Dr. Hüseyin Okutan Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Cardiac Surgeon
28 years of experience
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About Dr.Hüseyin
Dr. Hüseyin Okutan is one of the most esteemed doctor in Istanbul.
Dr.Hüseyin Specializations
- Cardiac Surgeon
Dr.Hüseyin Awards
- Congress of Innovations in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery "The Effect of Gadolinium Chloride on Renal Injury in Experimental Aortic Ischemia-Reperfusion Model" 20 September- 24 September 2006, Bodrum. Honorable Mention 2006
- Isparta Higher Education Foundation Presidency Incentive Award 2002
Dr.Hüseyin Experience
- European Society of Cardiology
- Working Group On Cardiovascular Surgery Of The European Society Of Cardiology WG-25
- The European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery
- The European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery
- The European Association of Vascular Surgical Trainees
- Turkish Medical Association
- Turkish Society of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery
- Pediatric Cardiology Association
- Turkish Society of Cardiology
- Vascular Surgery Association
- Thoracic Society
- Society of Phlebology.
- Aneurysm Stent Assisted Coiling And Flow Diverter Treatment
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Varicose Veins
- Acute Aortic Dissection
- Arrythmia Surgery
- Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
- Venous Angioplasty Stenting
- Mitral Heart Valve Replacement