often come with viruses too. Rest up and drink lots of fluids. Acetaminophen can ease fever and headache pain. But if symptoms linger or worsen, see a pulmonologist promptly.
Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Sir I have severe cough for twenty days ,have dry mucus during cough, and always feel mucus in my throat.please advice treatment
Male | 57
You have had a dry cough for the last twenty days and feel like you have mucus in your throat. It could be due to a respiratory infection or allergies. Drink plenty of fluids, use a humidifier, and try cough syrups or lozenges for over-the-counter medicines. If it persists, it is advisable to visit a pulmonologist for further examination.
Answered on 20th Aug '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
63 yrs pt past hx of tuberculosis , anxiety depression 20 yrs back, Cxr findings mild fibrosis, ?? interstitial tissue disease , ecg qt interval hyperacute t wave ... Sometimes pt episodic....palpitation, breathlessness , blood pressure 140 /100 mm of hg...sir adv. For treatment
Male | 63
It seems like the patient is experiencing a mix of symptoms, including mild fibrosis in the lungs, possible interstitial lung disease, and heart-related concerns like QT interval changes and palpitations. Given the complexity of the case, consult a pulmonologist for the lung issues and a cardiologist for the heart-related symptoms. They will be able to provide proper treatment and management based on detailed evaluations.
Answered on 30th Sept '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Breathing problem and not able to eat food
Female | 63
You're experiencing breathlessness and an inability to eat. Breathing difficulties can be a result of weak lungs or heart. When you experience a struggle to eat, it could be problems with the throat or stomach. Both could be symptoms of a problem, particularly if it's continuous. It's necessary to have a checkup to identify what's making these problems.
Answered on 1st Oct '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
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