Male | 23
Pourquoi ai-je des difficultés respiratoires, des douleurs cardiaques et de la fatigue ?
Bonjour, cela dure depuis 9 mois déjà Cela a commencé, mais la respiration était lourde et difficile et il fallait généralement prendre de profondes respirations. J'avais aussi des douleurs cardiaques J'ai fait un ecg, un scanner, les deux sont devenus clairs J'ai aussi des aphtes récurrents, qui arrivent très souvent, une sensation de nausée la plupart du temps, et une fatigue qui est le pire de tous les symptômes, et qui affecte mon quotidien ! Peut également avoir de légers maux de gorge qui surviennent de temps en temps, mais qui ne durent pas longtemps ou restent pendant une courte période On m'a prescrit du magnésium mais je n'ai jamais vraiment aidé On m'a également prescrit des antidépresseurs, mais je doute que cela puisse aider J'ai pris une cure de pilules et j'ai arrêté Cette chose affecte ma vie quotidienne et je serais vraiment reconnaissant si quelqu'un m'aide à résoudre ce problème, merci

Answered on 19th Sept '24
Ce que vous avez décrit, comme des difficultés respiratoires, des douleurs cardiaques, des aphtes, des nausées, de la fatigue et des maux de gorge, peut être un problème comme l'anxiété, le stress ou des carences en vitamines. C'est formidable que votre ECG et votre scanner n'aient montré aucun problème. Les choix de modes de vie sains sont excellents, mais ils peuvent également contribuer à atténuer les symptômes du stress, à maintenir une alimentation équilibrée, à rester hydraté et à dormir suffisamment. Si les symptômes persistent, consultez unpneumologue.
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Questions & Answers on "Pulmonologyy" (313)
Dry cough and and feels sinus pressure
Male | 28
A dry cough means coughing without phlegm. Sinus pressure makes your face feel full. These symptoms occur with colds or allergies. Stay hydrated. Use a humidifier. Try over-the-counter medicines. If symptoms worsen, visit a pulmonologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
This question is about my mother, 60 years old, with influenza type A that unfortunately led to viral pneumonia. She's hospitalized for the past 4 days, her flu seems to be subsiding, but the pneumonia is not. I am worried and I just wanted to know if she's gonna be alright doctor.
Female | 60
Viral pneumonia takes longer to get better compared to the flu. I’m glad that she is recovering from the flu. Symptoms of pneumonia include difficulty breathing, productive cough, and chest pain. To cure the infection, antibiotics will be administered among other drugs. She needs to have enough rest and time too. Therefore, follow the doctors’ instructions and be patient with her.
Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
My friend is suffering from moderate right plural effulsion and biletral lungs fluid it is dangrous???
Male | 24
Your friend has extra fluid around the lungs, on both sides. It's called moderate right pleural effusion and bilateral lung fluid. This makes breathing difficult, causes chest pain, and coughing. Leaving it untreated may be dangerous. The causes could be infections or heart issues. Draining the fluid or taking medicines might help, depending on why it happened. It's crucial your friend visits a pulmonologist for proper tests and treatment.
Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I have been waking up a lot while sleeping the past few days. I work nights so I sleep during the day and I laid down this morning to sleep and then everytime I was about to fall asleep I felt like I wasn’t breathing
Male | 24
You could have sleep apnea, where breathing stops briefly during slumber. Classic signs: waking often at night, feeling breathless before sleep. It's vital to consult a physician, who'll propose remedies. Side sleeping or special masks frequently ease the issue.
Answered on 13th Sept '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Want to know how it transfer tuberculosis from a patient who has been having treatment for more than 6 month to another working in the same team.
Male | 43
Tuberculosis spreads through the air from coughs or sneezes. If your teammate's treatment exceeds six months, transmission risk decreases. Watch for persistent coughing, fever, and weight loss. See a pulmonologist if symptoms arise. Cover coughs, wash hands frequently - good hygiene prevents TB spread.
Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
My daughter is 10 years hold and while talking or reading books she gasps for air in between small sentence and she doesn't have any health issues
Female | 10
It's important to have her evaluated by a specialist. While she may not have any known health issues, this symptom could indicate an underlying problem that requires attention.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
My 3 year girl is suffering a blocked up nose. No cold nor adanoide issues. She struggles to get air passes the top of her nose, and stops her breath for about a few seconds through out the hole night. She will wake her self up for a breath
Female | 3
Answered on 7th July '24

Dr. Narendra Rathi
Sidi per chadhte hue sans phoolta hai
Male | 39
Asthma is a condition where your lungs tighten, making it difficult to breathe normally. You might feel like you can't take a full breath because your airways narrow. An inhaler, prescribed by your doctor, contains medicine to help open those airways. It's important to keep your inhaler close and use it when your asthma flares up. Properly managing your asthma keeps you safe and healthy.
Answered on 24th Sept '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
i am 39 years old having vertigo allergic bronchitis
Female | 39
You have been diagnosed with allergic bronchitis, which is causing coughing and dizziness. The dizziness you're feeling, known as vertigo, makes it seem like everything around you is spinning. Allergic bronchitis happens when your bronchial tubes react to allergens like dust and pollen. Your doctor may prescribe medication to help with the cough and dizziness. It's also helpful to avoid triggers like smoking or strong perfumes.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Parenchymal fibrotic lesions at rt . upper lobe on my x ray report what does this means?
Male | 27
This might result from ongoing or old lung infections or chronic lung diseases. I would suggest you go a pulmonologist for more clarification and the symptoms management of your condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Good afternoon,I'm Mr.Tikei Kepeli from Papua New guinea,age around 40s and would like to enquire on my illness. 1.I experience hot,cold,vomit and head pain last year October 2023. 2. Doctor requested me to check HIV and and do chest xray for tubercolosis -Both results came negative and still I felt sick. 3. Jan-24 Doctor instructed me to check ESR and my ESR stands as 90 and Doctor suspected of Disimenated tubercolosis and put me on tuberculosis drug and after two weeks of tubercolosis drug went back to check esr,my esr came down to 35 from 90.Now i'm on second phase meaning it's 4 months of taking tubercolosis drug. But I'm still feeling all these. - one or two days I feel OK but after that; - I feel head heavy,joints num,feels like my stomach is empty,unconscious type and bit shortness of breath. - And it makes me hungry and I eat alot.Im not loosing much weight but still maintains my body. **I'm confused what type of sick is this? Please help me advise.
Male | 42
The tests show you may have a sickness. Your body is fighting it. The TB medicine is helping, but sicknesses can take time to go away. Keep taking your medicine like the doctor said. Tell the doctor if you feel new things. Stay hopeful! Follow what the doctor says.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I am unable to breathe properly . I feel some pressure on middle chest from 15 days . I have PCOS also . I was diagnosed with pcos few months ago.
Female | 17
Trouble with the breath and chest pressure may mean anything from a respiratory or cardiac issue. It's imperative that you seek the opinion of a pulmonologist who will give you a correct diagnosis as well as a proper treatment plan that you will strictly follow. During your visit, it is essential to make your PCOS diagnosis known to the doctor.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
My 1 year old son has a mucus blockage on his throat, its not going anywhere even when he cough and he is struggling to breath1
Male | 1
Respiratory mucus obstruction may be why your son is experiencing breathing problems, which can sometimes result in throat blockage. Coughing being the common symptom and difficulty breathing are other signs to look for. This blockage can be a result of a cold or allergies. If he is still alive, you can help him through the use of a humidifier in his room to make mucus easier to clear and whoop his back lightly a few times to help him clear his throat. If the issue continues or worsens, then you should consult a pulmonologist.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I am 23 years old. I’ve been coughing for the last 3 weeks. Got consulted from doctor last week, diagnosed lung infection. All medications are finished include antibiotics. Currently didn’t take any medication and still coughing. Other symptoms, chest pain and fast breathing.
Female | 23
Based on what you’ve said, your persistent coughing, chest pain, and rapid breathing could point toward a long-term lung infection. In some cases, infections can still linger even after the antibiotics course is completed. Therefore, my advice is that you return to your pulmonologist for a check-up to ensure everything is fine and seek additional treatment if necessary.
Answered on 25th May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Cough which causes fever , now i would say that it started 2 months ago and almost nullified for 2 weeks but now it is happening again When i wake from bed half or my head hurts also my cough is of either white or sap green sort of color
Male | 16
It seems better to see a doctor on your persistent cough and accompaniment symptoms. Your cough color might be a sign or symptom of a hidden ailment. The patient should see a pulmonologist for a detailed assessment and the correct treatment course.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I’ve been vaping for a while and I decided to quit bwcause I started feeling like I didn’t have very good stamina and I decided to quit and 3 days before I quit I started feeling small sharp pains in my left side of my body and I’m pretty sure it’s my lung but I don’t know if it’s just my anxiety and I don’t know if it’s just heart burn because I haven’t eaten much which could be the case but I don’t know
Male | 14
Several factors can cause sharp irritations on the left side of your body, including issues with the respiratory system, anxiety, or heart problems due to inadequate food intake. Eating healthily, staying hydrated, and resting may help improve these symptoms. However, consult a pulmonologist if the irritation persists or worsens.
Answered on 18th Oct '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
Hi!!! i have a very serious coughing problems and my doctor has given me tablets which i am writing below- 1.tablet Provair 10mg ---night 1 (continue) 2.Tablet Pulmodox 200mg---night 1 (continue) 3.Tablet Deltasone 20mg ---morning (after breakfast-7 days) 4.Tablet Pantonix 40mg---morning 1 and night 1 (before eating-1 month) 5.Tablet Orcef 400mg---morning and night 1 tablet for 7 days... my blood pressure is 100/70 and i had a coughing problem last 7 days and i am taking this tablets for the last 3 days and my doctor has given me steroids tablets which i have already taken 3 days...can i stop taking deltason 20 mg now as i have no interest to take this steroid anymore???can you reduce the amount now if possible ...thank you...
Female | 31
It is advisable not to discontinue steroids abruptly without consulting your doctor as it leads to withdrawal symptoms. Please visit your doctor for any worries about the medication and they will give you a professional advice. If you happen to need a respiratory problem specialist, visit a pulmonologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I have asthma but no inhaler and I want to start track and field in my school. What should I do?
Female | 14
Sports if you are asthmatic and lack of inhaler can turn out to be a dangerous affair. Asthma is a disease that can cause breathing difficulties, coughing, and compactness of the chest among other things. Physical activities can provoke an asthma attack. In your situation, it would be dangerous to do track and field without an inhaler. Warn your parents or school nurse about your asthma and request them to help you get an inhaler before beginning track and field.
Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I experience chest & back pains when I cough
Female | 17
This might be an indication of a respiratory infection, pneumonia, and bronchitis. Another reason could be muscle strain resulting from too much coughing. A pulmonologist should be consulted.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal
I had intranasal MRSA and my doctor prescribed me mupricion. It actually made me contagious, why did that happen? Is it common
Female | 34
You could be handling MRSA bacteria which normally causes infections. When contracted, a drug known as Mupirocin is prescribed for treatment. The bacteria may become resistant if not used properly for a long time such that it even stops working, thereby rendering one more contagious. Take note of any symptoms such as increasing redness, swelling, or pain, and consult your physician. They might need to change your therapy to assist you in feeling better. Whenever you are using your medication ensure that you adhere to what your doctor has instructed or else you may encounter some complications.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
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