Male | 38
मैं 38 साल का पुरुष धावक हूं और मैराथन के लिए प्रशिक्षण ले रहा हूं, लेकिन कुछ दिनों में दौड़ते समय मेरी ऊर्जा खत्म हो जाती है और चक्कर आने लगते हैं और दौड़ जारी रखने में असमर्थ हो जाता हूं, अचानक भूख लगती है और लगभग सवा घंटे तक मेरी ताकत पूरी तरह खत्म हो जाती है और फिर मैं दौड़ जारी रखता हूं। मैंने देखा कि जांच के दौरान मेरा रक्तचाप कम हो गया (80/40) इसलिए मैंने रक्त परीक्षण, ईसीजी, छाती का एक्स-रे, साइनस एक्स-रे कराया और सब कुछ अच्छा है। इसका कारण क्या हो सकता है, और मुझे आगे क्या जाँच करनी चाहिए?

कार्डियक सर्जन
Answered on 23rd May '24
ये लक्षण निर्जलीकरण, निम्न रक्त शर्करा, इलेक्ट्रोलाइट असंतुलन, अत्यधिक परिश्रम जैसे कारकों के कारण हो सकते हैंकार्डियोवास्कुलरनियमित परीक्षणों द्वारा समस्याओं का पता नहीं लगाया जा सका। आपको एक परामर्श लेना चाहिएहृदय रोग विशेषज्ञव्यक्तिगत मार्गदर्शन के लिए आपके प्रशिक्षण आहार, पोषण और समग्र स्वास्थ्य का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए एथलीटों में विशेषज्ञता के साथ
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Questions & Answers on "Heart" (199)
im 20 year old girl have stinging heart that comes and goes happen for 7 years
Female | 20
It's crucial to go to a cardiologist to see if you have heart problems. I would highly recommend that you book a cardiologist appointment for an early evaluation and devising a treatment strategy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My BP goes high Dr said to consult a cardiologist . I am seeking best cardiologist in Delhi. Will you help me ?
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Facing high blood pressure
Male | 20
Hypertension is a serious condition, and regular medical check ups and following your doctor's advice are vital for your health and well being. If your high blood pressure requires specialized care or if your primary care doctor recommends further evaluation, they may refer you to a cardiologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am HCM patient.i am 38 years old.what is best treatment and medicine for me
Managing HCM at 38 isn’t easy, but it can be done. HCM thickens the muscles of the heart, which may affect the flow of blood. You might start experiencing chest pains, shortness of breath or even fainting spells. Taking drugs like beta blockers helps to calm down your heart as well as control these signs from occurring again. In addition, staying within certain limits when being active and not engaging in strenuous activities could work in your favor too. Always keep in mind that following what the doctor says is important!
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Report Risk and as level of cholestrol is high
Female | 45
If your cholesterol levels are high, it can increase your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. Your cardiologist may advice lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise. They can also recommend medications to help lower your cholesterol levels.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sar Dard ghabrahat blood pressure high blood pressure in normal ho raha hai parantu fir bhi sar dard ghabrahat ho hi rahi hai medicine se bhi kuchh aaram nahin lag raha
Male | 44
It seems like your blood pressure is fluctuating, and despite taking medication, you are still experiencing headaches and anxiety. This could be due to several underlying issues, so it’s important to consult a cardiologist. They can properly assess your condition and adjust your treatment accordingly.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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Hii,my hubby has undergone AVR in 2018 n he is a patient of Takayasu artiritis getting treated for this as during the surgery his Aorta size was 4.8 cm so doctor suggested only valve surgery n now after 2 yrs he is getting dizzy as something is gushing from chest to head n he feel dizzy n hot in head. plzz reply me why this is happening.
Takayasu's arteritis is a rare type of vasculitis disease. In Takayasu's arteritis, the inflammation damages the aorta, the pulmonary artery and major arteries that arise from the aorta. TA is also known as aortic arch syndrome. Treatment is medications and surgical approach like bypass, vessel widening and aortic valve repair or replacement. Regarding the symptoms experienced, you need to consult a cardiologist. Let him evaluate the patient and guide you accordingly. You can also refer to other experts for their second opinions - 10 Best Cardiologist in India.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My dad had Bypass surgery a one half month back and since that day onwards he is getting dry cough with no mucus, we met operating doctor and although he gave medicines its not controlling plz suggest something what should I do
Multiple factors may cause a persisting dry cough following bypass surgery – medication reaction or due to the surgical procedure itself. Follow up with your dad’s cardiologist who operated on him. If the current treatment does not work, they may need to change his medicines or find other reasons for coughing. Furthermore, it could be beneficial to consult a pulmonologist because sometimes lung related problems might be causing the problem. The best way to deal with this symptom effectively while ensuring your dad’s comfort and recovery is through prompt, proper medical evaluation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Struggle breathing, pain in heart
Female | 20
This might be a sign of severe heart disease. Promptly visit your doctor in such a case. I can provide you with a detailed referral to a cardiologist so that you can get a full assessment and proper diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I've been having pain in chest and shortness of breath
Female | 30
Based on your symptoms, it's important to seek medical attention immediately.... Chest pain and shortness of breath can be signs of a heart attack.. Other potential causes include a blood clot, pneumonia, or asthma. Only a qualified medical expert can properly diagnose and treat your condition.... Don't delay seeking treatment as it can be life-threatening....
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Low BP and on spironilactone for acne. BP was 99/60 on Monday. Today at 6:30am, it was 89/54 and at 7pm today it was 95/58. Have off and on nausea.
Female | 21
You seem to experience issues with hypotension and nausea. Spironolactone, a medication you take, can decrease blood pressure. When blood pressure declines excessively, dizziness and sickness may occur. Stay hydrated by consuming ample fluids. Additionally, opt for frequent small meals. If symptoms persist, consult your cardiologist promptly for guidance.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I went to urgent care yesterday for chest pain. They told me that my EKG said that my heart might not be getting enough blood/oxygen flow on the right side, and could have been from a mini heat attack from smoking even though I’m only 17. Should I go to the hospital since I’ve had this pain now for about 3 days?..
Female | 17
I'd advise that you go to see a cardiologist very soon. Chest pain may present very serious issues with the heart, especially at your age. A cardiologist would further investigate the etiology by doing an echocardiogram or a stress test and then give appropriate management.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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What could cause left and right upper chest pain, back pain and stomach pain
Female | 26
Left and right upper chest pain, back pain and stomach pain could be caused by a number of factors . Some of the possible causes are heart attack, acid reflux, pneumonia, anxiety , or muscle strain . It's important to SEEK medical attention if your symptoms persist or worsen. Your doctor can perform TESTS to determine the underlying cause and recommend appropriate TREATMENT. In the meantime, try to rest and avoid physical activity that may exacerbate your symptoms .
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi doctor. I have a question about my daughter. She has a deffecult problem in his heart. The doctors of Morocco tell me she has not a sulution.
Female | 11
Your daughter's heart problem sounds serious. Some heart issues are complex. Understand her symptoms. Different conditions have different causes and treatments. Get a second opinion from another cardiologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Chest pain sholder pain left side jyada rightside kam hai
Female | 28
Chest pain occurs because of issues related to the heart, lungs, muscles, bones, or even gastrointestinal system. Don't ignore severe pain or accompanying symptoms like shortness of breath or dizziness. Consult with a professional, preferably a cardiologist or general physician.. for a proper evaluation and appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Why my chest pain when I press the chest
Female | 28
Chest pain in where you push on your chest can be due to many reasons like muscle strain, injury, inflammation or even a heart attack. An evaluation by a cardiologist is necessary to exclude any cardiac problems.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello. I was sitting on the couch on my phone and started feeling a pain and comes and goes on my left arm. After a few minutes I started massaging my shoulder and back and it stopped. 1h after when I was falling asleep it came back and I massaged again and it stopped. Is it something I need to worry about?
Female | 24
Pain on the left arm can be one sign of a heart attack. These signs are more serious if a person has other risk factors, like high blood pressure, smoking, or a family history of heart disease. A cardiologist should be visited for more thorough investigations
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Discomfort around centre of the chest. Shortness of breath. Sometime there is light pricking pain on left side of the chest. Having gas problem. Please give me an opinion and also suggest a doctor.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have osteoporosis at a young age and a 5 cm tilt in my hip to the right and i have really stretchy skin and flexible muscles and bones so the reason I wanna talk to you is that I have suspicion that I have pots syndrome I have all the symptoms I found online and I did try to see my heart rate on my watch while laying down then standing up and it was rise of about 30 beats every time I tried it and I do feel tired and numb most times that I walking or standing in general when I asked my doctor about that he told me that it’s common for those symptoms because of osteoporosis but unfortunately I don’t have my doctors information right now and up to this point we still don’t know the cause of my osteoporosis I don’t want to ask my parents to take me to a doctor because I don’t want to worry them although they took me to many doctors because of my dizziness and fainting I didn’t wanna bring my suspicions up because I felt uncomfortable I hope that you can answer my question and tell me if it is possibility and I would love to tell you more about my symptoms
Female | 18
Based on your symptoms, this syndrome might be POTS. POTS possesses an excessive heart rate while sitting down, as well as weak and dizzy upon standing. For further evaluation and diagnosis, you are advised to visit a cardiologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Had heart attack .main artery blocked 100% procedure done .stent implanted
Male | 36
Ok. Actually the procedure helps open the blocked artery and prevent future blockages. After cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle changes are normally recommended to take care of heart health and reduce the risk of heart issues in future. Still consult your cardiologist for personalized advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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