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How to prevent anaphylaxis?

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

To prevent anaphylaxis it is important to know and identify the triggers that cause the same like peanuts, shellfish, fish and cow’s milk. Get allergic testing done if you don't know the triggers and lastly one can wear medical alert bracelet especially school going children with documented anaphylaxis

100 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2602)

I am 34 yrs old female and I have acne and acne marks problem on my face - recently my face has been very dry and acne is coming also I have tight white pores issue which is making my skin look very dull and uneven.

Female | 34

As you are 34 years old, there might be some hormonal issues leading to acne. Consult local dermatologist for treatment who might prescribe you some topical antibiotics benzoyl peroxide or daplin or oral drugs depending upon the situation. It is advisable to use moisturizers, particularly water-based that do not uproot the pores because medication usage might result in dryness and little irritation. Your Skin will be much better after the treatment for Acne.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fungle infaction skin problem

Male | 23 years old

Different things can cause them like water, heat, or the skin being defenseless. Aching the symptoms, a person can dry the skin area and use antifungal creams which can be helpful. Soft clothes not restrictive are also good and it is recommended to follow good hygienic rules. It’s important to have a look at your skin and get help from a dermatologist if it is necessary to do that or the condition becomes worse. They may give you an accurate diagnosis and the most suitable treatment plans that make you feel cared for. Your health and your comfort are very important, so do not hesitate to ask for help should you need assistance.

Answered on 26th Dec '24

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A Face Night fall two Times a Month and Unmarried

Female | 22

Nightfall or wet dreams are common and normal phenomena for unmarried young people. It occurs precisely because your body is generating hormones. Having it happen twice a month can't be a cause for alarm most of the time. To minimize the frequency of such occurrences, avoid stimulating activities before bed, keep yourself busy during the day, and maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Answered on 29th July '24

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Hello There, I’ve Spilled nail glue on my leg I’m not quite sure what to do. My leg is red and irritated It also has a scab.

Female | 11

Visit a dermatologist and in the mean time avoid any kind of scratching and picking around the scab to prevent anymore damage to the skin.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fore head cyst chota sa hai

Male | 34

can be removed under local anesthesia. 
Can contact your plastic surgeon. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’m 22 year old male. I’m having jock itch for the last 4 years. How can It be treated?

Male | 22

Jock itch is a common problem and it can be quite annoying. It is caused by a fungus that grows in warm, wet places such as the groin. The signs include the groin area being red, itchy, and having a rash. For the treatment, you can use store-bought antifungal creams. You should also make sure to keep the area clean and dry as it will help healing faster.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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Hello, I want to know how to remove spots on baby skin that are light brown in color. The baby is a one-year-old boy.

Male | 1

The spots may be of different types in babies. Specially light brown spots over the back or the buttocks which is called as Mongolian Spots tries to fade with time and age. If the spots persists after 10-18 yrs of age that can be treated with Q-switch Nd YAG laser but nothing can be done at this age

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Got a human bite during a fight. It has made 5 bruise marks of teeth. Wanted to ask if tetanus injection is required

Male | 14

Getting a human bite­ might seem harmless, but it re­quires care. Five te­eth bruise marks signal potential te­tanus risk. This bacterial infection causes muscle­ stiffness, trouble swallowing. Don't delay consulting your doctor if bitte­n. They'll likely recomme­nd a tetanus shot as preventive­ measure. 

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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I accidentally ingested deep freeze gel, only a trace amount from fingers but I feel sick and tongue feels funny, what should I do?

Female | 41

You ingeste­d deep free­ze gel by mistake, which can upse­t your tummy. The gel might contain unsafe ingre­dients if swallowed. Don't worry, but act quickly. Drink water to dilute­ the gel. Rinse your mouth thoroughly too. If symptoms worse­n like breathing troubles, visit a doctor right away.

Answered on 25th July '24

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Tiny spots around bum and red nappy rash like when I touch it screams

Male | 13 months

It seems like your baby has some­ small spots around their bottom area along with a red diape­r rash. This can happen when the diape­r stays wet and irritates their se­nsitive skin. Change diapers ofte­n to keep them dry. Use­ soft wipes and let the are­a air out before putting on a fresh diape­r. Also, try a mild diaper rash cream to soothe the­ irritation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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