Male | 67
Dry mouth is uncomfortable. You have diabetes. Your high Hba1c levels cause it. Diabetes damages nerves, reducing saliva flow. Dry mouth makes swallowing hard, causing other problems too. Use products your dentist advised. Sip water frequently. Avoid caffeine. Stay hydrated. If it persists, consult your doctor or endocrinologist. They'll explore treatment options.
Answered on 15th June '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Berries, apples, oranges: ideal fruits for diabetes. Less sugar than others. You can enjoy them; they help regulate blood sugar levels. But be smart: eat proper portions. Pair fruits with protein or healthy fats to slow sugar absorption. Balance is crucial for managing diabetes through diet.
Answered on 18th June '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Female | 31
A fasting sugar level of 110 is slightly higher than healthy, while an HBA1C level of 5.7% is considered within the normal range. High fasting sugar levels can be caused by not eating well. To deal with this, strive for a balanced diet and move your body more by engaging in light exercises or taking walks. Consult a doctor before taking any more steps.
Answered on 14th Aug '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Female | 72
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Soumya Poduval
Male | 83
A 10.8 HbA1c number is higher than ideal. High sugars can result in excessive thirst, frequent urination, and fatigue. Decreasing levels involves healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and following prescribed medications
Answered on 15th June '24
Dr. Babita Goel
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