Dr. Milind Bapat
34 years of experience
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About Dr.Milind
Dr.Milind Specializations
- Urologist
- Andrologist
Dr.Milind Awards
- Attended many national and international conferences
- LECTURES : At many national Conferences/ CME.
Dr.Milind Education
- MBBS - Government Medical College, Aurangabad Maharashtra
- MS - General Surgery - Government Medical College, Aurangabad Maharashtra
- DNB - Urology/Genito - Urinary Surgery - National Board Of Examination
- MCh - Urology - National Board of Examination, India
Dr.Milind Experience
Practicing Urological SurgeriesPrivate Practice1992 - 2015
TEACHING EXPERIENCEHonorary Faculty to the National Board Training Programme in the Discipline of Genito Urinary Surgery
LECTURESMany national Conferences/ CME.
CONFERENCESAttended many national and international conferences.
Performed more than 2500 TURP SurgeriesProstaste Disease
Performed more than 3000 rigid & flexibleStone Disease
Performed more than 150 radical Nephrectomies For Kidney Cancers & 100 Radical Cystectomies/Radical Prostectomies For Bladder & Prostate CancerUro-Oncology
Performed More than 250 Renal Transplants Since 1999, Routinely doing Dialysis Access Surgeries (AV Fistula )Renal Transplantation
Doing Vasal Reconstruction /Vaso Epididymal Anastomosis & Penile Implant surgeriesAndrology
Routinely Performing Urethroplasties For Urethral Stricture Disease & performing Complex Urinary Tact Reconstructions For Congenital Anomalies (VU Reflux, PUJ Obstructions), Neurogenic Bladders (Cystoplasty) & Iatrogenic Urinary Tract Injuries (VVF/UVF)Reconstructive Urology
Dr.Milind Registration
- 56509 Maharashtra Medical Council 1986
- Maharastra Medical Council
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Prostate Laser Surgery
- Treatment Of Erectile Dysfunction
- Kidney Stone Treatment
- Enlarged Prostate
- Kidney Transplantation
- Minimally Invasive Urology
- Open Prostatectomy
- Reconstructive Urology