Dr. Suresh. K. G
General Physician
27 years of experience
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About Dr.Suresh.
Dr. Suresh. K. G is a highly skilled doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Suresh. Specializations
- General Physician
- Internal Medicine
Dr.Suresh. Awards
- First person to get selected for fellowship in diabetic and endocrinology Under MAHE and successfully completed
- Research paper and publication in various journals
Dr.Suresh. Education
- MBBS - Kuvempu Univerisity
- MD - General Medicine - Kuvempu Univerisity
Dr.Suresh. Experience
ConsultantManipal Hospital2018 - 2019
Dr.Suresh. Registration
- 49136 Karnataka Medical Council 1998
- Research society of diabeties in India
- Association of Physicians of India
- Indian thyriod medical council
- Karnataka Association of Physicians
- Diabetes In Children
- Diabetes Management
- Infectious Disease Treatment