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पुरुष | 35

¿Cuál es el mejor tratamiento para los granos colgantes?

Tengo granos colgantes cerca del cuello y en la parte inferior de la cara. Qué hacer para quitar los granos colgantes. Por favor, dígame el medicamento y el tratamiento para eliminar los granos colgantes. Mi edad es 35 años.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Esos granos debajo de la barbilla podrían ser un signo de acné. Esto puede suceder debido a los poros demasiado dilatados y la producción excesiva de grasa en la piel. Puedes utilizar un limpiador profundo y productos que contengan ingredientes como peróxido de benzoilo o ácido salicílico para ayudar a eliminarlos. También es importante no hurgar ni apretar los granos, ya que esto puede empeorarlos. Si los tratamientos sin receta no funcionan, lo mejor es consultar a undermatólogopara más consejos. A veces, los antibióticos también pueden ayudar.

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (1993)

I use podophyllin on my penis and testicles its peel my skin hardly burning I used petroleum jelly but not cure

Male | 31

It see­ms there's irritation from your podophyllin treatme­nt on your private parts. The burning and pee­ling skin could indicate a reaction. Stop using it right away. Gently wash the­ area with cool water and mild soap. Put calming aloe ve­ra cream to soothe irritation. 

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

I am 22 yr old female..I am suffering from heavy acne for the past 2 years..treated with lot of ointments,gels and so and gives results but soon it get backs to my skin..I want to know the root cause of my problem and I need a complete solution.. And one a dark skin one ..did here they are any treatment to increase the shade of my tone ?... slightly

Female | 22

  1. Resistant acne and severe acne not responding to conventional treatments needs the consultation of a qualified dermatologist. Most of the times resistant acne has underlying hormonal imbalance which has to be diagnosed and addressed. Certain conditions like PCOS, insulin resistance, steroid abuse, certain drugs may be cause of severe acne. A dermatogist may advise certain blood investigations, to understand the cause behind acne and may prescribe drugs like Oral contraceptive pills, oral retinoids or antibiotics along with procedural treatment to treat the acne and long term resolution
  2. Genetic tone of skin cannot be changed. However tan or any other acquired skin pigmentation can be improved by topical creams, sunscreens etc. chemical peels, laser toning and other  procedures can help in stubborn pigmentation

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. T N Rekha Singh

Dr. T N Rekha Singh

looking inflammation or can say Balanitis infection on front skin. Please suggest which doctor to consult Dermatologist/Urologist/Analogists or sexologist.

Male | 60

Balanitis is an inflammation of the skin located at the front end of the penis. If addressing the issue, professionals, such as dermatologists and urologists, who are experts in skin and urinary system disease may be consulted. The issue of balanitis springs from a lack of cleanliness, some skin conditions, or various infections. Recommendations from doctors include cleaning the area, prescription of medicated creams, or, if there is an infection, they might need to take antibiotics.

Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Unwanted hair removal price how much

Male | 28

Laser hair reduction treatment is dependent on many conditions. All hair may not be responsive to laser. Pricing is depends on the body part treated, number of sessions required Kindly see a Dermatologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Chetna Ramchandani

Dr. Chetna Ramchandani

Hello doctor , a cold sore under nose has left dark mark what to do regarding it

Female | 26

You have a dark mark left after a cold sore under your nose. A herpes simplex virus causes a cold sore. The sore is a part of the healing process, but it can leave behind a dark spot. This is the usual case. To help it fade, you can try using a cream with ingredients like vitamin C or kojic acid. Sunscreen use is always the first and essential skincare routine. With time, it should get better. 

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I had an operation on back side of my head in which the area was infected with an infection called carbuncle and it was cut to remove it and then the skin there regenerated soon, but its 3 years and the hair there hasn't grown yet. the diameter of that are is approx 5cm. Is there any other way to get hair back without hair transplant?

Male | 14

I recommend that you see a dermatologist for this issue. The scar tissue that resulted from the surgery might have injured the hair follicles, thus depriving them of any regrowth. Unfortunately, there is no scientifically based treatment to re-grow hair in scar tissue except by means of a transplant. Some topical treatments may be prescribed by a dermatologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

I have chicken pox and little cold also .I need medicine with prescription.

Female | 25

You have chicken pox accompanied by a slight cold that can be uncomfortable. Chickenpox is the cause of red spots on your skin and itchiness, while a cold can lead to a cough or sneezing. To help with the itchiness, you can take oatmeal baths and use calamine lotion. For the cold drinking warm fluids and resting should be the first. Ensure that besides drinking water, you also get enough sleep in order to allow your body to naturally combat the viruses responsible for these symptoms.

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

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