Dr. Prashant Shukla Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
21 years of experience
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About Dr.Prashant
Dr. Prashant Shukla is one of the most esteemed doctor in Lucknow.
Dr.Prashant Specializations
- Neuropsychiatrist
- Adolescent And Child Psychiatrist
Dr.Prashant Education
- MBBS - L.P.S Institute of Cardiology, G.S.V.M Medical College, Kanpur
- DNB - Psychiatry - IMHH Agra
Dr.Prashant Experience
Sr ResidentKGMC Lucknow2011 - 2012
Assistant ProfessorHind Medical College2012 - 2015
Assistant ProfessorPrasad Medical Institute2015 -
Consultant PsychiatristAsha Neuro Psychiatry Clinic2013 -
Dr.Prashant Registration
- 50016 Uttar Pradesh Medical Council 2004
- Neurological Society of India
- Indian Association of Private Psychiatry
- Indian Psychiatric Society
- Psychotherapy Adult