Male | 20
Ai-je une basse vision avec un nerf optique fin ?
Basse vision Nerf optique fin Douleur oculaire

Ophtalmologiste/chirurgien des yeux
Answered on 27th May '24
La raison pour laquelle vous ne voyez pas bien peut être que votre nerf optique est mince. Cela pourrait rendre les choses floues ou difficiles à voir. Les personnes atteintes de ce problème peuvent également ressentir des douleurs autour des yeux et des maux de tête fréquents. Prendre rendez-vous avec unspécialiste des yeuxassez tôt.
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Questions & Answers on "Eye" (156)
I am traveling outside of the United States, and I have the following symptoms: low grade fever, sore throat, congestion, and partial blind spots & floaters in both eyes. I wanted to check in to see if I need to seek immediate medical attention. I should note that I have a history of migraines, and have been experiencing them on and off while traveling.
Female | 42
It might be a good idea to seek medical attention since you're experiencing low fever, sore throat, etc.. Given your history of migraines, these symptoms could have various causes. If your symptoms are severe, worsening, or causing significant distress, it's advisable to seek medical help promptly.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I'm suffering from fever and I have huge pain in my eyes
Female | 20
It seems you have pink eye, a type of eye infection. Your eyes hurt and have a fever. This sickness happens when germs infect the white part of your eyes. Germs like bacteria or viruses cause it. Warm towels on your eyes and keeping them clean helps. Don't touch your eyes too much. See an eye doctor if it doesn't get better.
Answered on 20th Oct '24
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What will the treatment be for bacterial conjunctivitis?I have it for 4 days now ,the medication is not working
Female | 32
Bacterial conjunctivitis makes your eye red, swollen, and gooey. It usually happens because of germs. The usual treatment is antibiotic eye drops. But if it's been four days and it's not getting better, visit an eye specialist. They may need to change the medicine.
Answered on 26th July '24
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Hello i am 14 years old and i constantly see lightning in the corner of my eye?? im super stressed and i overreact easily
Male | 14
Seeing flashes of light or "lightning" in your peripheral vision can sometimes be a symptom of an eye related issue. However, stress and anxiety can also cause visual disturbances, including perceived flashes of light. Meantime it may be helpful to practice stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness or meditation. If this also doesn't help then visit an eye specialist to get it checked.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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One eye problem ? but docter response you can't be right eya demage stone
Male | 18
Seeing strange shapes in your vision could be a sign of a serious eye problem. If you notice shapes like stones, it may mean your retina is detaching. This can cause floaters, flashes of light, and vision loss. If you have these symptoms, see an eye doctor right away. Detached retinas need quick surgery, or you could face long-term vision issues.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
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Hi… I wanted to do Contuora vision surgery for removing my spectacle . My age is 42 and powers are -5 cylindrical and -1 spherical with 110 and 65 axis. One doctor suggested that with -5 cylindrical power Contoura vision cannot be done and go for Refractive Lens Exchange / clear lens exchange or ICL. I visited another ophthalmologist for second opinion as I don’t want to extract my natural lens ,and he suggested that I can go with Contoura vision for spec removal. Now I am confused . Should I go with CV. At this point i am not interested to extract my natural lens. Looking for some help in this regard from experts. It’s a matter of eyes. I also have reading glass .
Female | 42
CV is a laser procedure to reshape the cornea, while RLE involves replacing the natural lens. ICL is another lens-based option. To make an informed choice, discuss your cornea's suitability for CV, the effectiveness of each procedure for your prescription, and potential risks with your doctors. Seek a third opinion if needed, as your eye health is important.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have an eye problem for evening time my eyes are low energy Evening time head aache some time body pain recently pain in right hand some sound in ear
Male | Vishnu
You might be experiencing eye strain and fatigue, as these can result in headaches, body aches, and ringing in the ears too. Additionally, when one is tired, their eyes tend to work more thereby causing the mentioned symptoms. For relief, ensure to take screen breaks, rest your eyes, and try using warm compresses. However, if they persist, consult an eye specialist immediately.
Answered on 13th June '24
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Hi sir, my father aged 60 years frok andhra pradesh, he has cataract eye issue, please tell me how to get surgery
Male | 60
Answered on 8th Sept '24
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Eye pain like pinguecula white spot in eye
Male | 17
You likely have pinguecula - a tiny white spot on your eye. This could cause eye discomfort. Common signs include redness and irritation. Pinguecula happens due to sunlight, wind, or dust exposure. To ease pain, try eye drops or warm compresses. However, if pain persists or worsens, consult an eye doctor promptly.
Answered on 24th July '24
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Hi I have a serious pain on my eyelid
Male | 32
You seem to have a sty, which is an infection caused by bacteria that leads to the development of painless bumps on the eyelid. You should see an eye specialist for proper management of the condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Low vision Thin optic nerve Eye pain headache
Male | 20
The reason you’re not able to see well may be that your optic nerve is thin. This could result in things appearing fuzzy or being hard to see. People with this issue might also feel pain around their eyes and get frequent headaches. Book an appointment with an eye specialist soon enough.
Answered on 27th May '24
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My eye I woke up and and try looking at my light bulbs and I saw something like rainbow color’s around it and also my eye ball is red since morning
Male | 16
You are experiencing an ailment called eye strain. Nowadays, it is common for people to experience problems with their eyesight. When your eyes are overworked they might be showing kaleidoscope colors or red. This is possible when the eyes are staring at light bulbs for too long. To help, rest your eyes by looking away from screens and lights. Eye drops or glasses may also be useful.
Answered on 7th Sept '24
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I have Eye red 3 days... I want eye drop or tab for treatment
Male | 24
Allergies, infections, or dryness may cause this. Over-the-counter lubricating eye drops can be used to treat it. These drops will help relieve your eyes and reduce the redness. Stick to the label directions and don't rub your eyes. If the redness does not go away or becomes worse, please see an eye specialist as soon as possible.
Answered on 28th May '24
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I have low vision and thin optic nerve Eye pain and headache
Male | Shivam Sharma
Low vision and a narrow optic nerve are hard to deal with. These problems could be causing the eye pain and headaches you’re having. Glaucoma or damage to the optic nerve can sometimes lead to such symptoms. Therefore you need to visit an ophthalmologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 9th July '24
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I am suffering from eye itching and burning sensation in and around eye. It usually happen with me every summer when dry air flows. The symptom resonates with allergic conjuctivitis. The skin below and aside eye become very itchy. When water from eye drop on this skin it create very harsh irritation. Please suggest medication. Right now I am using Lotepred LS drop.
Female | 50
It appears as if you might be having allergy-related conjunctivitis, a problem that occurs often in dry seasons. First, I suggest seeing an ophthalmologist who is an expert in all eye conditions. This will give him a chance to properly diagnose your condition and prescribe the right medication for you.
Answered on 23rd Aug '24
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My right eye have been twitching over a week now
Female | 19
Eye twitching is frequent, yet persistent spasms lasting over a week warrant attention. Stress, fatigue, excessive caffeine - all potential triggers. Combat it through adequate rest, stress reduction, and caffeine moderation. Persisting twitches or vision changes necessitate consulting an eye doctor.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
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My eyes and body both are weak, perhaps this is not due to masturbation.
Male | 20
It's possible that your weak eyes and body might not be related to masturbation. Weak eyes could be due to issues like refractive errors or other eye conditions, while a weak body could be due to nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise, or other health problems. It's best to consult an ophthalmologist for your eye issues and a general physician for your overall weakness to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 29th July '24
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Hi my left eye is burning .please advise what to apply
Male | 20
The burning of your eye can be associated with dryness, allergic reactions, or irritants around you such as dust or smoke. To treat your burning eye, you can also opt for artificial tears or a non-prescription eye drops the label of which has been made for dry eyes. No matter how bad the situation is, never touch your eyes. If the burning continues to be present or gets worse, you must contact an ophthalmologist to get advice.
Answered on 26th June '24
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Doctor, I am 18 year old male, having problem in eye of change in it's power to -0.25D. I wear glasses too.I am also eye exercises and routines which can bring my eye power to normal.I am asking how much time should mobile screen to be limited per day to keep my eye safe on the above report?
Male | 18
Your eyesight has changed a bit with a measurement of -0.25D. This might make your vision less clear and give you sore eyes or a headache. If you spend lots of time looking at screens (like phones), these symptoms could get worse than they already are. To protect your sight, attempt to keep screen use down to 2 hours everyday maximum and take breaks every 20 minutes or so where you focus on something in the distance. You should still wear your glasses as directed by the optician as well.
Answered on 24th June '24
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Hello, I'm 16 years old. Since yesterday at 12 PM Spanish time, I've been experiencing small spasms in my lower left eyelid. They feel like muscle contractions, usually sudden and occurring every 20 seconds, with about 10 to 15 contractions per spasm. I don't think there's any underlying issue as I don't have sleep problems, stress, haven't consumed caffeine or alcohol, and I don't feel tired. I would greatly appreciate the help; it's not painful but very annoying.
Male | 16
These spasms might happen because of stress, tiredness, or too much time spent staring at screens. Ensure that you rest your eyes, get enough sleep, and try massaging gently to relieve tension from the muscles around them. If they persist or get worse then it would be wise to talk with an eye specialist for more advice.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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- Low vision Thin optic nerve Eye pain headache