Male | 21
¿Puedo tomar Murine 300 o Vitacover para corazón y ojos?
Quiero tomar murine 300 o Vitacover ya que tiene omega 3 y licopeno que son buenos para el corazón y los ojos. Entonces ¿puedo tomar esas cápsulas? En caso afirmativo, ¿cuántas cápsulas por semana?

Oftalmólogo/Cirujano Oftalmológico
Answered on 17th Oct '24
De hecho, el omega-3 y el licopeno son buenos para ellos. Aparte de eso, puedes obtener estos beneficios tomando Murine 300 o Vitacover. La dosis adecuada es tomar 1 cápsula de uno de ellos al día. Estas cápsulas desempeñan un papel en el mantenimiento de la salud de su corazón y la buena forma de sus ojos.
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Questions & Answers on "Eye" (154)
I’m a 28 years old female..I’m having right side temple pain and eye pain for about a month..not much severe..a dull ache..I get it everyday but not every time…I’m a shortsighted person also..could it be due to my sight problem??or any other serious condition??
Female | 28
If you are experiencing pain in the eyes and temples it might be related to your vision. On another note, nearsightedness can make your eyes work extra hard which causes discomforts such as these. However we should also consider more serious possibilities. Additionally, staring at screens or books too long without enough breaks; not sleeping well due to various reasons including stress could lead onto them pains too therefore among other things try adequate rest combined with good lighting for relief. Consult an eye specialist if they persist or get worse.
Answered on 14th June '24
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My vision blacks out when I wake up in the morning
Female | 19
Sometimes, you may experience darkness when opening your eyes after sleeping. This happens due to decreased blood pressure upon standing, causing less oxygen to reach your brain temporarily. Simply rising slowly, stretching gently, can help avoid this condition. If it persists, consulting a ophthalmologist proves wise to ensure no underlying causes exist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have low vision and thin optic nerve Eye pain and headache
Male | Shivam Sharma
Low vision and a narrow optic nerve are hard to deal with. These problems could be causing the eye pain and headaches you’re having. Glaucoma or damage to the optic nerve can sometimes lead to such symptoms. Therefore you need to visit an ophthalmologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 9th July '24
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My dad is 75+ and have catract want free operation
Male | 76
Answered on 8th Sept '24
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For cataract operation is it free or paid
Male | 56
Answered on 4th Sept '24
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Patient: Mrs. Kavita Dilip Dubal Date: 10 Aug 2024 Age: 42 Complaints: Diminished vision in the left eye for 15 days. Findings: Right Eye: Vision: 6/12P Diagnosis: Myopia, macular degeneration, tesselated fundus Treatment: Eyedrops for constant use Left Eye: Vision: CF1Mtr. Diagnosis: Degenerative myopia with choroidal neovascularization Recommended: Anti-VEGF injection Question: Should you proceed with the injection or explore other options? and what is condation of right eye??
Female | 43
In your left eye, there is degenerative myopia with choroidal neovascularization, which has caused your vision to decline. In this condition, new blood vessels are growing in the wrong place. The best treatment option right now is an anti-VEGF injection, which can prevent these vessels from causing further damage to your eye. Meanwhile, your right eye has myopia, macular degeneration, and a tessellated fundus. Although your eyesight is not clear, regular use of eye drops can help control the situation to some extent.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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I have specs . My vision in right eye is 6/12 and in left eye is 6/6 . I have been wearing specs for 1 year, and now I have a doubt about it . Should I wear my specs full time ? Or should I wear them while reading, writing or using phone and TV? If I use my specs full time with a minor problem like this ( I think so) will it lead to a condition where I can't see anything without specs? This has been a concern for about a week now . Please help me with this.
Male | 16
According to your vision prescription, wearing spectacles every single day is the way to go. It enables your eyes to coordinate better and reduces the possibility of strain, which is particularly important when doing activities such as reading, writing, or using screens. The spectacle usage regularly you wear wouldn't make your eyesight worsen; it only allows you to see better. If you have any new symptoms or concerns, like headaches or blurry vision, reach out to an eye specialist.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24
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I am 43years old woman. My physical apperance and looks like not to more than 28Yrs. I do lots of computer works too. From Last year onwards my vision starts getting low. e.g. if i read news paper i should give more strain to my eyes. I went to an optical shop and checked with them. They said i have to wear glass with points. Don't remember the points. still i use the same. But, when i remove glass the same has to day give over strain. Can you help me is this a major problem? or need more treatment?
Female | 43
This could be a case of eye strain caused by the computer and prolonged use of it. This can lead to symptoms such as blurred vision, headaches, and the inability to focus. The causal factor is usually the long screen time. To help, try taking breaks, adjusting your screen settings, and making sure to wear your glasses as prescribed. If the situation continues, it is better to consult an eye doctor for more examinations.
Answered on 5th Oct '24
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Why does my eye hurts There is a sharp pain
Female | 12
Eye pain, especially sharp pain, can have various causes, and it's necessary to get it evaluated by an eye doctor. It could be due to migraines, conjunctivitis, eye strain, dry eyes or other reasons which a doctor can determine after the evaluation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My left eye is swollen, just the skin. What type of medicine do I use
Male | 37
Answered on 23rd May '24
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iam 23 years old.. iam underline treatment of uviites since 6 months.. docter said to stop medicine after 6 months.. after stopping the medicine my eye was blur again.. what should i do now?
Female | 23
Your blurry vision is a symptom of uveitis relapse. Uveitis is the swelling of the eye's interior that leads to vision blurring, eye ache, and light sensitivity. Make an appointment with your eye specialist to restart the procedure and prevent further complications.
Answered on 18th June '24
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I’ve been experiencing double vision and vision shaking when I have double vision and I lost my balance and I am always nauseous
Female | 23
Double vision and shaky vision are a sign of many different illnesses, including neurological diseases and conditions with eye muscles. It is crucial to see an ophthalmologist or a neurologist for an exact diagnosis and the best treatment plan. Do not procrastinate and postpone treatment because these symptoms can cause imbalance or problems with your general health.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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One eye problem ? but docter response you can't be right eya demage stone
Male | 18
Seeing strange shapes in your vision could be a sign of a serious eye problem. If you notice shapes like stones, it may mean your retina is detaching. This can cause floaters, flashes of light, and vision loss. If you have these symptoms, see an eye doctor right away. Detached retinas need quick surgery, or you could face long-term vision issues.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
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When I work out at the gym, my eye starts to swell after the workout. I consulted an eye specialist, who said it’s an allergy. However, when I jog or walk outside, nothing happens. In the gym, if I lift weights, even light ones, my eye starts to swell later. When I do floor exercises like push-ups, I feel like there's a foreign object in my eye, causing a twitching sensation. This only happens with exercises that involve pressure.looking like muscle weakness.It also happens after swimming. This issue never occurred before, and I’ve been doing these activities for the past four years without any problems. I have consulted various doctors and spent a lot of money, but I have not found a solution.
Male | 24
You might be having allergic reactions triggered by your exercise. When you do certain workouts at the gym, like lifting weights or floor exercises, your eye swells up. This could be due to allergens at the gym or materials from the equipment. It's good that outdoor activities don't cause this problem. To prevent the symptoms, try wearing protective eyewear (goggles) at the gym or using antihistamine eye drops before you work out. It's a good idea to consult with an allergist for a complete evaluation and management plan.
Answered on 10th July '24
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Eyes power down see only 5 miter ariya
Male | 18
This issue is called myopia. It occurs when your eyeball is too long or the cornea is too curved. However, wearing glasses with the right treatment helps correct this. You need regular eye exams to check your vision.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am having uveitis what should I do?
Male | 30
Uveitis is an inflammation of the middle eye layer. It can make your eye red, painful, and vision blurry. Sometimes eye injury or infection causes it. To treat uveitis, you may need special eye drops or medicine that reduces inflammation. Seeing an eye doctor is important for the right treatment.
Answered on 29th Aug '24
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Eyes pain but its not red or no show something in eys eyes pain on both sides what problem
Male | 25
Eye strain can explain why you have discomfort in both eyes without the presence of any red spots or other things in them. This is commonly the case when you carelessly devote too much time to the display when looking at it or reading. Relieve your eyes by taking breaks, blinking frequently, and using artificial tears. When the pain persists for longer than usual, it shouldn't be a problem to schedule a visit to an ophthalmologist.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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My eye I woke up and and try looking at my light bulbs and I saw something like rainbow color’s around it and also my eye ball is red since morning
Male | 16
You are experiencing an ailment called eye strain. Nowadays, it is common for people to experience problems with their eyesight. When your eyes are overworked they might be showing kaleidoscope colors or red. This is possible when the eyes are staring at light bulbs for too long. To help, rest your eyes by looking away from screens and lights. Eye drops or glasses may also be useful.
Answered on 7th Sept '24
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I have amblyopia, one of my eyes are lazy, I want to know if it can be treated by patching ?
Female | 21
Lazy eye, also called amblyopia, makes one eye see poorly compared to the other. It leads to blurry eyesight, doubled vision, and trouble perceiving depth. Children frequently experience this condition. One treatment involves patching the stronger eye, forcing the weaker one to work harder. This may enhance vision in the lazy eye. If symptoms occur, seeking an eye doctor's advice becomes crucial for suitable treatment.
Answered on 27th Sept '24
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I am traveling outside of the United States, and I have the following symptoms: low grade fever, sore throat, congestion, and partial blind spots & floaters in both eyes. I wanted to check in to see if I need to seek immediate medical attention. I should note that I have a history of migraines, and have been experiencing them on and off while traveling.
Female | 42
It might be a good idea to seek medical attention since you're experiencing low fever, sore throat, etc.. Given your history of migraines, these symptoms could have various causes. If your symptoms are severe, worsening, or causing significant distress, it's advisable to seek medical help promptly.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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