Female | 24
¿Por qué tengo un sangrado similar al de un período a las 8 semanas de embarazo?
Soy una mujer de 24 años. Estoy embarazada de 8 semanas, pero tengo un período menstrual de 7 días y el líquido sale por mi costado.

Obstetricia Social Y Ginecología
Answered on 30th Aug '24
Tiene un sangrado que se asemeja a su período mientras está embarazada y también nota un líquido acuoso. Estos son los síntomas que pueden asociarse con una afección llamada amenaza de aborto espontáneo. Es importante ponerse en contacto con unginecólogopara descartar cualquier problema grave.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3801)
I'm 19 years old, female and I had ascites last year November 2023 , my periods stop when I started getting sick with ascites and low blood pressure, I lost weight and my periods stop too , what can I do and what is the problem with my body
Female | 19
Ascites is a condition in which fluid builds up in your abdomen, leading to swelling. In this case, your body felt under pressure, which was the prime reason for both hypotension and anorexia. They can be triggers for periods. Therefore, it will be efficient for a doctor to see you first before discovering changes in your ascites and periods.
Answered on 8th July '24
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I had unprotected sex the day before my period and sperm went inside my vagina from my hands and then I had sex again the day my period finished and sperm went inside from my hands can I get pregnant?
Female | 24
Sperm can live inside a woman for a few days. It can fertilize an egg during this time. Are you feeling tired, sick to your stomach, or have sore breasts? These might be pregnancy signs. You may need a pregnancy test if your period is late. To avoid pregnancy, use protection like condoms or birth control pills.
Answered on 25th July '24
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Hello I am Sania shaikh I am 20 years old. I had intercourse with my partner without protection 1 month ago and yet 1 month completed and I not got my periods on time so please help me to get my periods. I am very scared please help me. Which pills to take to get my periods to come.
Female | 20
Missing periods after unprotected sexual intercourse can be a sign of pregnancy. Breast tenderness and nausea are also possible. To help your periods come on, there are emergency contraceptive pills that are available on the market. These pills can work to stop a pregnancy if the woman takes them within a specific period after intercourse. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to consult a gynecologist for appropriate advice and treatment.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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I am trying for baby my periods miss 5 day after that I feel some bleading I am confused I am pregnant or not
Female | 25
Some women experience light bleeding around their regular period time when they are pregnant. This is caused by something called implantation bleeding when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. If you are unsure, you can take a pregnancy test to confirm.
Answered on 5th July '24
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Always feeling like wanted something to eat.Feeling hunger sometime after eating .but having dizziness.I am 6 week pregnant
Female | 26
During pregnancy, your body goes through changes. You may feel hungry often and dizzy. This is because your blood sugar levels drop. To avoid this, eat small meals frequently. Have healthy snacks like fruits and nuts. Drink lots of water too. This helps keep your blood sugar stable. It also keeps you hydrated. If the symptoms continue or get worse, talk to your gynecologist. Your doctor can guide you better.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
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I am 30years old and married. It's my third day if period... It's not heavy but I am passing gel like stringy clots, that cause weakness in the body, dizziness, I have lower abdominal pain as well as lower back pain, accompanied with dry cough at times and lastly my breasts feel heavy and tender. My period is usually heavy for the first 3days, this time it's clotting with pain and the blood flow is light.
Female | 30
Stressing about the clots, similar to gel, appearing when you’re on your period could happen as a result of hormonal changes or low blood flow. The weakness, dizziness, abdominal, back, or chest pain, and cough you feel can be associated with your menstrual cycle. All you need to do to feel better is find a comfortable position, rest, drink enough water, and use warm packs. Please visit a gynecologist if these signs continue affecting you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Does ovarian cyst rupture during pregnancy cause bleeding?
Female | 29
Yes, a ruptured ovarian cyst during pregnancy can cause bleeding. Talk to your doctor for further evaluation
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I had sex 18 april and after that I got my periods on 22 April andr its duration is as always 5 days and after that I don't have sex but today is 24 April and I don't get my periods is there any chance to pregnant
Female | 22
If your period is normally regular but it’s a little late this time, don’t panic – it could be due to stress, weight change or other reasons. Sometimes our bodies can be a little unpredictable. If you’re worried that you might be pregnant though – try taking a test just for peace of mind. Keep in mind that there are lots of things that can cause changes in your cycle.
Answered on 27th May '24
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I had sex on 25th oct and Today 20 November I've noticed a very thick discharge with a foul smell and a little bit blood. Sex was protected
Female | 19
You should plan a gynecologist visit immediately. This may indicate a sexually transmitted disease or any reproductive health condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Actually recently I finished my periods but suddenly 5days later periods came out and this time no so much flow but not properly discharge so is it normal or something else please reply me thank u
Female | 22
It can be normal sometimes for periods to be a little bit irregular. After regular periods, spotting can happen. Also, hormonal fluctuations or even weight change B can make this happen. Ensure you're charting your periods to notice any trends. Should it continue or you feel anxious then a visit to a gynecologist could be helpful.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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If i've had tramadol can my partner be affected by it during oral sex? Like his toungue being 'zingy' or tingly?
Female | 42
Its unlikely that your partner would be affected by tramadol. Tramadol is a pain medication that works by affecting the brain and nervous system, and its not known to cause tingling or "zingy" sensations in the mouth or tongue.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Took ipill in 2022 and also in 2023 but sometimes the periods get delayed for 1 month. When will I get regular periods? What to do for regular periods?
Female | 21
Taking the iPill can sometimes cause irregular periods due to hormonal changes. It's common to experience delayed periods after using emergency contraception. For regular periods, it's best to consult a gynecologist who can provide personalized advice and treatment.
Answered on 8th June '24
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Having severe pain 3 days after medical abortion
Female | 26
Experiencing severe pain 3 days after a medical abortion is distressing. The uterus contracts, returning to typical size, causing discomfort. Infection or remaining tissue potentially causes pain. Prompt contact with a gynecologist is crucial if pain intensifies. They'll identify the cause, providing suitable treatment for relief.
Answered on 8th Aug '24
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Hi dr I have one doubt… I am in first month of pregnancy and doctor advised me to take corpreg tablet instead of folic acid… So my doubt is which one is better… can I take both tablets together?
Female | 27
It is commendable that you are already looking for nice ways to care for yourself and your pregnancy. Folic acid is essential for a healthy pregnancy. It helps in reducing the incidence of neural tube defects in the baby. Corpreg is a supplement that contains folic acid and other vitamins and minerals. You can take the two pills in combination because taking corregar improves the baby's birth by adding extra necessary nutrients for the baby's development.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I’ve been on desogestrel rowex pill for the last two months I haven’t got my period for two months I’m not pregnant because I’ve taken a pregnancy test and it’s negative
Female | 34
Missing periods may happen when taking desogestrel rowex pills. It is a common side effect. Some people don't bleed at all. There's no need to worry, it's not harmful. Your body just changes a bit. If concerned, talk to your gynecologist.
Answered on 14th Aug '24
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I'm having lower abdominal pain cramps and my both leg pain
Female | 33
Several disorders can be the cause of lower abdominal cramps and leg pain, including cramps associated with menstruation, and pelvic inflammatory diseases. It is vital to seek medical advice from a gynecologist or a general physician to get to the real reason for the symptoms and be properly medicated.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Periods delay and other problem about pregnancy
Female | 20
In case you have a missed period and experience other symptoms as well that raise the question of pregnancy, you should visit your gynecologist. The causes of menstrual cycle delay can be diverse and include stress, weight changes, irregular hormones, or even pregnancy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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periods problem..these month 2 times
Female | 18
Your period coming twice in one month may become a source of irritation, but it is more common than you can imagine. It is usually the result of hormonal changes caused by stress, weight adjustments, or the intake of specific medications. The possible symptoms include unpredictable bleeding, cramping, and mood changes. Monitor your cycle and go to a gynecologist to investigate the chances of the problems and consider various treatment modalities if required.
Answered on 12th July '24
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I am 21 and i got pregnant. I missed my periods for 41 days. Is it safe to take abortion pills?
Female | 21
In that case discuss your options and determine the safest and most appropriate course of action for your situation. Your doctor can assess your pregnancy, and provide guidance on the safest and most appropriate approach, which may include medical abortion if you're within the gestational age limit.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 9 weeks pregnant and i have been done vomiting 3 to 4 time a day and doctor recommends some medicine like DOXINATE should I take this medicine and how much.
Female | 32
Yes, it is common to experience illness or vomit several times during the first months of pregnancy. This is the morning sickness phenomenon. It can be annoying, believe me, but don't worry; it will pass. Your gynecologist may have recommended a drug called Doxinate to you for alleviating your symptoms. It is safe for pregnant women and can also help you vomit less.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
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