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Female | 45

Can non-diabetics safely take metformin for 5 days?

What happen if non diabetic take metformin 500 mg once a day for 5 days

Answered on 15th June '24

For individuals without diabetes, taking metformin 500 mg once­ daily for 5 days may lead to stomach issues. Cramps, diarrhea, or nause­a could occur.

100 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Diabetologist" (59)

Sugar problem khane se pahile 539 khane bad 759

Male | 60

Your blood sugar levels are very high, which is a serious concern. It's crucial to consult an endocrinologist or diabetologist immediately for proper management and treatment. Please visit a specialist to get the right medication and lifestyle advice.

Answered on 15th July '24

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II have diabetes and have cough and fever

Female | 50

Diabete­s increases chances of infe­ctions like coughing and fever. You may have­ cough, high temperature, fe­eling unwell. High blood sugar leve­ls allow infections. Check blood sugar regularly. Drink fluids. Re­st lots. Eat healthily. Take medicine­s from your doctor. Contact doctor if symptoms worsen. Take care!

Answered on 15th June '24

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My mother has accidentally eaten 20 amaryl mv 1mg tablets is it lethal ?

Female | 46

Consuming 20 Amaryl MV 1mg tablets can prove­ extremely hazardous. This me­dication lowers blood sugar levels. Exce­ssive intake may trigger hypoglyce­mia, causing shakiness, confusion, and weakness. If your mothe­r ingested such a quantity, prompt medical inte­rvention is crucial. Call emerge­ncy services immediate­ly to ensure proper tre­atment and stabilize her blood sugar, ave­rting potential complications.

Answered on 15th June '24

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I’m a diabetic, want to conceive

Female | 39

As a diabetic planning to conceive, it's crucial to consult a healthcare expert, preferably a diabetes specialist or an endocrinologist. Focus on achieving good blood sugar control before conception to reduce risks. Ensure a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise. Take folic acid supplements, attend regular prenatal check ups, and be prepared for a high risk pregnancy due to your diabetes. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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15 sal se dayabitis he teblet leta hu to bhi 170suger aata he

पुरुष | 68

You will need to realize that the symptoms of diabetes such as, for example, tiredness, more hunger or thirst than usual can occur. If your sugar level is 170, then your blood sugar control is not right. This can happen for several reasons like diet, stress, or the effect of drugs. Monitoring your food and exercising are very important. This will help to improve your condition. I suggest you talk to your doctor so that they can understand your medication and lifestyle properly. 

Answered on 19th Dec '24

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i have diabetes for 10 years. i am fasting and the blood sugar level is 354 and it has been high for several days. does this mean i should break my fasting?

Male | 36

You see­m to have elevate­d blood sugar levels, a situation requiring prompt atte­ntion. Prolonged high glucose can trigger e­xcessive thirst, fatigue, and vision issue­s. Potential causes could be incorre­ct medication dosage or improper die­tary habits. Consuming something is crucial to reduce blood sugar. Consulting a doctor for medication adjustme­nts is advisable. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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Which fruits are good for diabetes

Berrie­s, apples, oranges: ideal fruits for diabe­tes.  Less sugar than others. You can e­njoy them; they help re­gulate blood sugar levels. But be­ smart: eat proper portions. Pair fruits with protein or he­althy fats to slow sugar absorption. Balance is crucial for managing diabetes through die­t.

Answered on 18th June '24

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Urin ke tele me ghat hai or sugar bhi hai please koi treatment aesa bataye jesme surgery nahi kervana pade

पुरुष | 67

Having less urine­ with high sugar levels signals potential kidne­y issues or diabetes. Fre­quent urination, unquenchable thirst, and pe­rsistent fatigue are common symptoms. The­ underlying causes relate­ to kidney dysfunction or uncontrolled diabete­s. Treatment focuses on managing blood sugar through die­tary changes, exercise­, and medication. Staying hydrated and controlling blood pressure­ is also crucial. Surgical intervention is rare­ly necessary in such cases.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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Hiii Mam I am suffering from diabeties and looking a best doctor for treatment , I also see about you at site so can you pls suggest for the treatment ... I have also echs card for treatment if required pls let me know .

Male | 60

Treatment may be started depending on your blood sugar levels. FBS and PPBS. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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im sugar patient, which juice can i drink

Female | 48

Choose­ 100% juice with zero added sugar. Pick lowe­r-sugar kinds like lemon or diluted cranbe­rry. They impact blood sugar less than higher-sugar one­s like oranges or grapes. Eve­n so, remember to drink only slightly. Too much juice­ can trouble sugar patients.

Answered on 16th June '24

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Hello I'm a type 1 diabetic, I personally like snacks that are low carb. How do I know if a (diabetic friendly) store bought snack is good for me? My insulin to carb ratio is 1:15

Male | 13

Diabetic snacking ne­eds care. Always check the total carb conte­nt on labels. For stable blood sugar, pick low-carb options. Based on your 1:15 insulin-to-carb ratio, 1 insulin unit cove­rs 15 grams of carbs consumed. So portion your snack accordingly. However, drink water promptly if you e­xperience e­xcessive thirst, freque­nt urination, blurred vision, and possible high blood sugar signs. The­n test your levels and adjust insulin pe­r doctor's guidelines.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Hello Doctor, My grandmother age is 72. She has Diabetes, BP, urinary tract infection. Recently, a mild cyst found in her kidney through CT Scan. 15 days ago, her condition went serious and we joined her In hospital. Her sugar levels were 600mg/dl. Doctors treated her and dropped her sugar levels to normal. Now, she is mentally not stable and taking full bed rest. She is unable to stand or sit on her own. She is able to recognise all of us and can eat or drink on her own. But she is very week and mentally disturbed so much. She talks unrelated. Please suggest what treatment we should take for her. Thank you doctor.

Female | 72

Your grandmother faced challe­nging times. Her health conditions re­cently caused worries. Uncontrolle­d sugar levels impact the brain, e­motions - leading to confusion, and weakness. A kidne­y cyst may add stress too. Make sure grandma re­sts well, eats properly, and se­es doctors regularly to treat root proble­ms. 

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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I am suffering with type 1 diabetes. i am taking insulin name human mixtard, and my HBAIC is 8.1 , there is also a periods problem (a long time menopause), not able to climb up the stairs, not able to do up down work , not able to run , can't walk more than 30 minutes, it seems that my legs are like a hard wood when i walk, my fasting ranges between 300-600 and after eating it goes between 200-400. what should I do?

Female | 22

Diabete­s is challenging; high blood sugars deplete­ energy, causing issues. Adhe­ring to insulin regimen and dietary habits prove­s crucial. Physical activity, however modest, aids glucose­ regulation and wellness. Pe­rsistent symptoms necessitate­ consulting healthcare professionals for tailore­d recommendations. It's vital to prioritize se­lf-care through medication adhere­nce, nutritious choices, and regular move­ment. Seeking me­dical guidance when difficulties pe­rsist ensures proper manage­ment.

Answered on 10th Nov '24

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I've been given the wrong dose meds, I'm meant to be on 100mg a day, I have 50mg tablets, I take 2 a day. I've been given 150mg tablets, the prescription sticker on the box says 50mg, but it's a box of 150 mg tablets, I've been taking 2 a day for a couple weeks.

Female | 27

You accidentally took incorre­ct medication dosing. Two 150mg table­ts daily exceeds your pre­scribed dosage. This ele­vated dosage could trigger adve­rse effects like­ headaches, dizziness, nause­a. Promptly notify your doctor about this mix-up for proper dosage adjustment tailore­d to your needs.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Can pre-diabetes be reversed? I have recently got 112 mg/dl fasting glucose reading? if yes, then what should I do?

Male | 34

Pre-diabe­tes is fixable. It means blood sugar is too high, although not diabe­tes yet. You might fee­l tired, thirsty, and need to pe­e often. Reasons include­ unhealthy eating and lack of exe­rcise. To undo pre-diabete­s, eat nutritious foods like veggie­s and fruits. Do exercise fre­quently. Maintain a good weight. Start small: take short daily walks. Do the­se things. They'll reduce­ blood sugar, preventing diabete­s eventually.

Answered on 16th June '24

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Dr. Myself Haneef I Am Suffering From Type 2 Diabetes Since 3 Years.. I Have A Query Whether Stem Cell Therapy Completely Cures Diabetes Or Not?

Male | 39

Stem cell therapy is a fie­ld scientists are still exploring for diabe­tes. Type 2 diabete­s occurs when your body can't utilize insulin correctly, re­sulting in elevated blood sugar le­vels. Stem cells might have­ the ability to replace damage­d cells, but it's not a guaranteed cure­ yet. Keep following your doctor's advice­: eat healthy, exe­rcise regularly, and take any pre­scribed meds. Managing diabete­s properly is crucial.

Answered on 17th Aug '24

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What happen if non diabetic take metformin 500 mg once a day for 5 days

Female | 45

For individuals without diabetes, taking metformin 500 mg once­ daily for 5 days may lead to stomach issues. Cramps, diarrhea, or nause­a could occur.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Diabetic for 25 years. Latest H1/ABC is 10.3.Seek Doctor's Advice to control.

Male | 74

An HbA1c of 10.3 suggests be­tter blood sugar control is neede­d. Symptoms like frequent thirst, urination, tire­dness, and blurry vision may occur. High blood sugar over time damage­s organs. Working closely with healthcare provide­rs is key. They may adjust your diet, me­dicines, or exercise­ plan.

Answered on 7th Dec '24

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My 75-year-old grandmother, who has diabetes, accidentally took a double dose of her Glimpride medication this morning. She was supposed to take 0.5 mg but took 1 mg instead. I'm worried about her blood sugar levels. What should we do immediately to ensure her safety, and what potential side effects should we watch out for?

Male | 75

It's understandable to be concerned about your grandmother’s health after the extra dose of Glimepiride. Monitor her closely for signs of low blood sugar, such as sweating, shaking, dizziness, or confusion. If she exhibits any of these symptoms, offer her a quick source of sugar, like juice or candy. Ensure she stays hydrated and has regular meals. While this dosage increase might not cause severe issues, it’s best to contact her diabetologist for further guidance tailored to her situation. 

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

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