Female | 20
Est-ce que j'ai des points de sang après Unwanted 72 ?
Je suis une fille de 20 ans... J'ai pris 72 non désirés avant 2 jours... Quand j'urine, je sens des points de sang après la miction.. Est-ce le signe ou c'est autre chose

Answered on 11th Sept '24
Vous avez peut-être commencé à remarquer certains effets secondaires de l’utilisation d’Unwanted 72. L’apparition de points de sang lors de la miction peut parfois être le cas. Cela pourrait être dû à l’irritation des voies urinaires provoquée par le médicament. Aidez votre corps à se débarrasser des substances indésirables en buvant suffisamment d’eau. Si le saignement persiste ou s'aggrave, il est conseillé de consulter ungynécologuepour exclure toute autre cause possible.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3808)
Okay so basically my gf took positer-2 pill on 13 Augest while we had sex on 12 August and her period ended by 10 today is 22 September and she still didn't get her period. She did take a pregnancy test at the beginning of this month and the results were negative it was a home pregnancy test. She also had a breast infection and went to the hospital they gave her meds to lower the pain and heal the infection now it's getting better. I was just wondering if she's pregnant or not
Female | 21
From the information you provided, it can be assumed that your girlfriend probably followed the guidelines by using the pill and taking a pregnancy test. It is not uncommon that psychological tension and a shift in regular routines can be behind a late period. A breast infection could be another cause. It's good to know she is getting better. If she is feeling anxious, talking with a gynecologist might help ease her worries.
Answered on 28th Sept '24
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hi i just got an abortion 2 weeks ago and some round tissue filled with liquid inside comes out of my vagina. i dont know what it is and i dont know if my abortion is successful.
Female | 23
The tissue filled with liquid is likely a clot or tissue from the abortion. Some discharge happens as your body heals. If you feel okay otherwise, it may just be part of getting back to normal. But if you have pain, fever, or heavy bleeding, tell your gynecologist to make sure it's not an issue.
Answered on 31st July '24
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After using a fluconazole less than a dollar in price and two doses of vaginal tabs of Clotrimazole BP 100mg and canazol 200mg for the past 1 week and now my labia minora is swollen due to some intense itchiness. What could be the problem
Female | 36
You might be suffering from a yeast infection. The swelling of your labia minora and the intense itchiness could be yeast overgrowth. The standard treatments for yeast infections that include fluconazole, and vaginal tabs of Clotrimazole and Canazol are not always completely successful. You may have to see a gynecologist for further assessment and a different treatment plan.
Answered on 29th July '24
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I used dp spas for period pain
Female | 21
Yes dp spas is mostly prescribed for menstrual pain.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir doctor, My mother is suffering from severe abdominal pain. Menstrual bleeding occurring. Irregular menstrual cycle. Result of sonography is bulky uterus. Sir plzzz inform me about the possible cause of these symptoms and what may be the treatment. Did my mother needs any surgery or it can cure by the use of certain medication ?
Female | 47
Irregular menstrual cycles are common during the perimenopausal age group. She needs a check-up. Initially, we need to give her a medical line of treatment for decreasing the pain and regularisation of menses. Endometrial thickening needs to be evaluated and treatment planned accordingly. You can visit The Best Gynecologist for more information.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I had unprotected sex a day after my ovulation and I took contraceptive pills. Will I still get pregnant?
Female | 28
It is possible to prevent pregnancy by taking emergency contraception pills after having unprotected sex. These pills stop or delay the release of an egg from the ovary. However, they do not work all the time. This means that you can still get pregnant. if you have any symptoms such as unusual bleeding or missed period, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test just to be sure.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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High platelets in pregnancy
Female | 32
High levels are normal in pregnancy, but if they are too high, check with gynaecologist for infections or inflammation
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have recently been sick with flue ,was coughing a lot. After a day or two of feeling better ,when I cough I feel something big and unusual by my vagina and is quit painfull
Female | 30
You might be suffering from a condition known as vaginal prolapse. This occurs when the organs in your pelvis descend due to weak muscles. Signs may include feeling a lump close to or in the vagina and pain when you cough. One way to manage it would be to avoid lifting heavy objects, perform pelvic floor exercises regularly, and seek further advice from a gynecologist.
Answered on 6th June '24
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Period problem hairfall low bp
Female | 24
Your irregular periods could result in low blood pressure, dizziness, fatigue, and hormonal changes causing hair loss. You should consume a balanced diet, drink plenty of fluids, and rest adequately. You might experience heavy flow during menstruation leading to period problems. Hormonal fluctuations throughout your cycle can also trigger hair fall. Maintain proper hydration and nutrition to manage these symptoms effectively. Seek guidance from a gynecologist if the condition does not improve.
Answered on 4th Sept '24
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Girlfriend had sperm on her hand and accidentally touched her vagina on the surface right after washing her hands with tap water. She said her hand was still sticky like.. is there chance of pregnancy. she was on her safe days too.
Female | 19
I would like to tell you not to worry that you will get pregnant under these circumstances. Sperm is vitally short-lived in the wild and the probability of it getting into the vagina and fertilizing the egg is negligible. Although in most cases this should pose no alarm, if you have any atypical symptoms or worries, you should consult a gynecologist for a professional checkup and advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Is this pregnancy report is positive? Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone < 5.00 mIU/ml
Female | 28
When the beta hCG level is under 5.00 mIU/ml, it means no pregnancy is detected. If you think pregnancy's possible, you can retest later.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 25 days late on my period and had period-like pain last week and spotting which has since gone away. I was meant to menstruate on 1 August at had intercourse on 21 and 20 July. I took 4 pregnancy tests. 1 Dischem, 1, which was negative, and 3 Clear Blue, one Digital one and two others, I think one early detection and another type. All were negative. But I'm still late. Do you have pills to induce period?
Female | 30
It is common for women to have a late period at some point. Stress, weight fluctuations, or hormonal disorders can be the reasons for this. It's good to know that you have already had pregnancy tests. The chance of being pregnant is low if all are negative. You can try to manage stress, eat healthy, stay active, and get enough sleep. If your period still doesn't come, it's best to consult a gynecologist to know the exact cause of the problem.
Answered on 29th Aug '24
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I have itching on vigina last 10-15 days
Female | 22
Itching in your vaginal area can be due to various reasons, such as infections, allergies, or irritation. You might also notice redness or unusual discharge. It's important to keep the area clean and dry, wear cotton underwear, and avoid scented products. If the itching persists, it's best to see a gynecologist.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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Had sex on 11 day after period, I pill taken after 23 hours, 11 days to go their is no periods
Female | 20
It’s fine if your period is late after taking Plan B because it messes with your cycle. Some symptoms like spotting, feeling sick, or changes in the timing of your menstrual cycle are pretty normal too. Remember that stress may also cause a delay in your period so try not to worry too much about it. Everything should return to normal soon enough. If not though, then maybe think about getting a pregnancy test.
Answered on 7th June '24
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I have a cyst in my ovary .and l would like to remove it .is it possible that I could remove only the cyst and remain the ovary
Female | 21
The surgeon can remove the cyst, and you will feel better afterward. These cysts are like fluid-filled balloons on your ovary. They can cause pain, bloating, and changes in your periods. Doctors can remove the cyst without taking out the ovary. The surgery is usually effective and helps relieve the symptoms.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24
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I'm 18 old female. Last month I had my period and at the same time I had fever so the doctor gave me medications and injection for fever, that time I had light periods. After stopping the medicines, I had bleeding for 3 days which soaked half of the pad. So I took meprate for 23days as one of my doctors advised me. Since 2 days I am not having the meprate tablet and experiencing symptoms like cramps, headache, nausea, bloating. Also I had protected sex 6 weeks ago, but we are sure that he did not inseminate. Im worried about my health, I'm facing pregnancy symptoms but I don't think I'm a pregnant. I was also diagnosed with pcod 1year ago.
Female | 18
Your symptoms, such as cramps, headaches, nausea, and bloating, could have various causes. The bleeding after stopping Meprate might be related to your PCOD. Since you had protected sex, pregnancy is unlikely if there was no insemination. Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and if your symptoms persist, consider discussing them with gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24
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On 13th of this month I had unprotected sex and we used pull out method so will I get pregnant after or before unprotected intercourse I didn't took any pills so m confused will I get pregnant
Female | 23
After unprotected sex, there's a risk of getting pregnant, especially with the pull-out method. The presence of symptoms like missed periods is an obvious sign of conception. To avoid pregnancy, you can rely on some effective birth control methods such as pills and condoms. If you are worried, you should see a gynecologist for a detailed discussion of your options.
Answered on 10th July '24
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hello, my period cycle was 28 days ...Jan month I got my period at 24 and Feb 14 i was relationship with my husband and Feb 18 I got urinary infection that time I have blood clothing after urine not in pad for 2 days after that still now I didn't get my period
Female | 26
The urinary infection may have affected your menstrual cycle. Clotting after peeing and a skipped period indicate bodily changes. See a gynecologist promptly for an examination. They'll advise and treat you properly to improve your condition.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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Pregnancy test positive aane ke bad bhi jese period ke Time pr thigh pain hota he besa pain ho rha
Female | 26
Cramping in your thighs isn't rare after a positive pregnancy test, notably near your expected menstrual cycle. Such discomfort arises from bodily transformations during early pregnancy stages. Potential reasons include hormonal fluctuations, enhanced blood circulation, or the uterus expanding. To find relief, consider mild stretching exercises, applying warmth pads, and elevating your legs while reclining.
Answered on 17th July '24
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My endometrial thickness is 3-4 mm after 18th day of periods is it normal. I am a unmarried girl.
Female | 23
An endometrial thickness ranging 3-4 mm after day 18 isn't unusual for unmarried females. If no abnormal bleeding or discomfort occurs, there's likely no issue. That thickness commonly precedes menstruation. However, any concerning symptoms warrant consulting a gynecologist. They can properly evaluate and advise.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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