Dr. Emel Sari Gokten Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Emel
Dr. Emel Sari Gokten is a reputed doctor in Istanbul with over 16 years of experience.
Dr.Emel Specializations
- Psychiatrist
- Psychiatry
Dr.Emel Education
- Graduated - Child and Maternal Mental Health and Diseases and became a specialist doctor Uludag University Faculty of Medicine
Dr.Emel Experience
- Member of the Association of Children and Young Psychiatry
- The Association of Turkish Psychiatry
- Turkish National Associations,
- Child And Adolescent Problems
- Child And Adolescents Behavioural Problems Treatment
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cbt
- Art Therapy
- Assessment And Treatment Of Emotional And Behavioural Problems In Children