Female | 19
Ai-je du mal à concevoir à cause de saignements prolongés ?
J'ai du mal à tomber enceinte car j'ai toujours mes règles depuis 2 mois maintenant

Answered on 11th Sept '24
Il est difficile de gérer des règles qui durent trop longtemps. Cela pourrait être dû à des déséquilibres hormonaux. Les symptômes comprennent des saignements pendant plus d'une semaine et des cycles irréguliers. Les causes peuvent être le stress ou des problèmes de thyroïde. Visitez ungynécologuepour les tests et les options de traitement.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3806)
I am rly itchy (down there but like inside) and I have a smell and thick white discharge and it’s been like this for about a week
Female | 17
It seems that you’ve got a yeast infection. Yeast are small organisms that can live in warm, humid places like inside your body. The overgrowth of them is the cause of itchiness, thick white discharge, and a smell. You may experience this more after taking antibiotics or wearing tight clothes. You can get over-the-counter creams to help treat it, but if it doesn't get better, it's important to talk to a gynecologist. Besides, wearing loose cotton underwear and avoiding perfumed products can help with the prevention of these infections in the future.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
i took Norethisterone to push back my peroid but it still hasn’t come back shouls I be worried I’m pregnant ?
Female | 15
Various factors, including psychological strain or hormonal imbalances, might be responsible. Pregnancy represents a potential cause, but it is not the sole possibility. Be aware of any accompanying symptoms like nausea or breast sensitivity. If concerns persist, using a pregnancy test can provide clarity. In situations of uncertainty, consulting a gynecologist is the best course of action.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Mere period mein blood mein clots bohot jata hai
Female | 22
BLOOD CLOTS DURING PERIODS ARE COMMON, BUT EXCESSIVE CLOTTING ISN'T. EXCESSIVE CLOTTING MAY BE DUE TO HORMONAL IMBALANCES, uterine fibroids, or endometriosis. Other causes can be clotting disorders or medications that affect blood clotting If it's a new development, consult a doctor. If it's normal for you, ensure you're using proper menstrual hygiene products. Exercise regularly, MAINTAIN A HEALTHY WEIGHT, and stay hydrated.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Continuously getting periods every month 2 times from 3 months
Female | 24
It is quite common to experience changes in menstrual cycle. However in three consecutive months experienceing periods twice in month may indicate an underlying health issue. It is advisable to consult a gynecologist for further evaluation and management of the condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I'm 20yo female. I had my last period started on 14th April and had unprotected sex during 3-5 May. I missed my periods and confirm through HCG test that I'm pregnant. How many weeks am I pregnant? And what pill should I take to terminate the pregnancy?
Female | 20
Based on the information provided, you are about 5-6 weeks pregnant. For safe termination of pregnancy, please visit a gynecologist. They will provide the right advice and prescribe the appropriate medication for your situation.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I missed my period last for 3 years , please suggest some medicine
Female | 37
If you haven't had your period for 3 years, it may be a serious problem such as hormonal problems, stress, excessive exercise, or ovary abnormality. Certain medications may also cause missed periods. It is crucial to get a proper diagnosis from a gynecologist. Based on their examination report, they may propose treatments such as hormone therapy or lifestyle adjustment to facilitate the regulation of your menstrual cycle.
Answered on 15th July '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I want to ask about chlamydia treatment. I was positive of chlamydia and they gave me a treatment but the treatment is almost two weeks now but I still have a very slight yellow or like clear discharge but very less than before is this normal?
Female | 23
It's normal to have some discharge after chlamydia treatment. Chlamydia can cause yellowish or clear discharge, and while treatment works, symptoms may take a little time to fully disappear. As long as the discharge reduces and you're feeling better, the treatment is effective. Continue taking care of yourself and if you are concerned, see a gynecologist.
Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Ma'am, i have a query regarding female's reproductive system. Is vaginal fornix(anterior and posterior) filled with menstrual blood during female's period time ? Does blood leak in some amount from cervical os to both fornix ?
Female | 30
Yes, the vaginal fornix can be filled with menstrual blood during a woman's period, and some amount of blood may leak from the cervical os to the fornix. But the amount of blood that accumulates in the from woman to woman, and the blood eventually flows out. If you have concerns about your menstrual cycle or reproductive health, it's best to talk to your gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Cricpill tab safe during 5th month pregnancy
Female | 30
I would recommend that pregnant women avoid taking whatever medicine without consulting her doctor at least in the fifth month of pregnancy. Before using any medication during pregnancy, it is advisable that one should make sure to consult a gynecologist
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Can fibromyalgia develop after a C-section?
Female | 35
Yes, it's possible for fibromyalgia to develop after a C-section.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
About pregnancy I'm tensed we had sex on my periods 4,5th day but, we stopped when it reaches half inch of penetration but, my husband freaked out on my outer part of mine .does it cause pregnancy. Now It's 6th day after this and facing some symptoms like back abdomen pain and cramping, little fewery, and cold, throat pain but I had taken a papaya juice early morning after brushing
Female | 21
Pregnancy is incredibly unlikely from your experience. Aches, cramps, fever, and throat soreness often stem from colds or flu bugs. Rest up, chug fluids, eat nutritious grub to recover. If symptoms linger, visiting a gynecologist makes sense.
Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Hi, I have a lump on the inside of my labia, where the soft hairless skin is, it’s situated quite deep under my skin and is about a centimeter long. it hurt for a day and now it’s numb. what is it?
Female | 25
A cyst is probably causing that lump and numbness. It's a fluid-filled sac that grows in the body. The swelling likely caused pain initially. But now numbness suggests the liquid released pressure. Blocked glands or hair follicles can form these cysts. If it doesn't bother you, leave it be. However, if it grows bigger or causes more discomfort, see a gynecologist promptly.
Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
On September 20 I was infected by dengue.At that time I was not on my periods .I recovered within 6 to 7 days .My period was to come on 1st week of October but it came on 16 October.Usuallyy period days is of 4 days but this time it was more than 4 days .My periods ended on October 21 .But it again came back on 1st November .This is the first time I am facing this issue
Female | 19
Recovering from dengue fever, one is likely to have irregular periods. However, there should be consultation with a gynecologist to rule out other underlying conditions.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I had been diagnosed with cystitis a month or 2 back, i took my medication and it went away but now it comes and goes, is it possible that it didnt clear away the first time ?
Male | 24
Your cystitis returned because the infection persisted. Some bacteria survived the first treatment. Cystitis causes frequent urination urges. You feel a painful burning sensation when peeing. To treat it thoroughly, you need antibiotics prescribed by a urologist. The urinary tract infection wasn't fully eliminated earlier. So revisit your doctor promptly for proper medication to clear the remaining bacteria. Persistent symptoms like urgency, burning, and frequent bathroom trips indicate active cystitis.
Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Hi ,Good day. Please I had an abortion Dec 31st 2023. I stopped bleeding Febuary 3rd. It’s more than 8 weeks but I’ve not still had my flow. What could be wrong?
Female | 23
Having no period after an abortion can worry you. But, it happens often. It's been over 8 weeks though - that's quite long. The abortion might've caused hormone changes. Or perhaps an infection occurred. Watch out for fever or strange discharge. These could signal a problem. See your gynecologist to make sure everything's okay. They'll check for issues and treat them if required.
Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
About late periods for two months
Female | 24
A delayed period for two months may be the first sign of pregnancy but other factors such as stress, weight changes and or hormonal imbalance may also have a bearing. You should go and visit a gynecologist for an objective assessment and interpretation.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Very since i had sex with this guy my body has been feelings weird.. For example my breast will hurt on and off, i get the lightest headaches, my body aches, it looks like i gained weight lately.. But i took three pregnancy test and they came back negative, so i have no idea what to do...
Female | 20
Experiencing unusual symptoms after having sex can be concerning, but if pregnancy tests are negative, iyou need to consider other factors that may be causing the symptoms. Hormonal changes, stress, illness, medication side effects, and lifestyle factors can all contribute to breast tenderness, headaches, body aches, and weight fluctuations. Consult a gynec for further advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
26 Female 1 kid (6)- 1 pregnancy, fairly healthy, exercise regularly, don’t drink, eat right- intense period pain and pain that last all the time in lower back, feel like string between belly button and pee spot, extensive bloating, huge blood clots.. no doctor, can barely move around presently.. they told me the last time I went to the ER 6 months ago when I thought my uterus was falling out that nothing was wrong- I don’t want to go if no one else sees a reason to go? I don’t know what to do but I don’t know how much longer I can do this
Female | 26
Based on what you’ve said, there might be a problem with your reproductive system. Severe period pain, backaches, bloating, and passing clots can be signs of conditions such as endometriosis or fibroids. These may match what you’re going through and they can also cause a lot of discomfort. You should see a gynecologist so that they can check you out properly and make sure that they know what it is. They might offer treatments like managing the pain, using hormones or in some cases, surgery may even be necessary.
Answered on 8th July '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Missed periods from two months and checked for pregnancy test but showed negative
Female | 25
Not having your period for two months could worry you if pregnancy tests are negative. Reasons can be stress, big weight changes, hormone issues, or medical problems. You must see a gynecologist to find the cause.
Answered on 9th Aug '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Is PCOS stomach pain normal during cardio exercise?
Female | 16
PCOS causes stomach pain during cardio exercise. The pain feels like a dull ache. Hormone imbalances in your body lead to this. Additionally, small cysts develop on the ovaries. Walking or swimming, low-impact exercises can reduce this pain. Instead of high-intensity cardio, these are better.
Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
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