Female | 21
¿Es seguro tomar el kit mtp si descubrimos que la persona está embarazada de un mes?

Answered on 23rd May '24
La decisión de utilizar un kit de interrupción médica del embarazo (MTP) debe tomarse consultando con su médico. Cualquier medicamento sin la debida supervisión médica puede ser riesgoso y tener efectos adversos para la salud.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3792)
I had protected sex on april four days after my period. The next month was period was a day late so i had one full papaya and ginger tea with other spice and jaggery and exercised a lot. My period arrived but was comparatively light normal clots and heavy cramps. Is there any possibility am pregnant
Female | 20
It's not probable for you to be pregnant if your menstrual cycle arrived even if it was a little different than usual. At times, periods may be lighter or heavier due to factors such as stress or dietary changes. Cramps and clots are also normal occurrences during menstruation. However, if you’re still concerned about being pregnant, take a pregnancy test.
Answered on 8th June '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I didn't get my periods on time even though still I didn't get the periods with that the I have a back pain use hair loss and a weight gain so please let me know all the reasons why this is happening.
Female | 24
You might have signs of hormone imbalance. When hormones are not in equilibrium, it can lead to irregular periods, back pains, hair loss, and weight gain. Stress, poor nutrition, and certain medical conditions may cause this lack of balance. To regulate your hormones, concentrate on proper nutrition, stress management, and regular physical activity. If these warnings continue, it’s important to seek help from a gynecologist for more check-ups and treatment.
Answered on 9th July '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I was taking deviery sr30 now I stopped I only get spouting no periods yet how long periods will take to come as my body is paining so much
Female | 37
Periods can be delayed due to many reasons like stress, pregnancy, harmonal changes etc. It is advisable to consult with a gynecologist if your still experiencing severe pain and irregular periods.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
My period comes later and is followed by brown discharge and fleshy blobs
Female | 16
If you are getting brown discharges and flesh blobs instead of a normal period, this may be a sign of abnormally heavy bleeding. I will strongly suggest you go to a gynecologist and have a thorough examination as well as a diagnosis done.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I had a intercourse on 8th May,2022. and I got my period on 19th May,2022. But after 1 month the day of Period is already missed. My white discharge is on way, much more, like cottage cheese. Area is itching. what is this mean? I'm worried. My partner told me that day he was discharge out of my body. Please tell me.
Female | 24
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ankita Mago
Can I be pregnant from grinding on a penis w nothing on and no condom but he was never inside of me and he never came?
Female | 18
A pregnancy may take place if the semen comes into any contact with the vaginal area, whether there is a penetration or ejaculation. It is imperative to have barrier protection while engaging in any type of sexual activity because this way you and your partner will be prevented from having unwanted pregnancies and from contracting sexually transmitted infections.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I have irregular periods ..can i ovulate even if i did not have periods this month
Female | 32
Yes, it's possible to ovulate even if you have irregular periods or missed a period in a month. Ovulation can vary due to factors like stress and hormonal imbalances. Tracking your cycle and symptoms can help.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Can i take tt injection at 9 month complete pregnancy
Female | 32
Getting vaccinated during pregnancy shields both mother and child from tetanus. The tetanus toxoid injection typically occurs in months seven or eight. Even if delayed till nine months, it remains worthwhile. Tetanus results from soil-dwelling bacteria. This shot fortifies the immune system against that microbe.
Answered on 21st Aug '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hello, me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex around 18 weeks ago we urinated between each time and we used the pull out method. We had it the day before my period began and it came the next day as expected and ive been getting “periods” each month since. I have also been taking regualar pregnancy test until a few days ago always using the first urination of the day. They have all been negative. And i havent been getting any other symptoms. Although I have been very bloated each day and it wont go away although I can suck in my stomach and it does. Im anxious about cryptic pregnancy and the “hook” effect and im not sure what to do next or what to think im convinced im pregnant although ive no way to know for certain. Ive been getting my “period” at thr expected time each month but ive been told by some women they had their periods throughout their oregnancy im very anxious and not sure what to do i just need a direct detailed answer and cant get in touch with my GP.
Female | 18
Based on the information you provided, it's unlikely that you're pregnant. You've been having regular periods since the incident, and all your pregnancy tests have been negative. The fact that you're experiencing bloating doesn't necessarily indicate pregnancy, as bloating can be caused by various factors like diet, hormones, or stress. If you're still worried, it's essential to consult with a gynecologist for further guidance and possibly a more accurate test, such as a blood test.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I am a 32 hear old lady. I am 4 months pregnant, 3 days ago I felt itchiness on my vagina area going up to the labia it was a strong burning sensation and today I noticed some rash on the area and the itchiness and burning is still there. What could be the cause I am married and we have unprotected sex with my husband.
Female | 32
This could be a yeast infection or it could be something called vulvar dermatitis which is common. These are more likely to happen when you’re pregnant because of the hormonal changes. You can use antifungal creams or soothing creams that are sold over the counter to help with these symptoms. You need to talk to your gynecologist about what’s going on so they can give you the right advice and treatment.
Answered on 31st Aug '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
i got my periods on 25 th march and then missed it on 25th april had an intercourse on 30th april and then took pregnancy test on 20th may 28th may 5 th june 12th june 4 test done with morning urine and all are negative i had my exams in may had done every possible thing to get my periods like exercise or home remedies in may now june arrived still no periods
Female | 23
The stress from exams can sometimes change your cycle. Other reasons for this could include hormones or weight changes. There is no need to worry, having irregular periods for a while is common. Keep in mind the symptoms you have and if your period doesn't come, go to a gynecologist for a check-up. !
Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I take abortion pills but my periods held for one day only then I do pregnancy test 2 times and it's negative
Female | 19
Periods can often change after using abortion pills. Even one-day periods might be normal. Two negative pregnancy tests suggest you're likely not pregnant. Stress and hormones can impact your cycle. However, if unsure, consider consulting a gynecologist for reassurance.
Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hello, I am a 52-year-old woman who underwent abdominoplasty 5 days ago and I am currently using enoxaparin daily. Unfortunately, my menstrual period has also started and I am bleeding heavily. Is there any medicine that I can use to reduce the bleeding?
Female | 52
This can occur for several reasons. The enoxaparin medication may also lead to increased flow. To help manage it, consider taking ibuprofen, an over-the-counter pain reliever. It can reduce bleeding volume. However, always consult your gynecologist or surgeon first. .
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I have completed my periods just 1 week back then i had unprotected sex then i took ipill after 23 hours but today i have started bleeding with cramps like periods
Female | 26
Bleeding with cramps like periods are a common side effect after taking the emergency contraceptive.. often referred to as withdrawal bleeding and is similar to a regular period. There is still a small chance of pregnancy even after taking the pill. Get it confirmed with a test.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Cramping breast tenderness
Female | 27
Cramping and breast tenderness can stem from various factors like hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, early signs of pregnancy, fibrocystic breast tissue, infections, injuries, or medications. Consult your nearest gynec for proper diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
My mother has problem of uncontrolled urine leakage. She has lost self confidence & feels depressed. No sugar, BP or any other disease. Can this be cured? How by medication or surgery. USG indicates reduced bladder capacity of 44 cc & small umbilical hernia. Pus cels are found in plenty in urine report. Kindly guide & advise. Thanks Prashant Kothari 7600035960
Female | 81
The treatment depends on the cause of the urine leakage. I advise you to visit a urologist in person first. Based on some evaluations, the cause of the problem can be known and accordingly the doctor may decide whether your mother needs surgery or medications.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I had an intercourse on August 5 and i got periods on the samw 17th . But i didnt get my periods in this month
Female | 21
Could pregnancy be the reason for your delayed period? Stress, weight changes, hormonal imbalances, or certain medical conditions can also cause missed periods. If you've had unprotected intercourse, it's a good idea to take a pregnancy test to rule it out. However, it's always best to consult a gynecologist for personalized advice!
Answered on 1st Oct '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Hey I'm cherylene I've been struggling to fall pregnant and don't know what to do anymore I've been trying for more then a year and I already have a child of 4 year old I don't get a regular period since I was 16 years old My last period was the 12 of january
Female | 30
Not getting pregnant after trying for a while is tough. Your irregular periods make pinpointing ovulation tricky - but that's key for conception. Causes could be hormone imbalances, or medical issues. Chart your cycle using ovulation tests or apps, talk to your gynecologist about what's behind the irregularity, and explore options to address it.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Is it possible to conceive after unprotected sex on periods followed by plan B pill.
Female | 33
It is possible to ovulate after having unprotected sex during your period, even if you've taken the Plan B pill, as it’s not always 100% effective. Pregnancy symptoms may include a missed period, fatigue, and nausea. If you suspect you might be pregnant, it's best to take a pregnancy test and consult a gynecologist for further advice.
Answered on 1st Oct '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I am 19 years old. I had sex and after that I used contraceptives after 24 hours( the following day) and since then I have been spotting
Female | 19
Spotting is mostly a side effect of using contraceptives. If the spotting continues with other unusual symptoms then check with a gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
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