Dr. Meera Ranjini
29 years of experience
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About Dr.Meera
Dr. Meera Ranjini is a highly skilled doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Meera Specializations
- Allergist/Immunologist
- Ear-Nose-Throat (Ent) Specialist
- Family Physician
Dr.Meera Education
- MBBS - Government Dental College , Trivandrum, Kerela university
- Diploma in Otorhinolaryngology (DLO) - St John's Medical College, Bangalore
- M.Phil in Hospital & Health Systems Management - Birla Institute of Technology & Science
- DAA - Diploma in Allergy Asthma and Immunology - Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore
Dr.Meera Experience
ConsultantMedihope Hospital2012 - 2019
ConsultantTelerad RxDx2007 - 2019
OwnerAashraya ENT Healthcare2003 - 2019
LecturerMVJ Medical College2003 - 2007
Dr.Meera Registration
- 96627 Karnataka Medical Council 2012
- Association of Otolaryngologists of India (AOI)
- Allergy Testing
- Allergy Treatment
- Congenital Ear Problem Treatment
- Ear Drum Repair
- Ear Micro Surgery
- Ear Pain
- Eardrum Rupture Treatment
- Head And Neck Infection Treatment
- Hearing Aid Fitting
- Hearing Deficiency Assessment
- Hearing Loss
- Immunity Therapy
- Laryngoscopy
- Nasal And Sinus Allergy Care
- Nasal Endoscopy
- Nasal Septum Surgery
- Ossiculoplasty
- Pediatric Otolaryngology
- Septoplasty
- Sinusitis
- Speaking Difficulty
- Speech Therapy
- Tonsillitis Treatment
- Vertigo Treatment