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Female | 66

मैं तीन दिन के सिरदर्द के साथ सो क्यों नहीं पाता?

पिछले तीन दिनों से मेरे सिर में दर्द है और मैं सो नहीं पा रहा हूँ

Answered on 26th Aug '24

कई दिनों तक रहने वाला सिरदर्द कई कारणों का लक्षण हो सकता है। यह तनाव, निर्जलीकरण या नींद की कमी के कारण हो सकता है। कुछ मामलों में, यह अधिक खतरनाक बीमारी का संकेत हो सकता है। आप ढेर सारा पानी पीने, अंधेरे कमरे में आराम करने और सोने से पहले लाइट स्क्रीन से बचने की कोशिश कर सकते हैं। यदि समस्या बनी रहती है तो परामर्श लेना बेहतर हैन्यूरोलॉजिस्टइसके लिए.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (706)

It's the middle of the night and I keep stretching my legs my arms and everything continuously and it's driving me crazy and I don't seem to fall asleep what's wrong with me??

Female | 15

You might be feeling the restless legs syndrome. It is a kind of disorder that can lead to you wanting to move your legs (or even hands) all the time, especially during the night. It can greatly affect the process of falling asleep. Restless legs syndrome is usually due to low iron, numerous medications, or other health conditions. Reaching the reason beneath it and then applying some life changes can help. Visit a health specialist for a personalized answer.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Help me dr headache problem

Male | 22

There are many reasons why people get headaches.  For example, pressure or strain due to stress can cause it; failure to drink water may also contribute, and spending too much time looking at a screen can be another factor.  To relieve yourself of these symptoms ensure that you are taking enough water and breaks as much as possible from screens while getting adequate sleep each night. If they persist then see a doctor immediately.

Answered on 3rd June '24

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Symptoms - headaches especially during day and evening with will no vomit, lack of left body coordination

Male | 17

You should visit a neurologist right away. Such complaints may suggest a neurological disorder that calls for the services of a specialist to be managed. Make no delay in getting proper medical help because the sooner the diagnosis is made the better the outcome will be.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can you please suggest some nontropics medicines which can remove Amyloid Plaques from the brain ?

Male | 53

Amyloid plaques in the brain are associated with memory issues and confusion which are typical of Alzheimer's disease. Nontropic drugs which are the drugs being studied for their possible use in removing the plaques are still in the research phase. Currently, there isn't a particular medicine that can do this. Consuming a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and stimulating your mind are all great ways to support brain health.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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I always feel my body shaking, hot and get confused thinking, what is wrong with me?

Male | 18

You are likely having some of the panic attack symptoms. In such moments, your body may tremble and be hot; you could also have a feeling of confusion. Panic attacks may be caused by factors such as stress, anxiety, or strong emotions. To help, try slow, deep breaths, calming thoughts, and talking to someone you trust about how you're feeling. 

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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I’ve been Dey for over 6months and today I woke up to see that I bed wet

Male | 18

Bedwetting, also called nighttime enuresis, happens when urine is released during sleep. It can be caused by factors like a small bladder, deep sleep, or stress. While it's common in kids, some adults experience it too. To help, limit fluids before bed, use the bathroom before sleeping, and try a bathroom alarm. If it continues, consult a doctor for more solutions.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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I'm from the country and all waste water accumulates in a septic tank. My parents don't usually call that truck home to dump the contents, they take care of it by dumping all the liquid in their own garden on a corn crop. Indeed, we do not actually eat the corn, but we do eat the rest of the nearby plants. But the birds they have, and from which we consume the eggs, consume some of that corn. I am very concerned about my physical health, especially my brain, and my fear is that I may have ingested substances from detergents/toothpaste over time, such as fluoride, which I know is neurotoxic, or other strong substances, etc. . . The usual analyzes always turned out fine for me. I drew their attention to these things and they told me that there are other people who do the same thing and apparently nothing happened. Should I worry/do something about it? I'm thinking that maybe those substances in the detergents and everything that gets there affect the nervous system, the brain. The plants in the garden show no signs of damage, probably because the detergents contain substances similar to fertilizers. Also, I'm wondering if from the feces, if some guest is infected with some parasite, and they then end up on the soil, can I also get them through the plants and affect components of my SN? Does all this accumulate in them? I can't stop eating food/eggs from home because I just started college, I have 6 more years until I can choose what and when to eat, have my own salary. I was thinking that for my own peace of mind, I would have a brain MRI this year to make sure everything is ok, as well as the usual urine test, which he can arrange for from the GP. Do you think it's okay?

Male | 18

While it's natural to worry, it's unlikely that the small amount of substances from detergents or toothpaste in the water would cause significant harm to your brain. Eating the food grown in the garden is generally safe, as plants can filter out harmful substances. It's encouraging to know that your health reports are okay. Getting a brain MRI and urine test for peace of mind is a proactive step, and it's okay to do. 

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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  3. I have head ache for the past 3 days and I couldnt sleep