Best Gastritis Treatment doctors in Kanjurmarg
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Top 10 Gastritis Treatment doctors Near Kanjurmarg
Doctor | Rating | Experience | Fee |
Dr. V Sahasrabhunde | ---- | 4040 years of experience | ₹ 70 |
Dr. Ajit Morankar | ---- | 1717 years of experience | ₹ 150 |
Dr. Sunil Ghuge | ---- | 1212 years of experience | ₹ 100 |
Dr. Premlata Ulwekar | ---- | 1212 years of experience | ₹ 350 |
Dr. Nilima Shettiwar | ---- | 3939 years of experience | ₹ 400 |
Dr. Arati Shah | ---- | 3434 years of experience | ₹ 750 |
Dr. Kukreja Kalani | ---- | 2828 years of experience | ₹ 500 |
Dr. Raveendra Dwivedi | ---- | 2424 years of experience | ₹ 50 |
Dr. Rakesh Kewat | ---- | 2222 years of experience | ₹ 300 |
Dr. Nagesh Bhalerao | ---- | 1414 years of experience | ₹ 70 |
Dr. Vijay Mestry | ---- | 3131 years of experience | ₹ 70 |
Dr. Lalesh Kudale | ---- | 2525 years of experience | ₹ 200 |
Dr. Prabhakar Singh | ---- | 2424 years of experience | ₹ 80 |
Dr. Prashant Shinde | ---- | 1616 years of experience | ₹ 70 |
Dr. Mahesh Bangar | ---- | 1414 years of experience | ₹ 50 |
Questions & Answers on "Gastritis Treatment" (1440)
I have blood in my stool, no pain, only a discomfort while passing stool, feeling like stool is not clear, sometimes pain in my lower a abdomen. What should I do now?
Female | 45
You could be experiencing what is known as gastrointestinal bleeding. The blood in stool may come from various causes such as piles or inflammation. This incomplete bowel movement might be what’s making you feel uncomfortable and not fully relieving yourself. If there’s pain in the lower part of your tummy, it could signal something wrong with the intestines. Ensure that this matter is addressed by a gastroenterologist to establish the exact problem and receive appropriate treatment.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I got too much pain inside my left that due to spicy food.
Male | 29
Eating spicy food might likely be the reason behind the pain in your left abdomen, yet this pain might be caused by other reasons as well. This pain could be due to stomach problems or dysfunction of your organs. If you notice the pain is severe or lasts a long time, it's advisable to consult a gastroenterologist. In the meantime, you can try eating bland food and drinking a lot of water as a means to check if the pain subsides.
Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
My sgpt level is 82 it's serious or not
Male | 24
Your SGPT level is 82, which isn't too bad, but it's higher than the usual range. This might indicate problems with your liver such as fatty liver or hepatitis. If you feel tired all the time, unwell, or have pain in the upper right side of your tummy then these symptoms could also be related. To reduce a higher SGPT number in the blood focus on healthy eating habits while avoiding alcohol completely and keeping physically active. For more individualized recommendations it would be best to consult with a doctor.
Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
डॉक्टर मुझे अपनी समस्या साझा करनी है मुझे कुछ समय से पेट में दर्द होता था और बेचनी होती थी जिसके चलते मैंने एक पेट के डॉक्टर को दिखाया कुछ टेस्ट करवाएं जैसे सीबीसी थायराइड और लिवर आदि जिस्म से खून कम है 7 प्वाइंट है और थायरॉइड और लिवर टेस्ट नॉर्मल है और फिर एक अल्ट्रासाउंड करवाया जिसमें मुझे 18mm की पित्त पथरी (पित्ताशय की पथरी निकली जिसका समाधान ऑपरेशन बताया गया है उसने मुझे इसके लिए कुछ दवा दी 1 ZOVANTA DSR एक टैबलेट सुबह और एक शाम 2 OMEE MPS SYRUP 10ml सुबह और शाम 3 EMTY SYRUP जब जरूरी हो तब १ बड़ा चम्मच 4 RUBIRED SYRUP 10ml सुबह और शाम 5 LIMCEE TABLET एक टैबलेट सुबह और एक शाम 6 NUROKIND LC TAB एक टेबलेट दिन में एकबार 7 OROFER XT TAB ek tablet subha aur ek shaam जबसे मैंने खून बढ़ाने वाली दवा ली है जबसे मेरे हाथ और पैरों में सुजन आ गई है और मुझे चलने फिरने बैठने में दिक्कत हो रही है नासो में दर्द हो रहा है कृपया डॉक्टर इस सब परेशानी का कोई समाधान बताएं जिसका मेरा खून भी बंटा रहे और मुझे कोई अन्य दुष्प्रभाव भी ना दिखें
Female | 40
You are going through the swelling problem of your hands and feet after taking medication for blood level maintenance. This might be a consequence of some drugs. The limb swelling and the discomfort you are feeling might indicate a fluid retention issue. Your doctor should adjust your treatment plan to ensure that your blood levels are good and you do not have these side effects. Talk to your gastroenterologist about all your symptoms so that they can make the most appropriate choices for your health.
Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Am 26years old am feeling like bloating and sharp pain in lower abdomen
Female | 26
The feeling of being full with a sharp pain in the lower abdomen could be gas in your tummy or a stomach bug. Or maybe something you ate just didn't agree with you. Eating smaller meals and avoiding the foods that usually make you gassy can help. Drinking water regularly can also be beneficial. If the pain doesn't go away, visit a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
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