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Female | 20

Est-ce que j'ai des points de sang après Unwanted 72 ?

Je suis une fille de 20 ans... J'ai pris 72 non désirés avant 2 jours... Quand j'urine, je sens des points de sang après la miction.. Est-ce le signe ou c'est autre chose

1 Answer
Dr Mohit Saraogi


Answered on 11th Sept '24

Vous avez peut-être commencé à remarquer certains effets secondaires de l’utilisation d’Unwanted 72. L’apparition de points de sang lors de la miction peut parfois être le cas. Cela pourrait être dû à l’irritation des voies urinaires provoquée par le médicament. Aidez votre corps à se débarrasser des substances indésirables en buvant suffisamment d’eau. Si le saignement persiste ou s'aggrave, il est conseillé de consulter ungynécologuepour exclure toute autre cause possible. 

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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3808)

I used dp spas for period pain

Female | 21

Yes dp spas is mostly prescribed for menstrual pain. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had unprotected sex a day after my ovulation and I took contraceptive pills. Will I still get pregnant?

Female | 28

It is possible to prevent pregnancy by taking emergency contraception pills after having unprotected sex. These pills stop or delay the release of an egg from the ovary. However, they do not work all the time. This means that you can still get pregnant. if you have any symptoms such as unusual bleeding or missed period, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test just to be sure. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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High platelets in pregnancy

Female | 32

High levels are normal in pregnancy, but if they are too high, check with gynaecologist for infections or inflammation

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is this pregnancy report is positive? Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone < 5.00 mIU/ml

Female | 28

Whe­n the beta hCG leve­l is under 5.00 mIU/ml, it means no pregnancy is de­tected. If you think pregnancy's possible, you can re­test later.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Had sex on 11 day after period, I pill taken after 23 hours, 11 days to go their is no periods

Female | 20

It’s fine if your period is late after taking Plan B because it messes with your cycle. Some symptoms like spotting, feeling sick, or changes in the timing of your menstrual cycle are pretty normal too. Remember that stress may also cause a delay in your period so try not to worry too much about it. Everything should return to normal soon enough.  If not though, then maybe think about getting a pregnancy test.

Answered on 7th June '24

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I have a cyst in my ovary .and l would like to remove it .is it possible that I could remove only the cyst and remain the ovary

Female | 21

The surgeon can remove the cyst, and you will feel better afterward. These cysts are like fluid-filled balloons on your ovary. They can cause pain, bloating, and changes in your periods. Doctors can remove the cyst without taking out the ovary. The surgery is usually effective and helps relieve the symptoms.

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

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Pregnancy test positive aane ke bad bhi jese period ke Time pr thigh pain hota he besa pain ho rha

Female | 26

Cramping in your thighs isn't rare after a positive­ pregnancy test, notably near your e­xpected menstrual cycle­. Such discomfort arises from bodily transformations during early pregnancy stage­s. Potential reasons include hormonal fluctuations, e­nhanced blood circulation, or the uterus expanding. To find re­lief, consider mild stretching e­xercises, applying warmth pads, and ele­vating your legs while reclining.

Answered on 17th July '24

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