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Male | 30

¿Puedo ayudar a reunir a su familia para recibir asesoramiento?

Doctor, nuestro yerno y nuestra hija necesitan asesoramiento familiar porque estaban molestos, deprimidos, enojados y sin entender en la vida familiar desde que se casaron en diciembre de 2021. No hay entendimiento entre ellos. Viven separados desde diciembre de 2022. Pero Child sufre sin su padre. ¿Puede hacer este asesoramiento llamándolos a ambos juntos o por separado en nombre de los padres sin revelar nuestra identidad?

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd Aug '24

This situation can be handled by a psychiatrist and marriage counsellor. Please book an appointment at They will arrange one on one session and also couple therapy.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatriy" (347)

I had drug induced psychosis how can I know if it’s only drug induced psychosis or if it’s like schizophrenia or something

Male | 22

A psychiatrist’s consult needs to make a determination whether your psychosis is substance abused induced or if it may signify a more serious mental illness, like schizophrenia. A psychiatrist can conduct a comprehensive assessment and steer you in the right direction for treatment. I suggest that you see a psychiatrist who specializes in psychotic disorders.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have ADD / Inattentive ADHD. I’m having extreme problems with weight loss but my medication (Generic for Vyvanse), Suppresses my appetite and I can’t gain any weight. Are there any prescriptions I can try that won’t suppress my appetite and will help me gain weight?

Male | 18

It appears that you’re having trouble losing weight because of the medicine you’re taking for ADD/Inattentive ADHD. Your appetite is affected by this drug thus making it hard for you to gain weight. It may help if you talk to your doctor about trying another medication that doesn’t suppress appetite. Such a change could enable you to reach a healthy weight. Speak with your healthcare provider regarding your concerns so that they can find the right solution.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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What medicine should give to 70 year old male who hasn't slept for days and have aggressive out bursts without any reason all the day, throwing tantrums on others, abusing everyone around and threatening to harm others.

Male | 70

A 70-year-old man is experiencing trouble with sleep and mood, which may be signs of delirium. A doctor can prescribe medication to help him sleep and feel calmer. It's important to talk to him about seeking medical help for the right treatment.

Answered on 13th Sept '24

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I don't know why it happens but whenever i think about a person my mind says that They should die or what if they die, even if have no bad feelings for them. Starts imaging death images. these thoughts come on theirown and come anytime whenever i watch tv or videos. i don't force myself to think about it. But when they come i had to do some rituals to feel relax. its happening from childhood but now its disturbing me.Can someone tell me what ami suffering from. I have arithmomania too. I count patterns on wall, stairs ,tiles, count words on my teeth with my tongue, i add vehicles number.All these things makes me angry andfrustated.Now i regularly outburst my anger on my parents. i want to cry but i can't only few drop that's it. I am 21 year old male.

Male | 21

you seem to have obsessive thoughts.dee a clinical psychologist for the needful.You can reach me

Answered on 23rd May '24

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47yr w f severe depression in 20mg kexapro

Female | 47

You should not practice self-medication or change your prescribed doses of medication. The condition of severe depression should be treated by a professional, and people need to visit an expert mental health specialist. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Will do treat sizoprenia patients...???

Female | 20

DOCTORS prescribe antipsychotic medications for SCHIZOPHRENIA treatment... Treatment includes medication, therapy, and support... some medications help alleviate symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions... Treatment is ongoing and personalized... It's vital to follow the treatment plan and attend every appointments...pLease remeber any of the session missing can be harmful for the success of the treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Anxiety attacks and hyperventilation

Female | 25

When you get anxious, your body can start breathing too quickly, a condition known as hyperventilation. These symptoms can make you feel out of control, and shaky, and your heart might race fast. It occurs as a result of the brain's misinterpretation of the need for more air when the actual need is not. A technique called paper bag breathing, as well as breathing slowly, can help. Among such are uplifting leisure exercises such as mindfulness and deep breathing to mitigate your anxiety.

Answered on 14th Oct '24

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Can taking zertec and flounase cause depression

Female | 16

Zertec and Flonase are antihistamines used for the treatment of allergies. And nasal congestion, but no direct evidence supports their association with depression On the other hand, if one is showing signs of depression it is necessary to visit a psychiatrist for accurate diagnosis and therapy, not self medication recommended

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am getting this really weird thing where I feel like I’m in a dream all the time and I feel like I’m getting really confused all the time and it’s effecting how I learn with school and stuff I’m leaving in around 20 days to go to collage but it’s getting quite concernibg

Female | 16

It seems that you may be going through a type of depersonalization. That means that a person can observe life like an outside spectator from the viewpoint of seeing himself/herself acting. It can be associated with anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues as well. It is highly advised to communicate with someone you trust or a counselor about how you feel. They will be able to provide you with coping mechanisms. Besides, resting well, eating properly, and take a couple of breaths or practising mindfulness can also be beneficial to keep your mind at peace. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been suffering from music stuck in my head . As soon as I wake up that music starts to play in my head and it never end . I am very tensed about this because it affects my daily life activities like I can't even focus on my studies please help me

Female | 17

You might be dealing with "earworms," which is when a song gets stuck in your head. This can happen due to stress, fatigue, or simply hearing the song too often. To manage it, try switching to a different activity, listening to another song, or talking to a counselor to handle stress. Remember to take breaks from work and enjoy some downtime. 

Answered on 14th Oct '24

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