Dr. Aditya J Nanavati
Gastroentrology Surgeon
12 years of experience
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About Dr.Aditya
Dr. Aditya J Nanavati is a renowned doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Aditya Specializations
- Gastroentrology Surgeon
- General Surgeon
- Liver Transplant
- Hepatologist
Dr.Aditya Education
- Fellowship in HPB & Liver transplant - Fuqua School of Business, Duke University - USA
- MBBS - KJ Somaiyya Medical College & Research Centre, Mumbai
- MS - General Surgery - Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion,Mumbai
Dr.Aditya Experience
ResidentLokmanya tilak municipal medical college2010 - 2013
RegistrarK.B.Bhabha Hospital2013 - 2014
RegistrarSuchak Hospital2014 - 2015
RegitrarJJ Hospital2015 - 2016
FellowDuke University Hospital2016 - 2018
ConsultantJupiter Hospital2018 - 2018
Dr.Aditya Registration
- 2010041036 Maharashtra Medical Council 2010
- Maharastra Medical Council
- The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSED)
- American Society of Transplant SurgeonS
- Liver Resection
- Liver Surgery
- Liver Transplantation
- Pancreas Transplantation
- Pancreatic Surgery
- Liver Disease Treatment