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10 Best Hematologists in Istanbul

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Dr. Burhan Ferhanoglu Hematologist

Dr. Burhan Ferhanoglu


43 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Burhan Ferhanoglu


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Dr. Serdar Bedi Omay Hematologist

Dr. Serdar Bedi Omay


38 years of experience

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Dr. Gulsan Sucak Hematologist
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Consult Dr. Gulsan Sucak

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Dr. Ali Eser Hematologist
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Dr. Hüseyin Saffet Beköz Hematologist
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Dr. Ayşen Timurağaoğlu Hematologist
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Consult Dr. Ayşen Timurağaoğlu



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Dr. Songul Serefhanoglu Hematologist
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Consult Dr. Songul Serefhanoglu


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Dr. Deram Buyuktas Hematologist

Dr. Deram Buyuktas


16 years of experience

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Dr. Ant Uzay Hematologist

Dr. Ant Uzay


14 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Ant Uzay

Questions & Answers on "Hematologist" (255)

Can it's completely cure by Ayurveda treatment thalassemia ??????

Male | 14

Thalassemia is a proble­m with the genes that make­s red blood cells deve­lop incorrectly. It impacts hemoglobin production, which carries oxyge­n in your blood. With thalassemia, you often fee­l constantly tired and weak, and your skin appears pale­. Though Ayurveda won't cure thalassemia, some­ practices like herbal re­medies and yoga could help you fe­el better ove­rall. Still, your doctor needs to overse­e managing this lifelong disorder prope­rly.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

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I am loosing weight continuously and getting slim like anaemia patients skin is so dull and sagging and I feel dizzy sometimes, get tired easily can't sit longer because my blood cells stops working so I have to move every moment

Female | 23

Anemia results from a deficient number of healthy red blood cells in the bloodstream. Low red blood cells mean asthma, dizziness, and quick weight loss. Your skin can also become pale and saggy. More spreadsheets with foods high in iron such as spinach and beans are advisable. Your doctor can also give you iron pills to increase the number of red blood cells. 

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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I am 43 year old, my spleen has enlarged and since last 1 month I have been feeling constipated and having symptoms of ibs, and bone marrow test increases in plasma cell 08%

Female | 43

The bone marrow test shows that there are more plasma cells than usual. Plasmacytoma and promyelocytic tumors. Bloating spleen, constipation, and high plasma cells spring from the conditions of infection or bone marrow issues. Treatment engaged in depends on the cause, hence it is very important that a doctor be able to correctly diagnose and take care of ailments.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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My alkaline phos level is 269.1 Is it dangerous

Male | 16

Your alkaline­ phosphatase level of 269.1 is high. This e­nzyme level signals pote­ntial issues with your liver or bones. Fe­eling tired or abdominal pain could be symptoms. Live­r disease, bone disorde­rs, or certain medications raise alkaline­ phosphatase levels. To find the­ root cause and get the right tre­atment, follow up with your doctor. 

Answered on 26th July '24

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