Dr. Ramit Singh Sambyal Medical Registration Verified
General Physician
13 years of experience
Questions Answered By Dr. Ramit Singh Sambyal
Asked for Male, 30 Years30 year old, creatine and urea level high, diarrheas, from past 4 days. Back ache.
Answered on 23rd May '24
you need to visit emergency department if your bp is more than 180/100 and having symptoms like headache for properly evaluation and management of your condition. This could be hypertensive emergency and needs immediate ecg and bp lowering medication to avoid possible complications.
How to prevent anaphylaxis?
Answered on 23rd May '24
To prevent anaphylaxis it is important to know and identify the triggers that cause the same like peanuts, shellfish, fish and cow’s milk. Get allergic testing done if you don't know the triggers and lastly one can wear medical alert bracelet especially school going children with documented anaphylaxis
My wife age 39 yrs ,she is diagnosed low hemoglobin 7 ,and low RBC, other test like LIPD PROFILE,BLOOD SUGAR,are normal. Last 15 days she was feeling shortness of breathing,tiredness and musscle pain ,so physician doctor suggested to test. Doctor provided some iron and vitamin tablets for 2 weeks. Pls suggest do we need to go some specialist or any special medicine or any more test need
Answered on 23rd May '24
Hello kindly get these test iron profile and vit b12 and serum folate and peripheral level. Take an iron-rich diet. You can follow up with reports with your nearby General Physician.
Hi sir , my self vaccinated with covishield 1st dose vaccine but next day onwards suffered with issues (lips swelling ,rashes ) I continued to use levocetrizine swelling is gone but once I stopped levocetrizine problem is persisting and my question should I can take 2 nd dose of covishield or 2nd dose of covaxine or stop taking vaccine
Answered on 23rd May '24
You should avoid the second dose of the Covishield vaccine as probably you are allergic to one of its constituents. You can also visit a General Physician for further investigation of your allergy.