Dr. Vishal Kohli
21 years of experience
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About Dr.Vishal
Dr. Vishal Kohli is a reputed doctor in Pune with over 21 years of experience.
Dr.Vishal Specializations
- Ayurveda
Dr.Vishal Education
- BAMS - Tilak Ayurveda Mahavidalya & Post Graduate Institute, Pune University
Dr.Vishal Experience
Ayurvedic Physician/ Yoga Teacher/ Therapy trainerAyurveda Retreat, Reading, UK2008 - 2013
Head of the Ayurvedic departmentW.S Kohli memorial Hospital, Pune, India2007 - 2008
Ayurvedic Physician/ Yoga Teacher/ Therapy trainerTaj Exotica Resort & Spa Maldives2005 - 2007
Ayurvedic consultant & Technical headAyurvave Ltd. UK2003 - 2005
Dr.Vishal Registration
- 42464 Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine 2002
- Medical Council of India (MCI)
- Government Doctors Association
- Spine Mobilization
- Emaciation
- Dengue Fever Treatment
- Female Sexual Problems
- Diabetic Ulcer Treatment
- Dandruff Treatment
- Tonsillitis Treatment
- Gout Treatment
- Diet Counseling
- Kidney Stone Treatment
- Tennis Elbow
- Skin Allergies
- Rheumatism Treatment
- Obesity Treatment
- Obesity And Other Lifestyle Disease Modifications
- Arthritis Management
- Uterine Fibroid Treatment
- Disc Prolapse
- Arthritis And Pain Management