Male | 60
मुझे सीने और कंधे में दर्द क्यों होता है?
नमस्कार, मेरे दाहिने कंधे में और हृदय क्षेत्र के आसपास छाती में दर्द हो रहा है, लेकिन जब मैं अपने हृदय के लिए निर्धारित दवा लेता हूं। इससे दर्द कम नहीं होता. मुझे 2011 में एक बड़ा दिल का दौरा पड़ा था और मेरे पास वर्तमान में डिफाइब्रिलेटर है, इसलिए अब मैं एस्पिरिन, लिसेनाप्रिल और कुछ अन्य दवाएं लेता हूं, लेकिन मैंने देखा है कि मेरे बाईं ओर अभी भी दर्द है जिससे सांस लेना मुश्किल हो जाता है। मैं बर्तन साफ़ करने का काम करता हूँ और मैं ज़्यादा भारी सामान नहीं उठाता, इसलिए मुझे नहीं पता कि यह क्या हो सकता है। इसकी वजह से मैं मुश्किल से अपना हाथ उठा पाता हूं। कृपया मदद करे!
कार्डियक सर्जन
Answered on 23rd May '24
अपने पिछले दिल के दौरे और डिफिब्रिलेटर के बारे में आपको सूचित करना महत्वपूर्ण हैहृदय रोग विशेषज्ञइन नए लक्षणों के बारे में तुरंत बताएं. वे कारण की पहचान करने और उचित उपचार का सुझाव देने में मदद करेंगे।
69 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Heart" (200)
My BP 156/98. please suggest meditation or excercise doctor prescribe me "Amlodipine tablets 5"
Male | 55
Follow your doctor's prescription as high blood pressure can increase your risk of developing other health problems. Regular exercise and meditation can also be helpful in managing your blood pressure. Physical exercise, brisk walking, jogging, or cycling for at least 30 minutes a day can reduce blood pressure.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
Hi. Im getting pain in the left side of my body. It starts below heart and it goes where ribs are. Pain comes and goes every few days.
Male | 39
Consult a cardiologist as we need to check your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and possibly order additional tests to determine the actual cause.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
I recently switched medications from hctz to chlorthalidone. Should there be a difference typically?
Male | 40
Both HCTZ and chlorthalidone are used to treat high blood pressure and water retention. But chlorthalidone is known to have a longer duration of action and a higher potency compared to HCTZ. It is recommended to consult your cardiologist if you are experiencing any changes in your blood pressure or other symptoms after switching medications.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
A patient is there whose heart size had increased and his body is filled with water
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Soumya Poduval
I had pain under my chest I am not sure if it's chest pain or not I am really scared please help me
Male | 14
Chest pain can have various causes.. ranging from minor issues to more serious conditions. It could be related to problems with the muscles, bones, or joints in your chest, or it could be a symptom of a heart or lung related issue. Consult a cardiologist for a proper examination and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
I went to urgent care yesterday for chest pain. They told me that my EKG said that my heart might not be getting enough blood/oxygen flow on the right side, and could have been from a mini heat attack from smoking even though I’m only 17. Should I go to the hospital since I’ve had this pain now for about 3 days?..
Female | 17
I'd advise that you go to see a cardiologist very soon. Chest pain may present very serious issues with the heart, especially at your age. A cardiologist would further investigate the etiology by doing an echocardiogram or a stress test and then give appropriate management.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
Hello, my doctor prescribed me high blood pressure medication for my insomnia and I seen somewhere where it’s dangerous to take high blood pressure medicine without actually having it And I’m wondering if it will effect me
Female | 19
High bp medication is usually not prescribed if your bp is normal. The medication lowers bp and if its already normal, it can cause your bp to drop too low, which can lead to complications such as dizziness or fainting. In some cases medications used to treat high bp may also have sedative or calming effects, which is why your doctor may have prescribed it for your insomnia.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
Effects if there's a bit problem while replacing pacemaker
Male | 93
Issues with pacemakers can cause dizziness, shortness of breath, and an irregular pulse. Improper functioning or infection may lead to these complications. It's crucial to seek medical help promptly if you experience these symptoms. Solutions may involve adjusting the pacemaker's settings or replacing the device entirely.
Answered on 27th Sept '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
i just want to know that currently i am taking cortel 80 mg for high bp i have a confusion that after taking these high mg medicine we will take 40 mg these will work on me or not is there any myth or a reality??
Male | 46
It will be great to take the advice of your doctor when you are being prescribed medication for high blood pressure. Cortel 80 mg has been a commonly used a prescribed medication and it is important to talk to your doctor before you make any changes in your dosage. It is advised to have a word with your cardiologist if you have any doubts
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
I've been having pain in chest and shortness of breath
Female | 30
Based on your symptoms, it's important to seek medical attention immediately.... Chest pain and shortness of breath can be signs of a heart attack.. Other potential causes include a blood clot, pneumonia, or asthma. Only a qualified medical expert can properly diagnose and treat your condition.... Don't delay seeking treatment as it can be life-threatening....
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
Echogenic focus seen in left ventricle massuring approximately 2.9mm it's normal?
Female | 26
You have an echogenic focus measuring 2.9 mm in the left ventricle - this is often a meaningless discovery that isn’t associated with symptoms. This can happen when there are tiny deposits inside the heart muscle. The heart is still by all means okay with it. Always remember to check it during the regularly scheduled visits to make certain that everything is within normal limits.
Answered on 10th July '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
My mother has recently been diagnosed with a heart tumor. She was told that it was not causing problems with blood flow. Surgery was not advised. She has had three bouts with edema, one was serious. She had type 2 diabetes which is well controlled. She has high blood pressure. She is the most active woman her age that I have ever known. Why shouldn’t she have surgery? It doesn’t seem like the tumor is asymptomatic at all.
Female | 83
Sometimes, doctors may decide against surgery for heart tumors if they believe the risks outweigh the benefits, especially in older patients or those with other health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes. Her edema could be due to other factors. It is best to consult with a cardiologist who can give a detailed explanation and guide you on the best course of action.
Answered on 31st July '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
I am 41 years of old,male, I am feeling chest pain for many days, having bp of 150/100, now left arm pain ,back pain light headache is coming and going, consult doctor taken ECG carried out blood test telling that no problem,because of High BP you have this problem, but pain is consistent, what to do
Male | 41
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Dhananjay Zutshi
I have pain in my chest but x-ray and blood test, and mucus test are okay. What can happen to me?
Male | 21
Experiencing chest pain despite normal X-rays, blood tests, and mucus tests can have several possible explanations. It might be related to musculoskeletal issues, anxiety, acid reflux, or other respiratory conditions not easily detected by these initial tests. If the pain is related to heart issues, a cardiologist may be recommended for a more specialized evaluation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
ECG report showed the following, now my gp wishes for me to have an eco ultrasound, can you advise which of the below is a concern. Vent:79bpm Pr interval: 110ms QrS duration: 76ms QT/Qtc baz: 334/382 ms P-R-T: 70 -8 46
Female | 48
A longer than normal QT interval often shows up on an ECG. This could mean heart rhythms aren't normal. You might feel dizzy, pass out, or have pounding heartbeats. Having an echocardiogram helps see how your heart works. It's crucial to see your cardiologist. They'll look deeper into this and treat it properly.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
I underwent angioplasty 15 days back. Can i do following? Driving a car Walking Exercise Pranayama
Male | 54
Driving may resume within 1-2 weeks if feeling well. You can take short walks, but avoid strenuous exercise initially. Pranayama's benefits await, yet start gently, listening closely. Should chest pain or dizziness arise, cease activity and rest. You can also talk to your cardiologist for advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
Why my chest pain when I press the chest
Female | 28
Chest pain in where you push on your chest can be due to many reasons like muscle strain, injury, inflammation or even a heart attack. An evaluation by a cardiologist is necessary to exclude any cardiac problems.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
Your dad, who is 71 years old, experienced an ischemic stroke 14 days ago. As a result, he lost sensation on his right side and has some speech difficulties. He is currently taking medication for his condition. After the stroke, he experienced nausea and chest discomfort. Although he underwent cardiac tests, all the results came back normal. The cause of his chest discomfort and burning sensation is unclear at this point. I would like to know what may be the causes and whats the next step to take.
Male | 71
The causes of your father’s chest pain and burning sensations include acid reflux, anxiety or medication side effect. But considering his past medical history of ischemic stroke and age, a cardiac cause must be excluded. I suggest a cardiologist referral for further evaluation and treatment. He should continue with the medication used to treat his stroke and have regular visits from a health care provider.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
Hello, I am a long-distance runner. What should we do for constant heaviness and pain in the chest?
As per my understanding you are an athlete so you would be definitely fit but since you are complaining of constant chest pain and discomfort post lunch and dinner, kindly consult and get evaluated by a cardiologist. If he does not find any pathology in heart, then consult a Gastroenterologist for further evaluation; follow the treatment suggested by the doctors. Consult a cardiologist and Gastroenterologist. Hope our answer helps you. You can click on following links to find doctors who will help - 1.) 10 Best Cardiologist in India, 2.) Gastroenterologists in India.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Blood pressure cuff causes extreme pain, what to do?
Male | 41
Metal clip may be pressing your nerve put it where muscles are thicker.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Bhaskar Semitha
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