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Female | 17

What Are the Effects of Overdosing on Ritalin?

i took thirteen ritalin i’m only meant to take six and i feel very sick

1 Answer
Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 23rd May '24

I recommend that you seek medical help without delay. Ritalin is dangerous when overdosed, and it can lead to heart failure, seizures, and even death. Please visit the emergency room or see a psychiatrist as soon as possible. 

50 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatry" (494)

Porn addiction is problem

Male | 45

It is when a person feels that they are addicted to pornography and they are not able to control them to stop watching it. Some of the symptoms include excessive or inappropriate viewing of adult films online, feelings of shame due to it, and having forgotten family obligations. It can result from stress, curiosity, and prior events. However, you can try to talk to someone you trust, set limits, find new pastimes, or see a therapist.

Answered on 25th Nov '24

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I am 23 years old and my mood swings very quickly, sometimes I feel like I should go far away by leaving from everything but I can't do that and most of the time I'm being in sorrow and I'm not interested in anything I don't know why I'm feeling like this. Please tell me any solution for this and I would like to know my mental status.

Female | 23

your mood swings, and feeling of lack of pleasure in pleasurable activities show that you might have episode of depressive  illness.Please do a clinical psychologist like me online/ offline for detailed psychological evaluation & treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sleep disorder with talking,moving ,punching etc in dreams.Twice fallen from bed in dream.

Male | 64

It seems that you have parasomnias which is a kind of sleep disorder that causes abnormal movements, behavior, and emotions during sleep. It is recommended to contact a sleep specialist for accurate diagnosis and therapy. They can help find the triggers of sleep disorders and suggest the best treatments.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello my age 23 male I have heavy alcohol addiction so some ayurvedic person gives me some ayurvedic medical and he said conditions if you drink any alchohal in future aftr taking ayurvedic medicine in future you will die. Is true?

Male | 23

Alcohol addiction is serious, and professional help is vital. Be cautious with Ayurvedic remedies; extreme effects when drinking aren't common but can occur. The best option is to address addiction properly with the guidance and support of healthcare professionals.

Answered on 19th July '24

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I was prescribed tryptomer 10 and was taking it for a week but due to extreme dizziness of the medicine I had to stop...but even after stopping the dizziness is extreme..i get headaches I'm over tired ...when I asked my psychiatrist to help me deal with these withdrawal symptoms he says there is nothing he can many more days will these symptoms last ....

Female | 42

As your body normalizes, symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, and fatigue can come up. They may range from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on personal factors. The most important thing is to keep yourself hydrated, take a rest, and do light exercises like walking. If these feelings don't go away or become worse, consult a healthcare provider. The doctors can evaluate the situation and give advice on how you can manage these phenomena safely. 

Answered on 24th Dec '24

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I forget very easily which disturbing even my normal duties when am given also very very shy even taking to someone is problem I like being alone because of shy any solution for those?

Male | 30

If you're struggling with forgetfulness and shyness, there are some general strategies you can try. To improve memory, break information into smaller chunks, use visual aids, and establish routines. Overcoming shyness involves starting with small steps, practicing self-acceptance, seeking support, gradual exposure to social situations. You may consult a psychologist or a therapist as well for overcoming social anxiety and improving self-confidence

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Actually I am unable to sleep properly. Maybe after 4-5 sleepless nights, I can sleep a night properly. When I close my eyes, I listen to some noises which don’t have any source actually. Maybe I am facing hallucination

Female | 23

These symptoms may result from different disease such as sleep apnea, anxiety disorders or schizophrenia. I suggest you see a sleep expert or a psychiatrist to get a proper diagnosis and a treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 16 year old boy and having mental and physical weakness in body. I masturbate a daily one time from 8 month. I don't like to talk with people nor even feel like connection with anyone. My sleep cycle is heavily disturbed that's why I sleep in day and awaken all night even though I don't want to do this.

Male | 16

Masturbating daily is normal but feeling weak and disconnected isn't. Lack of energy and disturbed sleep can be linked to many causes, like stress or depression. I recommend talking to someone you trust, like a parent or a school counselor, to get some help and support. 

Answered on 28th May '24

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Hello, my wife is 43 years old. She gets severe anger immediately. She throw object hardly and towards someone. Also she slap herself and hurt herself with some object. Threatened to suicide by putting knife on wrist and announce you will be crushed by police / her in laws. What these indicates and if she require some treatment?

Female | 43

she might have some issues with her personality.see a clinical psychologist for detailed psychological evaluation & help. you can also reach me

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter who is 4 and half years was still unable to have speech command following is there but whenever she stand in attention position her legs used to shakes and she raises her hands while walking like she is balancing

Female | 4

 Do contact a clinical psychologist for detailed psychological evaluation , she needs tobe examined to rule out of development issues 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had drug induced psychosis how can I know if it’s only drug induced psychosis or if it’s like schizophrenia or something

Male | 22

A psychiatrist’s consult needs to make a determination whether your psychosis is substance abused induced or if it may signify a more serious mental illness, like schizophrenia. A psychiatrist can conduct a comprehensive assessment and steer you in the right direction for treatment. I suggest that you see a psychiatrist who specializes in psychotic disorders.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i will speak about my mom , so recently her eyes disturbance began a half hour ago, she dosen't stay hydrated for a long time she drinks from time to time, she uses the phone for hours straight , she dosen't sleep well, she has lack of sleep, when she said she has crisis ; she meant that her heart start beat fast and she start walking around because she said that she can't sit , she begin to stress hard and only think of bad consequences, she said that she can;t think well , her brain is in a mess as well as her thoughts swiming in bad thoughts , she said that she had panic attack pairing with these effects . So Doctor what is the solution what she have to do ?

Male | 18

Your mom could be going through anxiety and panic attacks. When a person’s heart is beating fast, can’t keep still, and has bad thoughts, it might be a panic attack. It could get worse if she doesn’t sleep well, take enough water and use the phone a lot. She ought to rest more, ensure she drinks sufficient water, and take breaks from the phone if she wants to feel better. Some deep breaths may help calm her down when having one. These signs should be reported to her general practitioner immediately.

Answered on 7th Nov '24

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में bhupesh mehta from Indore M.P. से हू, मेरी उम्र 49 साल है, मुझे depression, chemical लोचा है, रात में नींद नहीं आती है, मेरे घर के नजदीक के डाक्टर ने मुझे etolozom. 25 tablet लिखकर दी, पर ये गोली लेने से आराम नहीं है

Male | 49

These symptoms can be the result of chemical overload in the brain. The medication (etolozom. 25 tablets) prescribed to you might not be sufficient to improve concerns. You must talk to your doctor about other possible approaches or changes to your medication so that you can achieve better health.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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