Female | 19
¿Puedo quedar embarazada después de tomar i-Pill ayer?
Tomé ipill ayer, mi duda no es la ovulación después de tomar ipill, ¿puedo quedar embarazada si la dosis de ipill sale de mi cuerpo?

Answered on 11th Sept '24
La píldora actúa inhibiendo la ovulación, lo que disminuye las posibilidades de quedar embarazada. La ovulación volverá a la normalidad una vez que la píldora ya no esté en el cuerpo. Si experimenta algún síntoma extraño o tiene alguna preocupación, siempre es una buena idea hablar con unginecólogopara estar a salvo.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3803)
I am 24 yrs old. I missed my period I want to know I am pregnant or not.
Female | 24
It is natural to have anxiety regarding a missed period and pregnancy is not the only reason for this. Other factors may include stress, rapid weight loss or gain and hormonal imbalance among others. Also, if you have been more tired than usual lately, feeling nauseated frequently or having sudden changes in your breasts’ tenderness level then these could be early symptoms of being pregnant as well. To confirm whether or not you are indeed expecting a baby at home pregnancy test should be taken without delay.
Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I am having a yellowish discharge
Female | 29
you should see a gynaecologist right away. The presence of a yellowish discharge could bear witness to an infection or inflammation in the reproductive system.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I had sex on 10 Feb took i pill on 10 feb Got withdrawal bleeding on 20 feb after that on 16-31 mrch took 5 urinr pregnancy tst which came negative Got periods on 2, april On 1 may got got another period which was very light On 15 may got browm discharge for whole day Am i pregnant
Female | 23
Based on the provided timeline and negative pregnancy tests, it seems unlikely that you are pregnant. The brown discharge on May 15th could be due to other factors. For confirmation and personalized advice, consult a gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Trying to conceive for several months
Female | 28
Sometimes, age, irregular periods, or health issues make it harder. Eat healthy, maintain weight, and avoid stress—these help. If not working, consult a gynecologist for proper diagnosis and treatment options. There are many advanced treatments available, like IVF and IUI, so talk to an IVF specialist to understand the root cause and make a customised treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I’m a 18 year old female. I had sex 3 days ago, not my first time, I bled a little but I’m still bleeding lightly even after 2 days. It’s light blood mixed with my own clear vaginal discharge. No bad smell.
Female | 18
It is not uncommon at all if some women start bleeding a little during or after sex, especially if it is not their first time. The presence of light blood combined with transparent mucus may indicate that your vagina has a small cut or is irritated. This is normal, so do not worry; wait for a few days until everything heals. However, if the bleeding does not stop or becomes heavier, you should see a gynecologist as soon as possible.
Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I had unprotected sex but he ejected out and i am concerned so i want to avoid my pregnancy.
Female | 18
If it's within 72 HOURS of sex,, take emergency contraception.. Consider regular birth control.. Get tested for STIs.. Make sure to use protection next time.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I have itching and vaginal boils from 1 week
Female | 20
Itchy skin with boils in the vaginal area can happen for a few reasons. Sometimes, an infection called folliculitis causes it. Or, a skin issue like eczema may lead to this problem. Keeping the area clean and dry is key. Cotton clothes help. Also, avoid wearing tight clothing. If the itching and boils bother you, see a gynecologist. They can give the right treatment.
Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Am 28 the pregnancy test shows negative, and am yet to see my period for d month
Female | 28
If your pregnancy test is negative and you haven't had your period this month, it is likely due to stress or irregular hormone levels. High stress can affect your hormones in various ways. Even if the test is negative, it may not be entirely accurate. Surround yourself with loved ones and laughter to boost your well-being. Stay calm, maintain a healthy diet, and stay hydrated. If this issue persists, consult a gynecologist.
Answered on 15th July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Pregnancy all sentoms but periods is regular
Female | 19
You might be pregnant, but it's also possible that the menstrual cycle continues to be typical. Pregnancy generally comes with common signs such as tiredness, nausea, and breast tenderness. Women can sometimes have periods during early pregnancy. A pregnancy test is crucial for confirmation. Consult a gynecologist for more guidance if you suspect you might be expecting a child.
Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Good day! I have had spotting / breakthrough bleeding for 11 days now. Much less bleeding than a normal period, but still bleeding. Will Tranexamic acid stop the bleeding ?
Female | 24
It is rather typical to notice spotting or bleeding between periods sometimes. In some cases, it can be a result of hormonal changes or stress. Tranexamic acid can help to curb the bleeding by making the blood clot better. Consult with a gynecologist before using any new medication. Stay hydrated, get rest, and watch for your symptoms.
Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Meri 10 weeks me hi abortion ho gyi thi ye mera first baby tha .avi 2 weeks ho gye h sergical abortion hue,meri age ho rhi hai or main jld hi conceive karna chahti hun ,main kb se planning karun kya main fir se jldi concive kar skrti hun, plz answer me
Female | 34
After an abortion, it's essential to give your body time to recover, allowing your uterus to heal properly. It's recommended to wait at least one to three months before trying to conceive again to reduce the risk of complications. Prioritizing your health is crucial before planning your next pregnancy.
Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Himali Patel
How soon do pregnancy symptoms start after one had sex and how can I tell whether it is pregnancy or PMS
Female | 21
Pregnancy symptoms often arise around 4 to 6 weeks after sex. These can mimic PMS, like tiredness, bloating, or mood fluctuations. Some women experience nausea or tender breasts too. A pregnancy test provides the only definite answer. See a gynecologist if you suspect pregnancy, to confirm and discuss options.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I am 24 years old. I have been having irregular periods for a year now. What should I do?
Female | 24
If your menstrual periods are irregular or different from normal, adopting a healthy lifestyle can help. Stress, weight changes, hormonal imbalances, and conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may be the cause. Start tracking your periods and make an appointment with your doctor for a health check-up. The doctor might suggest lifestyle changes, medications, or additional tests to diagnose the issue. It's important to seek medical advice from a gynecologist for your symptoms.
Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I had sex on last day of my period and i took a birth control pill but after 5 days i had little dark brown spotting for 2 days is this what?
Female | 19
It's quite natural for some mild spotting to occur after intercourse, especially towards the end of your cycle. The dark brown spotting you got could be some of the blood from earlier times coming out. It is nothing to worry about, and it sometimes occurs when your body is getting used to the birth control pill. It will probably pass away by itself in a little while.
Answered on 9th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I have no periods from 5 month.dr.had given tablet for getting periods.I am eating papaya since 3 days along with tablet.no period yet.so when will I get periods
Female | 35
Forgetting periods for 5 months is worrying. Consuming papaya won't fix the reason behind it. Possibly stress, hormones out of balance, or a health issue. The doctor prescribed medication might take time. Watch closely for other warning signs and check back with the gynecologist.
Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I have been spotting for 15 days ,it started on the day of menstruation and hasn't stopped since. Is it a cause for concern?
Female | 26
Spotting for such a long period can be alarming. It may occur as a result of hormonal changes, the presence of fibroids in the uterus, or even infections. Yeast infections or pelvic pain could be related to other symptoms and menstrual disorders. Monitor your symptoms closely and schedule an appointment with a gynecologist for a health checkup. Diagnosing the cause is necessary to ensure the right treatment is given.
Answered on 14th Oct '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I am trying to concieve But can't to get
Female | 22
Not being able to conceive may be caused by various factors. For example, irregular menstruation can make it hard to determine your fertile days – this is when conception takes place. Moreover, stress, an unhealthy diet, thyroid issues or other underlying conditions can also affect fertility. The good news is that there are things you can do to boost your chances of conceiving. Keeping track of your cycle, watching your weight, eating right, and minimizing anxiety can all help significantly. If you’ve been trying without success for some time now, talking with a gynecologist could give you some direction and encouragement.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Now 7 week pregnancy confirm but 3 days back I got bleeding one bad I go to hospital and take progesterone injection and tablets doctor do scan and said gestination is good but fetul not find wait 2 weeks after 15days come repeat scan but now heavy crumpings and yesterday creamy white descharge came today brown ? what to do any effect baby
Female | 27
A vehement pain in the belly and brown discharge in pregnancy can be implicated in miscarriage or other complications. It is essential to see a gynecologist to ensure that both you and your unborn baby are healthy and safe.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Only one's I got sex with my partner then next month I got pregnant after that no sex can cause pregnant
Female | 25
Someone gets pregnant after unprotected intimacy when sperm meets egg. Once pregnant, they won't conceive again without more intimacy. If you haven't been intimate since conceiving, you won't conceive anew.
Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Hello doctor. Me and my partner didn’t had sex. On July 4, gave him oral. His pre cum got onto my lips. Kissed him on his hips with his pre cum. And then he went down on me. Is it possible to get pregnant like that? Or even if he has touched his penis with a little bit of pre cum and fingered me after 1-1.5 hours of doing so? I took emergency contraceptive under 48 hours. And I drank 2 glasses of ginger water one day before taking it and also 5 hours before taking it. And early morning before taking the pill on July 5, I saw some light bleeding in my vagina and thought it was ovulation bleeding because I don’t have such light periods. And I’ve irregular periods. ( I’m not sure if it was my periods ) so there are chances that I took the unwanted 72 pill on the first day or 1-2 days before my periods were due. And after 14-15 hours of taking the pill, I started bleeding heavily (more than spotting and less than periods) . The bleeding was enough to use a pad. Can withdrawal bleeding start this early ? Just after 14-15 hours of taking the pill? Or is it my periods triggering early because I took the pill maybe near my due date or on my due date? On 6th July morning, I drank one more glass of ginger water , and in the evening my body temperature fluctuated between 99.3 at 5pm to 98.7 at 8pm and 97.6 at 11pm . My heartbeat also gets fast sometimes. Is it because of the stress? Or hormonal changes? Today is July 7th, more than 48 hours gone after taking the pill. And in the morning , I was feeling dizzy , tired and weakness. I slept again and woke up at 3pm. I am still feeling tired but that maybe because I slept so much. I’m still bleeding heavily. But it’s lesser than my normal periods. Could this be my periods only? But less heavier? Or is it withdrawal bleeding? Am I pregnancy safe? I’m really worried!
Female | 19
Interestingly, you can get pregnant despite using emergency contraception. The bleeding you experienced is more likely a response to the pill, not pregnancy. The changes in temperature and fast heartbeat might be due to hormonal changes or stress. Dizziness and fatigue are common with emergency contraceptives. Take some time to rest, and keep hydrated, and if you have any more concerns, please visit a gynecologist.
Answered on 9th July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
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