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Best Development Assessment doctors in Marathahalli

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Dr. Rakshay Shetty Development Assessment

Available Today

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Dr. Vasudha N R Development Assessment

Available Today

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Dr. Chitra Sankar Development Assessment

Next available - Thursday

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Consult Dr. Chitra Sankar

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Dr. Ravneet Joshi Development Assessment

Available Tomorrow

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Dr. Suvarna Biradar Development Assessment

Available Today

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Dr. Archana M Development Assessment

Dr. Archana M

Infectious Diseases Physician

16 years of experience

Available Tomorrow

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Dr. Uthaya Kumaran Development Assessment

Available Today

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Dr. Jagadish Chinnappa Development Assessment

Available Today

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Dr. Ravindranath S Development Assessment

Available Today

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Dr. Indu S Nair Development Assessment

Available Today

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Dr. Ilin Kinimi Development Assessment

Next available - Thursday

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Dr. Santhosh Olety Sathyanarayana Development Assessment

Next available - Wednesday

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Dr. Asha Nivedita Development Assessment

Available Today

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Dr. Rohit Khandelwal Development Assessment

Available Today

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Dr. M. Sravan Kumar Reddy Development Assessment

Available Today

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Consult Dr. M. Sravan Kumar Reddy

Top 10 Development Assessment doctors Near Marathahalli

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Rakshay Shetty


23₹ 950
Dr. Vasudha N R


8 ₹ 1200
Dr. Chitra Sankar


29₹ 800
Dr. Ravneet Joshi


27₹ 900
Dr. Suvarna Biradar


20₹ 500
Dr. Archana M


16₹ 600
Dr. Uthaya Kumaran


16₹ 550
Dr. Jagadish Chinnappa


44₹ 900
Dr. Ravindranath S


33₹ 500
Dr. Indu S Nair


27₹ 600

Questions & Answers on "Development Assessment" (539)

Hi my baby is struggling to poop it's been 3weeks I even Change the formula but still he is 1month old he cry day and night

Male | 1 month

It seems like the kid is constipated. This is when they find it hard to pass stool. It may be due to the type of formula they are taking or insufficient intake of fluids. You can give them some water in between feeds or massage their stomach gently to relieve the discomfort. If it persists, it would be best for you to take them to a doctor who can check for any underlying problems.

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

is there a problem if u take GENALBEN while taking Finallerg syrup for children

Female | 7

Taking different me­dicines together re­quires caution to prevent issue­s. Genalben and Finallerg syrup se­rve distinct purposes. While Ge­nalben addresses ce­rtain health conditions, Finallerg syrup treats alle­rgies. Combining them may lead to side­ effects such as dizziness, confusion, or upse­t stomach. To ensure safety, it's crucial to consult your doctor or pharmacist be­fore starting any new medication or modifying e­xisting ones. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My 7 years daughter has fever since 3 days now it is not and she has inside fever and she has rashes on her body 4/ 5 place and she has sore throat. She is coughing and she has little bit Headache also. Her urine is slightly yellow.

Female | 7

Your daughter's fe­ver, rash, throat pain, cough, and headache sugge­st a viral illness, possibly influenza. Dehydration cause­s yellow urine. Ensure she­ consumes ample fluids and rests we­ll. Administer fever-re­ducing medicines if nece­ssary. However, see­k medical evaluation if symptoms worsen or don't improve­, as viruses can sometimes le­ad to complications.

Answered on 28th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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