Female | 32
मेरे कान के निचले भाग पर काले बिंदु वाला गुलाबी धब्बा क्या है?
मेरे कान के निचले भाग पर एक धब्बा है। पहले काला था, अब गुलाबी हो गया है। बीच में एक काला धब्बा है। मुझे दर्द नहीं होता। यह क्या है?

त्वचा विशेषज्ञ
Answered on 16th July '24
यदि कान छिदवाने के बाद आपके कान के निचले भाग पर कोई उभार आ गया है, तो इससे दर्द तो नहीं होगा, लेकिन बीच में गहरे या काले धब्बे के साथ गुलाबी दिखाई दे सकता है। इन्हें अक्सर पियर्सिंग बम्प्स कहा जाता है और ये आमतौर पर जलन या संक्रमण के कारण होते हैं। इसे नमकीन घोल से धीरे से साफ करने का प्रयास करें और छेदन को बहुत अधिक छूने या बदलने से बचें। यदि इसमें सुधार नहीं होता है या दर्द होने लगता है, तो कृपया देखने के लिए अपॉइंटमेंट लेंत्वचा विशेषज्ञआगे की सहायता के लिए जल्द ही।
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Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (2017)
I suffering from ringworm from the last 4 months I have used so many creame but not use, can you please suggest powerful treatment for ringworm for short duration
Male | 18
Ringworm, an itchy skin issue, has troubled you for a while. It comes from a fungus. Red, scaly patches appear. Over-the-counter creams may fail to work well enough. Visiting a dermatologist is wise. They can prescribe stronger medication, like antifungal pills. These will clear the infection quickly and completely.
Answered on 13th Aug '24
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I have developed rashes around my vagina and it’s spreading to my anus area. It’s itching. Please what is the cause and treatment.
Female | 21
You might have a yeast infection. Yeast is the name of the genus of fungi that can cause red, itchy rashes in warm moist body parts like the vagina and anus. Other symptoms may be inflammation, swelling, and a white, clumpy discharge. With this, doctors can give you antifungal creams that you can buy over the counter, but it is essential to see a dermatologist to confirm the diagnosis and get the right treatment.
Answered on 10th Sept '24
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My roommate has said she had a cold sore for the last two days. And I’m a bit worried. She gave me a piece of food that she bit off of and offered me and also a drink (I didn’t drink off the straw, rather just our the cup) I’m a bit nervous, I’m not sure if she had an outbreak during those times but it was about two / three days ago. Could herpes be spread in that way? (I definitely could be uneducated but just a bit nervous)
Female | 20
Cold sores result from the herpes simplex virus spread by close contact such as kissing or sharing eating utensils. Nonetheless, passing herpes through sharing food or drinks is very unlikely. Signs may commence with a tingling sensation and itching feeling then develop into blisters on the lips or around the mouth. To avoid contracting herpes simplex virus, refrain from sharing cutlery and glasses besides washing hands often.
Answered on 15th July '24
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It started with an itch and I constantly scratched it and it got red inflamed and possible signs of infection!
Female | 22
You might be struggling with a skin problem called dermatitis. What is common is to scratch the itch often. It will make the skin red and inflamed. In the case of an infection, the signs can be warmth and pus. Scratching should be stopped, and the area kept clean. A gentle moisturizer can work. If it doesn't get better, visit a dermatologist.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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l have itchy legs for last two weeks and it itch constantly.What should i do?
Male | 15
When skin is dry, it tends to be more during winter. It could also result from an allergy to something like soap or lotion. Moreover, conditions such as eczema may affect the skin too. Try to solve this problem by using a lot of moisturizing lotion, changing your soap to the one that does not react, and stopping scratching to avoid infections. If these measures fail, then see a dermatologist.
Answered on 16th July '24
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I have some rashes and i dont know what it id
Female | 19
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, about a week ago I started having sensitivity in my nose, bad breath from the left side of my nostril, a feeling of a lump in my nose and a slight asymmetry between the two nostrils, I looked in the mirror and saw in the left nostril only two lumps, one below and one above
Female | 18
You may have a nasal polyp. Nasal polyps are growths inside the nose that can cause sensitivity, bad breath, a feeling of a lump, and nostril asymmetry. Common causes are allergies and chronic inflammation. To assist your symptoms, you ought to visit an ENT specialist. They may recommend treatments such as nasal sprays or surgery.
Answered on 9th Oct '24
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I have a Defect on the bottom lip. I’m so concerned
Male | 18
The most common causes of a defect on the lip can be injuries, infections, or allergies. Symptoms might include pain, swelling, or redness. To help, keep the area clean, avoid irritants, and consider using a lip balm with soothing ingredients like aloe vera or coconut oil. Remember, if it gets worse or doesn’t improve, visit a dermatologist.
Answered on 29th May '24
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I m suffering from right underarm swelling and pain when I press it
Female | 24
You might have a swollen lymph node or an infection under your right arm. It's important to visit a general surgeon or a dermatologist to get it checked properly. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent any complications. Please don't delay consulting a specialist for your condition.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
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Hi I'm got some infection on my private part on my penis so I want to consult doctor
Male | 32
You might be suffering from a genital infection that has affected your penis. This infection's symptoms could be redness, itchiness, strange discharge, or a hurt while you urinate. Infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. The first thing you need to do is wash and dry the genital area. You should not have sex until the infection is gone. You may do better with the homeowner antifungal or antibacterial cream you may buy, but if the symptoms are still there, you better go to a urologist.
Answered on 5th July '24
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Hii sir mere face pe pimple ki wajah se daag ho gya hai to theek kaise hoga
Male | 16
Hi , pimple marks can be treated by using topical creams containing retinoids, vitamin C or glycolic acids . One should also strive to follow a good skincare regimen and not squeeze their pimples. If the scars are deep, one should consider seeking medical attention from a dermatologist specialized in treating skin conditions.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My daughter has a small raised bumps on her Arms and legs my gp won’t see her until next week
Female | 8
From what you say, your daughter may be a candidate for a common skin condition called keratosis pilaris. It leads to small, raised bumps on the arms and legs. Potentially, these bumps may be rough and can be either red or flesh-colored. Keratosis pilaris is the result of the skin cells blocking hair follicles. Suggest her to use a scrub and moisturizing creams to help skin improvement. Stay away from rubbing or scratching the bumps. If the bumps don't disappear or get more severe, take her to a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis.
Answered on 8th Oct '24
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Hi ..i am 30 yr old girl and unmarried .I have acne breakouts in my face and back ..its so painful and sometime it turns white and give blood from that without touching too .i tried lot of home remedy solutions but still breakout doesn't goes away .
Female | 30
Acne management is a comprehensive approach. That acquires removing of oil using proper facewash, containing salicylic acid, or lactic acid, then avoiding oiling of the scalpels and using tropicals containing cleaner and antibiotics and if hormonal imbalances there, that has to be corrected. So please visit our nearest dermatologist for the same.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Black dots on nose & both side face
Female | 24
Those dark spots are called blackheads. Hair follicles get blocked by oil and dead skin cells. It happens frequently if you have oily skin. Wash face daily with gentle cleanser. Do not try squeezing blackheads. Use non-comedogenic skin products. If blackheads stay, see a dermatologist.
Answered on 8th Aug '24
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Sclerotherapy karne se gaat ho gayi hei
Male | 20
At first, the treated area might get a small bump or red spot, which is normal and could be a minor skin reaction. It may feel a bit tender or itchy for a few days. Using a cool compress can help ease the discomfort. If you experience sudden pain, notice the redness spreading, or feel the area getting hotter than the skin around it, call your dermatologist.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
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I believe I have balanitis, I have redness foreskin, redness on tip of the penis, inflammation, and sensitive
Male | 19
Balanitis is what you are probably suffering from. Balanitis refers to a situation when the foreskin of the penis or its tip becomes red, inflamed, and sensitive. The reasons could be not cleaning the foreskin, irritation due to soaps, or even infections. To assist, guarantee that the area is kept clean and dry, avoid using harsh soaps, and you may need a dermatologist to prescribe medication.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
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Dear Doctor I am 38 years old and for the last two weeks I am having dryness, itching and some blisters on my pubic area. Itching is too much, I am applying almond oil, if I stop applying oil, dryness come again, I have done shaving over there.. after that I got too many blisters and itching. Please suggest some ointment and medicine
Female | 38
Dryness or itching are usually due to fungal or allergic infection. Don't use almond oil or any other product on the affected area since it can worsen the condition. Consult a dermatologist and let them check and they may recommend a topical ointment or antifungal or antibiotic cream.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am a 21 year old male guy who has been taking medications since last 3-4 years for my acne treatment. It has been effective too but every summer it occurs back. I just wanted to know does laser treatment works for acne prone skin?
Male | 21
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My daughter name is clarisha leon.she has an genetic issue called Ectodermal dispalasiya .. could you please suggest me an possible treatment for it???
Female | 6
Ectodermal dysplasia can interfere with the normal development of teeth, hair, sweat glands, and nails. There is no treatment for this condition, but some medicines can help relieve the symptoms. Your daughter may need dental care, a prosthetic denture, and other services as she grows up. It is necessary to cooperate closely with a dentist to devise the treatment plan that best meets her needs.
Answered on 9th Aug '24
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I have really big air blisters on both my big toes
Male | 18
Foot blisters often happen when shoes rub against the skin. Big air blisters on your big toes can be particularly uncomfortable. To help them heal, try cushioned bandages and well-fitting shoes. Don't pop them yourself, that risks infection. Visit a dermatologist if you need to.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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