Dr. Iqbal Nabi Qureshi Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Iqbal
Dr. Iqbal Nabi Qureshi is a highly skilled doctor in Indore.
Dr.Iqbal Specializations
- Gastroenterologist
Dr.Iqbal Awards
- GI Endoscopy and Hepatology 2016
Dr.Iqbal Education
- MD - General Medicine - KNH Medical College, Jabalpur
- DM - Gastroenterology - Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore
- MBBS - Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore
Dr.Iqbal Experience
ConsultantBombay Hospital2014 - 2016
Consultant GastroenterologistShalby hospital2018 - 2018
Dr.Iqbal Registration
- 7064 Madhya Pradesh Medical Council 2005
- Colonoscopy
- Endoscopy
- Ercp
- Liver Disease Treatment